21 words from FISA court

HedonistForever's Avatar
Sean Hannity was right and every single Democrat lead by Adam Schiff and every MSM including TV like CNN and MSNBC and newspapers like NYT and WAPO got it wrong. You were lied to repeatedly for 3 years.

The FBI and deep state didn't make "error's", they committed fraud on the FISA court and now a judge has finally said so.


The 21 words uttered by FISA court that change the Russia collusion case forever

Judge rules for first time FBI misled, rejecting years of excuse making and suggesting process reforms won't be enough.

For much of the last three years, key law enforcement leaders have insisted they did nothing wrong in pursuing counterintelligence surveillance warrants targeting the Trump campaign starting during the 2016 election. And, they've added, if mistakes were made, they were unintentional process errors downstream from them and not an effort to deceive the judges.

But in a little-noted passage in a recent order, U.S. District Judge James A. Boasberg, the new chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, took direct aim at the excuses and blame-shifting of these senior Obama administration FBI and DOJ officials.

In just 21 words, Boasberg provided the first judicial declaration the FBI had misled the court, not just committed process errors. "There is thus little doubt that the government breached its duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications," Boasberg wrote.

The no-fault mantra has been spread by everyone from President Trump's former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, who insisted the DOJ took its responsibility to submit "admissible evidence, credible witnesses" very seriously, to the ex-FBI Director James Comey, who declared recently it was "nonsense" to suggest the bureau opened a probe without good cause.

Some of these defenses — including a focus on fixing process suggested by current FBI chief Christopher Wray — have persisted even after Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a damning report in December finding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant applications targeting former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page were riddled with mistakes, including 17 examples of misconduct, misinformation or outright lies.

Judge Boasbergdrew headlines last week for an order suspending all FBI and DOJ lawyers involved in the Russia collusion case from appearing before his court until it is determined whether they engaged in misconduct.

But of greater long-term significance was his language pinning responsibility for FISA abuses squarely on senior officials, not just lower-level line agents and lawyers who prepared the warrant applications.

"The frequency and seriousness of these errors in a case that, given its sensitive nature, had an unusually high level of review at both DOJ and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have called into question the reliability of the information proffered in other FBI applications," Boasberg wrote.
In another words, he is worried the bad conduct exhibited by the FBI may extend to more cases affecting others' civil liberties.

Finally, Boasberg put Wray on notice — even while praising the current director — that process fixes alone won't suffice.
"The errors the OIG pointed out cannot be solved through procedures alone," he wrote. "DOJ and the FBI, including all personnel involved in the FISA process, must fully understand and embrace the heightened duties of probity and transparency that apply in ex parte proceedings."
Boasberg's ruling was far more than a temporary suspension of FBI personnel's participation in the FISA court. It is the first and only judicial finding in the Russia case that the FBI vastly misled the nation's intelligence court and that blame must be shouldered by federal law enforcement's top leaders, many of whom have spent much of the last three years trying to escape such accountability.

For those who have begged the FISA court for years to more aggressively rebuke the conduct in the Russia case, Boasberg's ruling was a welcome step in the right direction and a first effort to end the excuse-making. But those critics are holding out for more, including prosecutions or disciplinary action.
In the meantime, those who led the FBI and DOJ through that turbulent time — Comey and his deputy Andrew McCabe, as well as former acting Attorney General Sally Yates and Rosenstein — must come to grips with this new reality. A judge has formally concluded that his court was misled by the work product they oversaw and signed.

But will they be held accountable for such blatant violation of law? I won't hold my breath.

When I heard this story a short while ago, I went looking for the story to report here, do you think NYT or WAPO or CNN or MSNBC has this story up on their sites? Hell, not even Fox news had it up! Only "Justthenews.com" had the story.

https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=21+words +FISA+Court&sourceid=opera&ie= UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"There is thus little doubt that the government breached its duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications,"

we told ya so!


eccieuser9500's Avatar
Is John Solomon just making shit up?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The Hill finds John Solomon 'failed' to identify key details of sources


The Hill also raised questions — which it says remain unanswered — about Solomon's relationships with President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and his associate Lev Parnas, who were central figures driving the suggestion of wrongdoing by the Bidens in Ukraine. Though Solomon has claimed he relied on Parnas as a "facilitator" to connect him with sources in Ukraine, Hill staff said the communications uncovered in the House impeachment investigation pointed to deeper ties.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
"There is thus little doubt that the government breached its duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications,"

we told ya so!


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

If you say so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you say so. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

No .. the Judge said so!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if confirmed, fisa court basically just unraveled the very reason for going after trump in the first place. this will affect cases up stream.
HedonistForever's Avatar
[QUOTE=eccieuser9500;1061984697]The Hill finds John Solomon 'failed' to identify key details of sources



Uh, I'm sorry but what does John Solomon have to do with FISA abuse? Are you merely trying to deflect from the FISA abuse story because you don't believe it or you feel like deflection is the only "reasonable" way you can think of to get people not to think of FISA abuse by the FBI, and multiple persons in the Obama administration?

