Pennie Lane

I'm going to address this because Pennie is a very close friend of mine and I hate to see her name be trashed and the negative comments being made.

Duke1023.........Your non review (which shouldn't even be in the review section because its NOT a review) states early August. Yesterday was the Fourth of August, how much early was it? Exact date would be nice. I'll await your answer until I give my reasoning as to why I ask.

Pennie has good reviews on here and a slew of clients who can vouch for her not being a flake. I don't associate myself with ladies who don't know how to take care of business and one would say that I've done a lot to help mentor Pennie in how to take care of business.

Yes, I'm white knighting Pennie and no, I don't expect any of you gents to join in.

If anyone has taken notice, Pennie hasn't been online since August 2nd at 2:30pm when she placed her ad.

So.......maybe just maybe something happened. Us ladies do have emergencies that happen....we do have families outside of this hobby.

I'm sure Pennie will chime in when she has a chance.

Oh......if you want to bash me for speaking up....go ahead. Just remember, this kitten has claws and does bite back.
12blue4u's Avatar
E, I am not sure why you would even include that last sentence. Dialog should be able to be given without threats.
If Pennie has something to say let her say it. By her lack of responding she gives the impression it is not important.
We can all understand if there was a situation but this sure did not appear, again from Dukes view that was the case.
Perception is unfortunately is most peoples reality.
You still don't know my sense of humor 12? Hence the cheesy grin. Maybe I should stop joking with you guys, y'all are taking some things too serious.

I made this post because I've received numerous PMs/emails since I was the one who introduced Pennie at the M&G and the board. I don't mind the guys reaching out to me, but I can't speak for Pennie. Think of the post as a mama bear protecting her cub.

Her lack of response? Did you miss the sentence where I stated that she hasn't been on the board since the 2nd of August? I don't think you read my post.

You guys are quick to judge a lady without knowing all the facts. We don't even know when the visit was to take place or if the visit was even supposed to have taken place.

You guys were just bitchin about who to trust and who not to trust when it comes to reviews and guys who don't write reviews.

I now see who you guys trust.
I can sense the danger in responding to this, nevertheless...

I dont think Duke's review was improper. He was very careful to explain himself and obviously reluctant to make any negative criticism of your friend.

Obviously, I can only speak for myself, but after reading that thread, I didn't think Pennie's reputation was trashed.

As perspective, I hope this is helpful.
There's no danger in responding to this thread. Why would there be?

I never once thought that Duke's "review" was improper. Although I do think it needs to be moved into the CoEd section because as most MOD's will tell you, a review of a session that didn't take place isn't a review.

I've always said that the guys need to speak out more about the bad behavior of the ladies, I.E., NC/NS, fake pics, rushing, ripping off, taking calls during sessions, texting during sessions, etc.

But, the guys who have been on boards such as this for a long time will tell you that its usually good to wait at least 48 hours before posting a NC/NS "review."
12blue4u's Avatar
E, I am glad you are feeling better.
What is or is not humor can sometimes be misplaced. Just as I have taken some hits for stating my opinion, you can intimidate people on here which you are very aware of.
Not sure when she was on this board has any bearing on what Duke commented on. I do not think he decided to just come up with this story for the heck of it.
Had she not been a friend of yours would we even be discussing it here?
PL has chosen for whatever reason not to respond which just compounds the rhetoric because we do not know what are the "facts".

“There are no facts, only interpretations.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
It has bearing to what you and others are saying. You keep missing the point of why I said she hasn't been on the board. You keep bringing up that she hasn't responded, how is she supposed to respond to a post that she doesn't know about because she hasn't been on the board since August 2nd!!!! I've tried to call her, but no answer.

I'm going to play devil's advocate here:

How do you know that Duke is really a guy? That Duke really did have an appointment? Do you know Duke? Since you think he wouldn't just make stuff up.

Again, I see where the loyalty lies.........its the bros before ho's mentality. Never thought I'd see that in the Omaha forums. I hope not all the guys on the board have that mentality, if so.....I'm disappointed.
Again, I see where the loyalty lies.........its the bros before ho's mentality. Originally Posted by MsElena
Respectfully disagree. It's every man* for themselves.

* And, of course, every woman, too.
More should be like you then.
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Which really goes against the whole purpose and function of this board. If there was ever a time where the hobbying community (both providers and clients) needed to stick together, it is now!

Respectfully disagree. It's every man* for themselves.

