This should makes yous all feel safer — Trump has Kushner working on coronavirus...

HoeHummer's Avatar
I knows a whole lots of you are now breathing easier because Trump has his criminal capo on the job.

You’ll be out of the woods shortly, eh!

Report: Jared Kushner Is “Researching” the Coronavirus, Will Tell the Government What to Do Soon
Bess LevinMarch 11, 2020

If you’re a sentient being living in the world right now, there’s a good chance that you have a minimum level of anxiety about the novel coronavirus that, contrary to some people’s claims, kills many more people than the flu, by a factor of 10. If you’re living in the United States, that anxiety might be heightened by the fact that a certifiable moron is in charge of the country which, combined with the gutting of vital agencies, plus a fear among top officials of telling him things he doesn’t want to hear, has led to a hugely botched response to stopping the spread of the virus. But today brings news that we’re confident will totally put your worries to rest. Whereas last night you might have tossed and turned with fright about what the next days, weeks, and months could hold, tonight you’ll sleep like a baby, content in the knowledge that everything is going to be fine. Scratch that, better than fine. Great, even. Whereas terror might have gripped your waking moments, now there will only be a sense of calm. Why? Because Jared Kushner is on the case.

At the White House, some of Trump’s closest aides have debated whether an emergency declaration is needed to ensure those resources are available. But they have yet to make a recommendation to Trump, according to the people familiar with the situation. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is pushing for the designation but Vice President Mike Pence, who Trump tapped to lead the administration’s coronavirus response, doesn’t want Trump to act until Congress passes a stimulus package, according to two of the people.
I see you're in FULL DEMPANIC mode.
I knows a whole lots of you are now breathing easier because Trump has his criminal capo on the job.

You’ll be out of the woods shortly, eh!

Report: Jared Kushner Is “Researching” the Coronavirus, Will Tell the Government What to Do Soon
Bess LevinMarch 11, 2020

If you’re a sentient being living in the world right now, there’s a good chance that you have a minimum level of anxiety about the novel coronavirus that, contrary to some people’s claims, kills many more people than the flu, by a factor of 10. If you’re living in the United States, that anxiety might be heightened by the fact that a certifiable moron is in charge of the country which, combined with the gutting of vital agencies, plus a fear among top officials of telling him things he doesn’t want to hear, has led to a hugely botched response to stopping the spread of the virus. But today brings news that we’re confident will totally put your worries to rest. Whereas last night you might have tossed and turned with fright about what the next days, weeks, and months could hold, tonight you’ll sleep like a baby, content in the knowledge that everything is going to be fine. Scratch that, better than fine. Great, even. Whereas terror might have gripped your waking moments, now there will only be a sense of calm. Why? Because Jared Kushner is on the case.

At the White House, some of Trump’s closest aides have debated whether an emergency declaration is needed to ensure those resources are available. But they have yet to make a recommendation to Trump, according to the people familiar with the situation. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is pushing for the designation but Vice President Mike Pence, who Trump tapped to lead the administration’s coronavirus response, doesn’t want Trump to act until Congress passes a stimulus package, according to two of the people. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Hahahaha, Nobody has a plan. You're just reading into a bunch of crap. But since you're supposedly from Canada, what's Trudeau's plan dipshit?
bambino's Avatar
Kushner is better than YOUS, YOUS stupid pig.
Jaxson66's Avatar
I suppose he has to put the Middle East peace treaty on the back burner, and things were going so well..

The lack of preparation by the stable genius and his loyalists have caused a cluster fuck even the great Kushner can’t solve.
I suppose he has to put the Middle East peace treaty on the back burner, and things were going so well..

The lack of preparation by the stable genius and his loyalists have caused a cluster fuck even the great Kushner can’t solve. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Please spare us the drama. It's sad watching the DemPanic.

And please tell us oh wise one, what should have been done earlier or different so far? What uberwise wisdom has anyone on the left put forward that Trump ignored or didn't act on? But its far easier to criticize and twist sound bites than put forth rational discussion or show what the other side would have actually done better.

