Biden Lies about not confiscating Weapons

  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2020, 11:31 AM
Biden Tells Detroit Auto Plant Worker He's 'Full of Sh*t' on Gun Control

Biden appointed Beto as his "Gun Czar" - and Beto has clearly pledge to confiscate all AR-15's - in defiance of the second amendment. Senile joe obviously cannot remember that commitment - and Lies to a Detroit Worker on a tour.

Classic DPST race - the Communist v the Senile Communist

- Biden is running the same basic platform as Bernie on open borders, Medicare for All, gun confiscation, The Soylent Green new Deal, higher taxes and more spending on illegals, rights of illegals over citizens, and the usual fascist DPST socialism
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden told a Detroit auto plant worker "you're full of sh*t" Tuesday in a confrontation over the Second Amendment and gun control.
Dozens of Detroit auto workers recorded a heated argument between Biden and an auto plant worker during a Michigan campaign stop Tuesday morning. The former vice president repeatedly expressed his support for the Constitution's Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, and told a throng of men wearing construction worker gear that he has never claimed he will take Americans' guns away.
WATCH: "You're full of sh*t," @JoeBiden tells a man who accused him of "actively trying to end our Second Amendment right."
"I support the Second Amendment," Biden adds while vising under-construction auto plant in Detroit. @CBSNews
— Bo Erickson CBS (@BoKnowsNews) March 10, 2020
"You are actively trying to infringe our Second Amendment right and take away our guns," the man says as the two stand in the middle of a swarm of hard hat-wearing workers. "You're full of sh*t," Biden responds, staring directly at him for several seconds.
"I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment, just like right now if you yell 'fire' that's not free speech," Biden says, before listing several firearms he owns including a 12-gauge shotgun. "Guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapons. I'm not taking your gun away at all."
The man appears to dismiss Biden expressing support for gun ownership rights and again claimed, "You said you're going to take our guns away."
"I did not say that," Biden replied.
Biden's campaign office did not immediately respond to Newsweek's request for comment or context regarding the confrontation Tuesday.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Nice article on Bidens gun control thoughts below. Per Joe, don't need 2nd amendment regardless cause citizens can't fight F15s.
Yo, Jo, folks I used to work with can drop a wolf at 2 plus football fields.
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2020, 12:38 PM
UC- Thank You for a good article.

Biden is hardly the "moderate centrist the Fascist DPST's are pretending - he is very close to Bernie on his socialist stands.

The Fascist DPST's have recognized tht a majority of Americans in nov 2020 will not be hoodwinked by the Lies regarding Biden - he is just a pre-senile Elderly man too weak and confused to resist the party cover-up, so they can unleash a Socialist after the election.

Beto has made it clear, and Biden has co-opted his viewpoint and him - in the Cause to confiscate legal weapons from law-abiding Americans.

Swalwell was appropriately ridiculed into obscurity for his threat to use nukes on Middle America - Biden has done the same using USAF fighter jet on law abiding citizens who oppose the Fascist DPST regime they plan to instigate.

And just Who is threatening civil war to confiscate weapons?????
Look to yourselves - Leftists.

How many of the Leftists will now complain "No One is coming after your guns'- as has been stated here in the Forum by Fascist DPST'S????

Any comment , Leftists????
Jaxson66's Avatar
Biden isn’t coming after my guns, but the Biden coalition will be coming for all those “ modern day sporting rifles “ for sure. My old revolver isn’t on that list but my 2nd gen Glock is. Big difference. The Dems hold the House and drain the cesspool known as the Senate they’ll get it done.
Redhot1960's Avatar
lying dog-face pony soldiers, bofem!

We all know what Biden and Bluto 0'rourke said...