* And, of course, every woman, too. Originally Posted by TheAdmiral
Respectfully disagree. It's every man* for themselves.

* And, of course, every woman, too. Originally Posted by TheAdmiral
Could not agree more. All this drama is why I avoid writing reviews.

I just wanna get laid.
Just to be crystal clear, all I'm saying is that I do not have a 'default' preference for men's posts over women's and I do not operate with a "bros before hos attitude." In fact, the only people I have met in person from this board are women. Only one posts with any frequency. (And I do trust her, based on my personal experiences with her -- I lust after her too, but that's another story.)

My point is that with people we do not know, using anonymous internet usernames, we all have to evaluate their trustworthiness for ourselves, i.e. every man for themselves.

That said, I have come to trust the comments and opinions of certain members because they've described similar experiences to my own, their words have the ring of truth or experience, or some other factor.

A poster like "huskerguyomaha" who puts up reviews, states experiences which I know to be true, etc., is someone I would definitely listen to over a newbie poster. But now I'm digressing into the "reviewers vs. non-reviewers" thread, which I didn't mean to do.

If it is any consolation, Ms. E, I really don't think your friend's reputation is ruined. As you've pointed out, there are a million circumstances which could explain a NC/NS. And, to be fair, Duke is voicing a legitimate gripe - I was impressed that he was so careful to try to avoid harsh criticism.

I think we will all wait to see how this plays out. Hopefully, with a happy ending.
Omahan's Avatar
MsE, if you haven't spoken to Pennie you probably shouldn't have started this thread. You've made it a big deal while she may have preferred to address it low key, in private or in one of many other ways. I think you may have just made a mountain of a mole hill and it wasn't even your molehill.
Duke1023's Avatar
Oh my, it seems my review has started a firestorm which I wanted to avoid. I will first say this, I plan on sending a PM to Ms. Elena to air my specific grievances regarding her starting this post. I did not know she and Pennie were friends, however I feel that as clients we should be able to write an honest review without fear of reproach or getting bashed in the co-ed section. However, I will attempt to make some things crystal clear.

First of all, I have never met Pennie. I did not write anything disrespectful in my review towards her personally. It was my first review I should point out, and I kept that in mind as I was writing. There were two issues as I see it. First the screening process. I don't care if a provider wants to screen me, and quite frankly it makes me feel safer if they do. What I do have a problem with is in this case, references were given days prior to the actual meeting and the provider told me to get a place to meet. Then after I had provided a location, the provider told me that my references didn't check out or meet her standards.

Let me be clear, I don't have any problems with a provider not wanting to see me for one reason or another. We all want to be safe and comfortable here. I do have a problem with the provider telling me everything is a go and to get a room, then backing out at the last second leaving me with an unused room when the screening process could've taken place days ahead of time, if in fact it was a screening problem.

My last problem is why would a provider give me the name of an additional provider who could see me, if in fact my references were not up to snuff so to speak? If the original provider had a scheduling conflict, she could've told me so and we could have arranged another meeting. But to tell me my references didn't check out and then give me a name of another provider (well liked on this site) just rubbed me the wrong way.

I'm not trying to tarnish anyone's reputation and I thought I was careful to write an unbiased, fact based review without any personal attacks.

I will be sending Ms. Elena a PM to discuss her issues in the near future. Until then, I apologize if I caused any undue tension or issues to the community. I was just trying to conduct myself in a gentlemanly manner.
MsE, if you haven't spoken to Pennie you probably shouldn't have started this thread. You've made it a big deal while she may have preferred to address it low key, in private or in one of many other ways. I think you may have just made a mountain of a mole hill and it wasn't even your molehill. Originally Posted by Omahan
Exactly what Omahan said. Yet, it doesn't surprise me that Ms. B I mean Ms. E posted what she did. She has this superiority complex about her where she thinks that she is always right and knows everything about everything even when it doesn't concern her. It is probably because she thinks she is eduMAcated and that she thinks that we are all a bunch of slouches. I also laugh at her remarks concerning alerts because she knows "people" and they tell her that you can get in trouble for posting on an Internet board. There are some of us who have JD's that know better. To respond ahead of time. Go ahead and state the code or statute that you think we would be in violation of since you are so smart. Better yet ask for Mod status since you want to get in everyone's business.

One other thing Pennie has been online as of yesterday. As the saying goes her silence speaks volumes about her.