I mean, that was pure desperation on a scale unseen before.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Is John Solomon just making shit up? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Are you just making shit up? Want to comment on anything having to do with what the FISA court said about abuse by the FBI and all those involved with spying on an American citizen under false pretenses?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are you just making shit up? Want to comment on anything having to do with what the FISA court said about abuse by the FBI and all those involved with spying on an American citizen under false pretenses? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

he's making shit up and guilty of


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2020, 05:20 AM
Sean Hannity was right and every single Democrat lead by Adam Schiff and every MSM including TV like CNN and MSNBC and newspapers like NYT and WAPO got it wrong. You were lied to repeatedly for 3 years.

The FBI and deep state didn't make "error's", they committed fraud on the FISA court and now a judge has finally said so.


The 21 words uttered by FISA court that change the Russia collusion case forever

Judge rules for first time FBI misled, rejecting years of excuse making and suggesting process reforms won't be enough.

For much of the last three years, key law enforcement leaders have insisted they did nothing wrong in pursuing counterintelligence surveillance warrants targeting the Trump campaign starting during the 2016 election. And, they've added, if mistakes were made, they were unintentional process errors downstream from them and not an effort to deceive the judges.

But in a little-noted passage in a recent order, U.S. District Judge James A. Boasberg, the new chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, took direct aim at the excuses and blame-shifting of these senior Obama administration FBI and DOJ officials.

In just 21 words, Boasberg provided the first judicial declaration the FBI had misled the court, not just committed process errors. "There is thus little doubt that the government breached its duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications," Boasberg wrote.

The no-fault mantra has been spread by everyone from President Trump's former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, who insisted the DOJ took its responsibility to submit "admissible evidence, credible witnesses" very seriously, to the ex-FBI Director James Comey, who declared recently it was "nonsense" to suggest the bureau opened a probe without good cause.

Some of these defenses — including a focus on fixing process suggested by current FBI chief Christopher Wray — have persisted even after Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a damning report in December finding the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant applications targeting former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page were riddled with mistakes, including 17 examples of misconduct, misinformation or outright lies.

Judge Boasbergdrew headlines last week for an order suspending all FBI and DOJ lawyers involved in the Russia collusion case from appearing before his court until it is determined whether they engaged in misconduct.

But of greater long-term significance was his language pinning responsibility for FISA abuses squarely on senior officials, not just lower-level line agents and lawyers who prepared the warrant applications.

"The frequency and seriousness of these errors in a case that, given its sensitive nature, had an unusually high level of review at both DOJ and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have called into question the reliability of the information proffered in other FBI applications," Boasberg wrote.
In another words, he is worried the bad conduct exhibited by the FBI may extend to more cases affecting others' civil liberties.

Finally, Boasberg put Wray on notice — even while praising the current director — that process fixes alone won't suffice.
"The errors the OIG pointed out cannot be solved through procedures alone," he wrote. "DOJ and the FBI, including all personnel involved in the FISA process, must fully understand and embrace the heightened duties of probity and transparency that apply in ex parte proceedings."
Boasberg's ruling was far more than a temporary suspension of FBI personnel's participation in the FISA court. It is the first and only judicial finding in the Russia case that the FBI vastly misled the nation's intelligence court and that blame must be shouldered by federal law enforcement's top leaders, many of whom have spent much of the last three years trying to escape such accountability.

For those who have begged the FISA court for years to more aggressively rebuke the conduct in the Russia case, Boasberg's ruling was a welcome step in the right direction and a first effort to end the excuse-making. But those critics are holding out for more, including prosecutions or disciplinary action.
In the meantime, those who led the FBI and DOJ through that turbulent time — Comey and his deputy Andrew McCabe, as well as former acting Attorney General Sally Yates and Rosenstein — must come to grips with this new reality. A judge has formally concluded that his court was misled by the work product they oversaw and signed.

But will they be held accountable for such blatant violation of law? I won't hold my breath.

When I heard this story a short while ago, I went looking for the story to report here, do you think NYT or WAPO or CNN or MSNBC has this story up on their sites? Hell, not even Fox news had it up! Only "Justthenews.com" had the story.

https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=21+words +FISA+Court&sourceid=opera&ie= UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
TLDR....sober up Wacko.
where oh where is the shocked umbrage from what should be the now sobered and somber but once idealistic true blue believers and followers of obama like wtf?

where are the protectors and defenders of civil liberties?

oh, their lamb suits have been removed and, my, what big teeth they have
rexdutchman's Avatar
Right , Liars and cheaters for Odumboo and H ALL politico that fact alone should scare the shit outa people
HoeHummer's Avatar
Sean Hannity must be some famous Irish bartender.

We don’t knows who the fucks he is...

But if he knows how to serve a cold Puppers with a shot of Gus N Bru back, then he is right.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Right , Liars and cheaters for Odumboo and H ALL politico that fact alone should scare the shit outa people Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Scared of what fact? The fact that Sean Hannity has been spinning lies for the last two decades? His credibility is on the same level as the fat guy squatting in the Oval Office. Nobody’s scared but you, that’s Hannitys controlling mechanism at work.