Sen. Biden fillbustered seating a female Black judge

HedonistForever's Avatar
To CT, since I can't remember the thread where you were so incensed about Republicans not wanting to seat a Black female judge simply because she was Black.
Did you know that as a Sen., he filibustered, which now BTW is considered RACIST by Democrats, a Black female to the DC court of appeals? Did he do it because she was Black, no, he did it because of her Constitutional philosophy or lack there of, the very same reason some Republicans will more than likely vote against any Black female that Biden puts up because she will more than likely be a "social justice warrior" who doesn't give a shit what the Constitution says. Anybody want to take a guess as to whether you will see or hear this reported on CNN or MSDNC?

Biden's past filibuster of black female judicial nominee raised in Supreme Court fight

Conservative lawmakers and political commentators have resurfaced President Joe Biden's previous filibusters against a black female nominee for a U.S. appeals court amid his administration's pledge to nominate the first black woman to the Supreme Court.

During former President George W. Bush's administration, then-Sen. Joe Biden twice opposed and filibustered the nomination of Janice Rogers Brown to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 2003 and 2005 despite her confirmation that year. Recalling the president's previous move, Republican Sen. Josh Hawley tweeted Monday Biden should "make amends" and nominate 72-year-old Brown, who retired from the D.C. Circuit in August 2017.

Biden, who has become exceedingly more critical of the Senate filibuster rule ( which Democrats used over 300 times against Trump nominations ) and has decried it as a relic of Jim Crow segregation laws, was not the only senator at the time to oppose Brown's nomination. In 2005, then-Sen. Barack Obama opposed Brown, saying she "is not simply a judge with very strong political views, she is a political activist who happens to be a judge."

Brown was born to Alabama sharecroppers and grew up in the segregated South, later raising her child as a single mother through law school. Her ideology shifted over time toward more conservative principles, and she notably wrote opinions opposing affirmative action and supported limited abortion laws.

According to the Washington Post, Bush had considered Brown to replace retiring Sandra Day O'Connor in 2005 but instead chose Samuel Alito. Supreme Court Justices John Roberts Jr., Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg all ascended from the D.C. Circuit where Brown served.

Democrats also filibustered Bush’s 2001 nomination of Miguel Estrada to the D.C. Circuit. As a favorable nominee among conservatives, Estrada would have been the first Latino appointed to that bench but rescinded his name from consideration after being blocked for two consecutive years.

"Never forget what Democrats, & notably @JoeBiden, did to Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen — but more… Miguel Estrada," Republican Rep. Chip Roy tweeted on Jan. 26. "Destroying a good man specifically because he is Hispanic. We know this to be factually true, but the beltway media elites brush it aside."

Serving as Senate Judiciary chairman during Thomas's 1991 confirmation hearings, Biden also voted against George H. W. Bush's nominee and expressed "regret" regarding his oversight of Anita Hill's testimony alleging Thomas of sexual harassment against her.

"I wish I could have done something — I opposed Clarence Thomas’s nomination, and I voted against him,” Biden said during an event in March 2019.
Hill later went on to endorse Biden in his 2020 presidential campaign despite "mistakes he made in the past," she said.

The Biden administration signaled its preparedness on Friday to defend against Republicans opposed to the president's eventual nominee to the Supreme Court, according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Friday.

Now here is Josh Hawley, one of the most vilified Republicans serving, calling on Joe Biden to pick THIS Black female judge.
See how that works CT? It's a political game not a gender game, not a race game and both sides do it, we simply have to acknowledge it to be true and knock off this RACIST BULLSHIT.
bambino's Avatar
First off, Biden is a racist, secondly, CT is banned.
HedonistForever's Avatar
First off, Biden is a racist, secondly, CT is banned. Originally Posted by bambino
Damn, he was just posting a couple of days ago!!! I lost track of the thread where I had answered him. I wonder if he said something in that thread that got him banned. Is it all that hard to be civil on here? Silly question, I know.

So I'll have to dedicate this post to all the other idiots who think a rejection of Biden's choice has anything what so ever to do with race and or gender. It's all POLITICS.

Did you know that over 70% of Americans say Biden should never have said he would only consider a Black female and about 50% of Democrats feel the same way. While they applaud a Black female nomination, they believe Biden diminished these women by an "affirmative action" choice. What he should have told James Clyburn, who forced this idea on Biden, "I will nominate a very qualified person to this position" and privately assured Clyburn, it would be a Black female.

It's amusing and sad. Pick a topic, any topic, and a majority of Americans oppose what Biden is doing to please his Progressive base including moderate Democrats but he does it anyway surely leading his party to the worst defeat in the House ever seen in American politics.

Year One of the Biden presidency was a mixed bag. From COVID-19 to Afghanistan to the economy, Joe’s had a rocky start. Still, he’s delivered big on one promise.
In his inaugural address, Biden said, “Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation.”
Boy, has he delivered. Across dividing lines of age, race and gender, the country is united on one point: Nobody likes Joe Biden.