And as for the OP, yes, I feel safer having anyone and everyone Trump taps to look into possible actions. Do you feel he shouldn't be taking any and all opinions into account?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Kushner is better than YOUS, YOUS stupid pig. Originally Posted by bambino

Can you get coronavirus through your buttshole, jumbo?

Be afraid.

  • oeb11
  • 03-12-2020, 11:27 AM
Fascist DPST's - as usual - have nothing but Trump hate and criticism - nothing constructive for the issues.

That is the electoral platform Biden will run on- that and every bit of socialist nonsense they have dreamed up to inflict on a free society and transform into a Communist authoritarian tyranny!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Hey Obsey, today’s word for trump loyalists is DEMPANIC.

Do try to keep abreast of the regime’s propaganda.
  • oeb11
  • 03-12-2020, 11:45 AM
Thank You - j666 - unlike those who only parrot "Lie" and the DPST narrative - I follow my own path and think for myself.

Unfortunate that those bound by the DPST narrative are incapable of comprehending that choice in life.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
I knows a whole lots of you are now breathing easier because Trump has his criminal capo on the job.

You’ll be out of the woods shortly, eh!

Report: Jared Kushner Is “Researching” the Coronavirus, Will Tell the Government What to Do Soon
Bess LevinMarch 11, 2020

If you’re a sentient being living in the world right now, there’s a good chance that you have a minimum level of anxiety about the novel coronavirus that, contrary to some people’s claims, kills many more people than the flu, by a factor of 10. If you’re living in the United States, that anxiety might be heightened by the fact that a certifiable moron is in charge of the country which, combined with the gutting of vital agencies, plus a fear among top officials of telling him things he doesn’t want to hear, has led to a hugely botched response to stopping the spread of the virus. But today brings news that we’re confident will totally put your worries to rest. Whereas last night you might have tossed and turned with fright about what the next days, weeks, and months could hold, tonight you’ll sleep like a baby, content in the knowledge that everything is going to be fine. Scratch that, better than fine. Great, even. Whereas terror might have gripped your waking moments, now there will only be a sense of calm. Why? Because Jared Kushner is on the case.

At the White House, some of Trump’s closest aides have debated whether an emergency declaration is needed to ensure those resources are available. But they have yet to make a recommendation to Trump, according to the people familiar with the situation. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is pushing for the designation but Vice President Mike Pence, who Trump tapped to lead the administration’s coronavirus response, doesn’t want Trump to act until Congress passes a stimulus package, according to two of the people. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Kushy Kushner is only doing research on the virus to see if the Trump Crime Family can make a buck or two out of it.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Hahahaha, Nobody has a plan. You're just reading into a bunch of crap. But since you're supposedly from Canada, what's Trudeau's plan dipshit? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well I’m glad you agree that nobody has a plan and that includes Dr Doolittle in the WH.
After all he thinks all of this is a big HOAX.
After all he thinks all of this is a big HOAX. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
You really do keep falling behind don't you.

Please cite where Trump said the virus was a Hoax. He never did.
Well I’m glad you agree that nobody has a plan and that includes Dr Doolittle in the WH.
After all he thinks all of this is a big HOAX. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Do you really need a plan?
So kushner, the slum lord, is the smartest pos left in the twit head kingdom? The wanna be king has no intelligent people or people with intertrgity left. Twit head and bobble head pence have no fkn clue what to do. Putin is loving the stupid America he made. The genius he put in charge is more intelligent than all the science and doctors of the world.

And when twit head reads a speech to the world....his stupid handlers have to admit that they really fk up bad. Well...we didn't really mean all that we wrote down for that dumb clueless fkn Moran (Kelly's opinion). We will tell the world later what the Moran meant when we get a fukn clue. In the meantime....don't even thing about getting tested. We be keeping the numbers on the down low