BP CEO arrested

shambala's Avatar
dynamitekid's Avatar
I hope this guy is a fighter. BP shouldn't technically be responsible for what others post.
Fuckin Texas...
If theyd get their head out of their ass and legalize it, they could take out all of the bad parts and leave the good ones. No doubt there is human trafficking on BP and CL because it is all underground which is why I wont go near someone that looks underage cause they probably are.
loneshark's Avatar
I'm all for stopping HT and anything close to it. I remember the old days when a hooker was a hooker independent of age glad we have laws to protect minors.

My feelings are there is a ton of money to be had by LE to fight HT so the LE need to bust someone to keep the money rolling into police departments and in a way I understand . I don't know if this will stick or not.

I think they want to send a message to all and its good in a way.

I take the lack of arrests for HT as a good sign. I don't think BP can control the posters but this is a warning shot just like they did to CL and discouraged CL from having adult listing.

I guess its a election time bust.
lustylad's Avatar
Huh? How did the CEO of British Petroleum get mixed up in human trafficking?
  • El-mo
  • 10-07-2016, 10:46 AM
If theyd get their head out of their ass and legalize it, they could take out all of the bad parts and leave the good ones. No doubt there is human trafficking on BP and CL because it is all underground which is why I wont go near someone that looks underage cause they probably are. Originally Posted by sjomonty
Should probably also avoid Asian and Eastern European providers as well.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
...yes , it is much anticipated how this all will turn out...