The Quinnipiac Poll released on Wednesday provided the latest evidence. Just 33% of Americans approve of the president’s job so far, with 53% disapproving. Since November, his approval dropped 3 percentage points, all coming from those who held no opinion two months ago.

It’s the lowest approval of his presidency. At least so far.

The most striking part of the poll is the demographic breakdown. Biden’s approval ratings are lower with Hispanic voters (28%) than white voters (32%), a fact sure to set off alarm bells among Democratic strategists.

The president is bombing with men and women (25% and 38%, respectively), the young and old (24% and 43%), and those with college degrees and those without (46% and 24%).
The only positive marks come from Democrats (75% approval) and Black voters (57%), but those are pretty low, historically speaking. Among the crucial independent vote, only 25% like the guy.
“I ask every American to join me in this cause,” Biden said on that cold day last January, “uniting to fight the common foes we face.”

He didn’t realize the common foe would be him.

Breaking down the results further shows a country in a sour mood. Biden’s handling of COVID-19 is upside-down by 16 percentage points. His campaign promise to “shut down the virus, not the country” backfired in a big way.

The president’s management of the economy is worse still, underwater by 23 percentage points. The same day the poll was released, inflation hit the highest level since 1982. His only plan to fix the economy is to borrow and spend trillions more, deepening our nearly $30 trillion debt. Earlier this week, “Bare Shelves Biden” trended on Twitter as more shortages hit the east coast.

And with Russia threatening Ukraine, China bullying Taiwan, and Afghanistan a living nightmare, the poll lists Biden as 19 percentage points underwater on foreign policy.

It’s gotten so bad for the president that several pundits have floated the idea of – you won’t believe this – Hillary Clinton running in 2024. The woman who lost to Barack Obama and Donald Trump is the 74-year-old fresh face that will surely lead her party to victory. What could go wrong?

In the past, when a president’s polls were sinking, they readjusted. Well, every president before the last guy. But Biden has only accelerated his unpopular policies. He spent December propping up his doomed Build Back Better boondoggle. This month, it’s his doomed voting rights legislation.

For the latter, he worked his unifying charm with a shouty speech in Georgia.

“Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?” Joe bellowed. “Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?”

Both Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell and Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin criticized his remarks. And those two don’t agree on anything.

“I know speaking of unity can sound to some like a foolish fantasy,” Biden said in his inaugural address.

But you did it, Joe. Unity at last.

But Joe Biden doesn't believe the polls.
Oilrig's Avatar
Sen Biden's speeches still available on C SPAN

"I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle"

"Lock the SOB's up" in reference to the 1994 crime bill that led to mass incarceration of


"He was one of my mentors" 2010 eulogy of Sen Byrd former KKK member

"First mainstream African American who is articulate and clean" 2007 referring to Obama

"You can't go to a 7 Eleven unless you have an Indian accent" 2006
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sen Biden's speeches still available on C SPAN

"I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle"

"Lock the SOB's up" in reference to the 1994 crime bill that led to mass incarceration of


"He was one of my mentors" 2010 eulogy of Sen Byrd former KKK member

"First mainstream African American who is articulate and clean" 2007 referring to Obama

"You can't go to a 7 Eleven unless you have an Indian accent" 2006 Originally Posted by Oilrig

Excellent post. Today because of what Democrats have instituted, any one of those comments would get a Republican cancelled. He is a fraud and anybody paying attention knows it BUT, Democrats will ignore it all, just like they accused Republicans of doing.

This diatribe against Joe Rogan for using the N word. Know the context of those times he used the word? It was most often in discussions about about how Blacks use the word, not slurs, but Whites can not. My position is that nobody should use the word.

But if you read the Times, the Post, watch CNN and MSNBC, you think you'll be reminded of what Biden once said? Nope. Do you think any of those media are telling their readers and listeners that Biden once filibustered a Black female for political reasons? They are not not.
adav8s28's Avatar
Sen Biden's speeches still available on C SPAN

"He was one of my mentors" 2010 eulogy of Sen Byrd former KKK member

"First mainstream African American who is articulate and clean" 2007 referring to Obama

"You can't go to a 7 Eleven unless you have an Indian accent" 2006 Originally Posted by Oilrig
Sen Byrd was like George Wallace. At least he changed and voted for Obamacare. Senator Strom Thurman never changed he was a segregationist his entire life.

The articulate statement about Obama is not as bad Trump telling all black people to vote for me "what do you have to lose"

I go to two 7 Eleven's one in Irving and one in North Dallas, they are both owned by Indian people (from India).

If Biden tried reverse LBJ's Civil Rights act then you would have something. Biden is right about the new voting laws that Georgia put in (Jim Crow on steroids).
bambino's Avatar
Sen Byrd was like George Wallace. At least he changed and voted for Obamacare. Senator Strom Thurman never changed he was a segregationist his entire life.

