FALSE REVIEW ( Spiteful Memeber )

Farmers Daughter's Avatar
I have never even seen Schmuckenputz and will never for this. He has always tried to

set an appointment and but somehow his schedule never meshed with mine. Now for

me not being able to see him yet he is now I guess impatient and wants to be spiteful

and write a bad review. To all that have actually came and seen me please just look

over this creep who would stoop so low just to be vendictive. Always messages me on

IM but never can seem to set an

Jane, we did meet and you verified that by phone today after you texted me and I called you back. You obviously at least had my number in your phone or couldn't have texted me. I'll not further defend myself, though calling me a creep and vindictive and ultimately a liar is, well, it's just not right (though I suppose it's possible I'm a creep, in some ways, but that's a whole different story)...Frankly, it looks to me like your post may have come AFTER we talked on the phone and you remembered me, though I could be wrong about the timing. If that were the case, who's vindictive then ? Seriously, this conversation shouldn't be taking place at all. Sorry you didn't like my review. Hell, sorry you seemed to not remember me; obviously, I must not have been very memorable to you, either. So there ya go....I forgive you for not remembering me and will forgive you for your text and your post once we agree it's a misunderstanding of sorts.
Farmers Daughter's Avatar
Ok just to get this clear I have had you verified since the start of the year in January when you wanted to see my friend Ashely at the time when she was in the business so I distinctively remember who you are. I'm not going give this anymore time or thought but I had to set the facts straight when someone makes false statements and a review about me.

I went and read schmuckenputz's review of you, and didn't think much about it, except that the two of you just didn't click. You have a lot of good reviews, so I wrote his off as just one of those things that happen.

Posting this thread actually lowered my chance of ever wanting to contact you, his review didn't make any difference to me.
Farmers Daughter's Avatar
I will admit that it was wrong of me to get all bent up over one negative review and ones opinion of me. I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I know I'm not a spinner of any sort. I'm healthy!
Jane...u are amazing and beautiful and anyone who has seen you knows it and are very lucky men
Farmers Daughter's Avatar
Thank you Classy. Your a sweetheart. Friends like you, Admiral and many others make this hobby amazing!!!
Farmers Daughter's Avatar
Sorry for all of this. After talking with Schmuckenputs and refreshing my memory I have seen him. Once again I am truly sorry for all this.
Farmers Daughter's Avatar
OKAY now I'm possibly being accussed of having Premium Access. Because there are details that were posted publicly than aren't hard to read and figure out what was said. I can logout of my account and just look at this as a guest not having membership.

!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS WHERE I'M getting my INFO!!!!!!!!!!!
"Oh boy... Saddle up my charger and shine my armor. I'm going in...

Put simply, my experiences with Jane could not possibly be more divergent than with what you've described, Schmuck.

1.) First, Jane has always been on time for me, and ready to go. I'm saying this after having seen her at least a half dozen times in the last two months.

2.) She is a lovely girl with an eye-popping, curvaceous body.

Admittedly, she does not have a model's body, and is much more the girl-next-door type. (Frankly, though, I haven't seen any provider through this board that I would put in the "model" category of body shape.)

But, chunky to distraction!? On this point, I wholeheartedly disagree. My god... those breasts, her hips and rear... I have to wonder what impossible standard of beauty you must be using....

More confusing to me is the fact that she has a dozen pictures of her body in her showcase that are all accurate. I assume you must've seen these before you booked an appointment, Schmuck.

3.) As for "service", I find that Jane brings an enthusiasm and obvious enjoyment to each meeting that I have not found an equal to. She either loves it, or has done a hell of a job fooling me into believing she's having a great time. I find this an enormous turn-on, more than any physical attribute.

Oy... When she looks up at me from an enthusiastic BBBJ with those puppy dog eyes to make sure I'm enjoying myself, or turns her head on the pillow during K9 with her eyes rolled back... gads... makes me want to call her right now!

Of course...
Your mileage may vary;
Different strokes for different folks; and
That's why Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors... etc.

But for my time and money, Jane is always my "go to" girl! "
12blue4u's Avatar
This is really bizarre, I am assuming most of these are from the ROS. Can you white knight yourself??
OK everyone, this is public: Jane and I are good. It's over. We screwed up a little, no big deal. Done.....We may kiss and make up, but you're never going to know! That said, much of this would have been avoided if, and it's been said before by me and others: GUYS, stop commenting on stuff that's in the ROS in reviews !!! Stop it ! I think we've all done it, inadvertently in most cases, but, dammit, we need to be more careful! OK, out...
burkalini's Avatar
This is one weird thread.
This is one weird thread. Originally Posted by burkalini
Isn’t that the truth!

OK everyone, this is public: Jane and I are good. It's over. We screwed up a little, no big deal. Done.....We may kiss and make up, but you're never going to know! That said, much of this would have been avoided if, and it's been said before by me and others: GUYS, stop commenting on stuff that's in the ROS in reviews !!! Stop it ! I think we've all done it, inadvertently in most cases, but, dammit, we need to be more careful! OK, out... Originally Posted by schmuckenputz
Schmuckenputz, you are one hell of a stand-up guy! Your character deserves a round of applause for the way you handled this!
Thanks..you're right, I'm a character ! LOL
Isn’t that the truth!

Schmuckenputz, you are one hell of a stand-up guy! Your character deserves a round of applause for the way you handled this! Originally Posted by JonGator
Ever have that sinking feeling you've just ruined everything?

schmuckenputz, you have my sincere apologies. I didn't mean to give away details of your private review. Now I see I did, and that much could be inferred by my commentary. I'm seriously embarrassed by this.

Jane, you have my apologies too. I see now that you read my post and felt attacked.

The rest of you. This is whole blow up pretty clearly my fault. My intention was to offer a counter viewpoint for my favorite gal, not start WWIII. Holy shit. I'm mortified.

Think I'll shut up now.