I hope they start here first...
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2020, 01:22 PM
Biden isn’t coming after my guns, but the Biden coalition will be coming for all those “ modern day sporting rifles “ for sure. My old revolver isn’t on that list but my 2nd gen Glock is. Big difference. The Dems hold the House and drain the cesspool known as the Senate they’ll get it done. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

j666 is unable to take Beto and Biden and Bernie at their words - such closed minded denial. Enjoy Biden unleashing f-16's on your house if you legally possess a weapon!

got your medical certificate ready for the wall of your kiosk yet, j666?
I wonder how folks will react to a firefighter practicing medicine.

Oh - I forgot- there won't be any more doctors or nurses with Bernie / Biden - under no Medicare for Anybody - because there won't be anything but rationing.

none so blind as will not see!!!

Thanks j666
The senile SOB campaigned that “Beto” would be his Gun Grab Guru.

That says it all right there.
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666 is unable to take Beto and Biden and Bernie at their words - such closed minded denial. Enjoy Biden unleashing f-16's on your house if you legally possess a weapon!

No need for F16’s I’ll sell them back, I ain’t scared.

got your medical certificate ready for the wall of your kiosk yet, j666?
I wonder how folks will react to a firefighter practicing medicine.

there’s lots a folks who are living today because of paramedic/ firefighters, ask them.

Oh - I forgot- there won't be any more doctors or nurses with Bernie / Biden - under no Medicare for Anybody - because there won't be anything but rationing.

If you say so, but it sounds like a personal problem

none so blind as will not see!!!

You got that shit right, but aimed in the wrong direction

Thanks j666 Originally Posted by oeb11
Biden isn’t coming after my guns, but the Biden coalition will be coming for all those “ modern day sporting rifles “ for sure. My old revolver isn’t on that list but my 2nd gen Glock is. Big difference. The Dems hold the House and drain the cesspool known as the Senate they’ll get it done. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Just you can crawl up into the fetal position and hope for the best.

Joe Biden is dangerous. He is too fukin’ senile and stupid to realize America will not go along with his “gun grab”.

Even his former boss President Obama knew that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2020, 03:00 PM
j666 is unable to take Beto and Biden and Bernie at their words -

none so blind as will not see!!!
Originally Posted by oeb11
And what about Trump?

The Republican presidential front-runner said in a wide-ranging interview with The Washington Post that he’d be able to get rid of the more than $19 trillion debt “over a period of eight years.”
"A free People ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient Arms and Ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own Government". Our first President of the United States George Washington made that statement. I am sure he meant it and patriotic American believe in it still today. If Beto and Biden aren't aware of it they are in for a very rude awakening.
Redhot1960's Avatar
And what about Trump? Originally Posted by WTF
Grab your ankles, baby. Let TRUMP grab your rock & roll hair...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Interesting that the Dim leaders are going entirely fascist. Perhaps they forget how many of us know how to operate heavy equipment.
Hell, I jumped up on a 30 ton Cat dozer last summer to prove to a snot nosed kid I could still spin it in a cute ballerina pirouette.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
lying dog-face pony soldiers, bofem!

We all know what Biden and Bluto 0'rourke said...

I hope they start here first... Originally Posted by Redhot1960

could this idiot Biden try any harder to turn off voters? telling someone they are full of shit? what a dickhead. people are going to confront him on purpose more and more to provoke him. and they aren't going to be Trump voters, but some will be of course. they will be democrats who will get in Biden's face. he'll flip out and the negative fallout will be big.

here's the Burrito and Corn in his poop FrankenBiden plotting to take away "assault weapons"
Jaxson66's Avatar
Just you can crawl up into the fetal position and hope for the best.

I was hoping for the best in 2016, that certainly hasn’t materialized. Your guy hasn’t told the truth since day one, a liar is often a thief...

Joe Biden is dangerous. He is too fukin’ senile and stupid to realize America will not go along with his “gun grab”.

Amerika might not but the United States of America is poised to do just that...

Even his former boss President Obama knew that..

Yeah well, Biden’s a white guy with gun reform groups supporting him across the nation. I smell a ban on certain weapons, replacement parts, ammo, etc.. no big deal. . Originally Posted by Jackie S