The articulate statement about Obama is not as bad Trump telling all black people to vote for me "what do you have to lose"

I go to two 7 Eleven's one in Irving and one in North Dallas, they are both owned by Indian people (from India).

If Biden tried reverse LBJ's Civil Rights act then you would have something. Biden is right about the new voting laws that Georgia put in (Jim Crow on steroids). Originally Posted by adav8s28
He’s worse than Wallace
bambino's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s worse than Wallace Originally Posted by bambino

You supported Wallace, didn’t you. OK, maybe your parents did, but you got the grey matter from somewhere.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sen Byrd was like George Wallace. At least he changed and voted for Obamacare. Senator Strom Thurman never changed he was a segregationist his entire life.

The articulate statement about Obama is not as bad Trump telling all black people to vote for me "what do you have to lose"

I go to two 7 Eleven's one in Irving and one in North Dallas, they are both owned by Indian people (from India).

If Biden tried reverse LBJ's Civil Rights act then you would have something. Biden is right about the new voting laws that Georgia put in (Jim Crow on steroids). Originally Posted by adav8s28

is it? is making sure only registered legal voters can vote Jim Crow? or the law.

you do know that it was the Democrats that ushered in Jim Crow segregation, yes?

so what's the Democrats' plan here? make up for Jim Crow by allowing anyone to vote?

winn dixie's Avatar
What is ada babbling bout?
HedonistForever's Avatar
is it? is making sure only registered legal voters can vote Jim Crow? or the law.

you do know that it was the Democrats that ushered in Jim Crow segregation, yes?

so what's the Democrats' plan here? make up for Jim Crow by allowing anyone to vote?

brilliant!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Surely he was referring to the "no handing out water or food" restriction which is so draconian that surely it must fall under Jim Crow laws..... he said sarcastically. There is nothing close to Jim Crow laws which actually restricted voting.

Have you ever noticed that NOBODY and I mean NOBODY, has ever followed up that statement with examples of what they are talking about? Since I always research a topic before I answer, this is a sample of what I found.

In March, Georgia enacted a new, more restrictive voting law. Among other changes, voters will now have access to fewer drop boxes; they will no longer receive absentee ballots in the mail unless they request them, which impacts many Black voters who tend to vote by mail; and mobile voting centers will no longer be available, unless there is a state of emergency.

So let's break that down and see if it actually prevents a Black voter from voting.

Fewer drop boxes. So why not put it in the mail like I did. I a White person didn't need a "drop box".

They will not longer receive absentee ballots in the mail unless they request them, which impacts many Black voters who tend to vote by mail. Oh, my, the hardship is unbearable. I, a White person requested my mail in ballot, I got it and put it in the mail. You're telling me a Black person isn't capable of doing what I, a White person did?

Mobile voting centers will no longer be available. Now if they had said that mobile centers were available in White areas but not Black areas, then and only then would they have a point.

Do a little research and compare the voting laws between Georgia and oh, say Delaware, the home state of the President and see what you find.

This is a complete BULLSHIT argument but when you have no legitimate argument, all you have is a bullshit argument and Democrats are more than happy to use it even when it makes them look foolish which is their natural state, so I guess it doesn't register with them.

But hey, I'm open to being convinced I'm wrong. All you have to do is prove your point with facts. I'll be waiting for your answer.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What is ada babbling bout? Originally Posted by winn dixie
who knows what toxic soup ada is drinking from
LexusLover's Avatar
Sen. Biden fillbustered seating a female Black judge
I think Bitten didn't vote for Clarence Thomas either.

Trump did more for the Black people in this country in four years than Bitten did in 40 ... and didn't run his mouth about it like Bitten does! Right now it seems like the only Black people "supporting" Bitten are those who are ashamed of their voting decision that got the Losers, Bitten & Kumola, in office. It is embarrassing, I am sure. What has Bitten done for them in the past year?

Flooded the low income job market with illegal aliens. Closed public schools and depriving them of even a basic education with which to seek a job. Ignored the violence and death visited upon them every weeked. Ignored the financial stealing of BLM which doesn't do a damn thing for them but burn businesses where they could work.
Sen Byrd was like George Wallace. At least he changed and voted for Obamacare. Senator Strom Thurman never changed he was a segregationist his entire life.

The articulate statement about Obama is not as bad Trump telling all black people to vote for me "what do you have to lose"

I go to two 7 Eleven's one in Irving and one in North Dallas, they are both owned by Indian people (from India).

If Biden tried reverse LBJ's Civil Rights act then you would have something. Biden is right about the new voting laws that Georgia put in (Jim Crow on steroids). Originally Posted by adav8s28
Don't let Biden fool you he's as racist as he's ever been. Today in his feeble state of mind he's being pimped like a cheap whore for the Liberals.