Providers I bet you get tired of guy's asking for a discount

carkido45's Avatar
I have a business on the side of my regular job.
I have a retail business involving clothes and apparel accessories and I get tired of people asking for a discount . I explain to them it's already at a discount!!!
It's just a waste of my time but I'm cordial and move on to the next customer.

But do you know who gets a discount ?
Repeat customers they never ask for a break and it's so nice to deal with someone who just buy's . I sell to them at my wholesale rate on a particular item once in a while.
I'm in business to make profit not go broke plus extra money helps me hobby.

I ALWAYS offer discounts for repeat visits! I appreciate those guys who always come back. Even when some one comes (usually from BP) and has not read my website, if I have seen him befefore I give the discount. I will take the discounted and give back the rest.. Im sure that sounds crazy but ITS WHAT WORKS FOR ME.
I understand that times are hard, MOST hobbyist have families, if lack of $ causes issues around the house or with their SO it may cause them to call some one less dependable or some one who may not be safe. So I stick to my discount policy.

Those who I have not seen and ask for a discount...get on my nerves! I once had a man call several times trying to get more for less... when I finally agreed to what I was ok with and he showed up..ASS HOLE had more than a few $ in his wallet, driving a lexus at that.. SOME PEOPLES KIDS!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-23-2012, 07:17 PM
Holly shit ck45, I can't believe I agree with you..LOL.. I also discount to good regular customers, with my side businesses. I do not appreciate one time, or very irregular customers haggling over price. As an old employer and good friend once told me we don't need the practice. And I have some ladies I see regularly cut me some slack in a number of different areas....
carkido45's Avatar
I got a discount the other day and I didn't even ask for one. I was quoted a donation rate but decided to go some other place and I hung up... and my phone rang right back and I was given a discount.
It was nice a surprise and I jumped on it, or rather I jumped on her . LOL
I look at discounts like this.. a lady charges her rate... if she decides on offering a discount for whatever reason then that is her business to do so.. not mine to ask for.
although it is nice when they do for frequent clients.. doing little special favors adds up to more visits
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 01-23-2012, 10:21 PM
I asked for senior discounts all the time and often got them!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I asked for senior discounts all the time and often got them! Originally Posted by Dad
That's cause they know you will be finished in 6 minutes or less.
aznlvr11's Avatar
I asked for senior discounts all the time and often got them! Originally Posted by Dad
I'll have to remember that one! LMFAO!
ZedX79's Avatar
If a provider charges 200 for an hour and it's a good repeat customer...that discount hopefully isn't 10 bucks.
carkido45's Avatar
I have always believed that whatever a provider donation rate is that it is non-negotiable.
I have passed on a lot of providers for that reason.
Paying a donation is ok but begging a provider for a discount sounds just cheap and can I really expect a provider to do her best for someone who begs for a discount.
Super Head 713's Avatar
I have guys whom ask for a discount all the time and ideny them know i only have specials for regulars and that it is already.discounted because if you discount them once they will always expect that discounted rate
I had a client who I had seen only ONCE before last July ask me for a deeper discount then what I am offering for this month and he still wanted msog for a hh and to give me less $ then my discount! Seriously I get times are tough, why do you think I am doing this? Yes I love what I do but my real job doesn't pay enough so I have to do this to pay my bills. Don't be a cheap skate! I have had clients who come see only me because they feel safe and because of that I hook them up and meet with them when I usually don't see clients or I meet them where they feel comfortable even if it is more risky due to their SOs. You treat me good and honey I will definitely treat you good! It is really sad though when guys cheat me out of a portion of my rate. Thank god though those types of clients I now only ask for the donation up front!

Stepping down from my soap box now so someone else can have their turn lol!!!
dearhunter's Avatar
This is one area I have always agreed with rate is my rate.....why, would I treat a provider otherwise?
boardman's Avatar
I never give the bitches discounts...ijs
Yowzer's Avatar
I think any good and smart provider should offer her regulars (she is comfortable with) some kind of frequent flier miles. But she should be the one that offers, not asking the other way around.

I've come to the conclusion that providers set a price based partly on their needs and how much business she thinks she will get at a particular price point. Smart ones adjust accordingly. But the base, newbie price I think is based on some average of what kind of guy she is willing to see. If George Clooney knocked on her door, she would probably give his money back. But if the Sonic HedgeHog himself, Ron Jeremy shows up at the door with all his body hair, predominant belly, and maybe smelling of sweat and stale beer. You probably would want to have some kind of "family emergency" and get him out quickly. I would think that almost every provider has had a client that she probably would never like to see again.

She gets paid to kiss the frogs, not the Prince Charmings. She often has no idea when she accepts the offer which is she getting. And she needs to price accordingly. Us clients have it better since we have reviews to help with our choosing. Providers don't unless there is something going on in the woman's locker room that we are unaware. (Provider reviews clients).

Another thing, since I started hobbying back in the good old days of ASPD, table dances were $20, Escape was like 240, and indys were anything from 150 to 300+ per hour. I don't know if any of you realize that the prices really have not risen nor kept up with inflation. With the economy the way it is, prices may actually be down and supply up.

I think we as clients should feel lucky we have so many options for providers at reasonable prices compared to the rest of the country. At the Moonlight Bunny Ranch you are going to spend a fortune if you want (up to 1K), and probably not get the kind of GFE we get in Houston at a fraction of the price. Who wants it legal in Texas/Houston? I don't. I just want LE to maintain the current mostly laissez faire attitude, expect for SWs.

Next time a guys asks about discounts, just go into Jim Mora mode and start saying: "Discounts!... Discounts?...Who said anything about Discounts?" (instead of the original Playoffs, Playoffs famous bit).