Hello, Questions for Texas

Cougarlicious's Avatar
Hello, I am the Cougar Treat from Charlotte NC, I am planning a tour for Texas in the fall, but, I get mixed reviews from touring ladies from the East Coast. that come out to Texas, they say that touring ladies do not do so well because of the loyalty of their own providers, so, some of these ladies from out of state sit around and book nothing, is this true? Kind of dissappointed with the negative outcome of the ladies from out of state, I would have thought I would bank here,but, I could be wrong, loyalty does go a longer way than a touring girlie. out here for a week, rather than living here available anytime...???..

Thanks, wondering kisses!!!
My guess would be it has more to do with bad communication. Stick one ad up and then just complain. Never telling what city they are in. It's a HUGE area. Lots of guys out here work crazy schedules and hours. So you've gotta be flexible with appointments.
Advertise in each city you will visit at least two weeks in advance then follow up with adds again the week you will be in the city. Those ladies that post one time and then complain that no one was interested. Houston and Dallas should be on your list.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Ask in Co-ed where is the best part of town to hobby.
I have seen visiting girls get Hotel incalls in the worst areas for hobbying.
Remember Houston and Dallas are huge, and San Antonio and Austin are not small .
Incall location is a big deal here.
Cougarlicious's Avatar
Thanks!!! Sounds like the perfect advice
pyramider's Avatar
Post taint photos, too. Taint is the key to universal understanding.
Wakeup's Avatar
You're not going to do well down here...
ck1942's Avatar
Thanks for asking!

At the very least, kudos for starting a dialogue and not just hopping a plane and making a quick appearance a day after posting in a local ad forum.

Which, it seems, too many travelers appear to do and then complain about less than stellar reception.

A couple of hints:

Develop a traveling and marketing plan based on discoverable factors such as:

-- local likes and acceptances

As evidenced by reviews and remarks in the local forum set, do gentlemen prefer blondes of a certain age, body style and heft, at what pricing levels and service qualities.

i.e., will you be serving an existing market or be above or below expectations and realities?

-- carefully consider "market factors"

Local and school holidays and events definitely affect travelers, as do physical locations, traffic patterns, weather, pay day cycles and, unfortunately, law enforcement events.

Therefore, I'll add you should start dialogues in the local Texas cities forums, and perhaps explore visiting only one or two cities initially on a "marketing" tour, perhaps combined with a mini-vacation. Expect some less than kind and gentle feedback from trolls and others.

-- Ask other travelers how they arrange tours and how they research given cities

Certainly you should check in with other travelers in your personal category about Texas and other cities. And, very gently, ask well known reviewers of travelers how or why they make selections.

Consider building up your current resume as you have only a few reviews but your showcase is stellar. If you have reviews elsewhe, provide some links.

For example (shameless promo follows) consider coming to Austin or San Antonio like other travelers do, and possibly when you can spend time at a social event and meet and greet dozens of well vouched/verified hobbyists and providers.