Stuck in chicago illinois

jamiejo's Avatar
Well I've done it again! And I'm stranded in Chicago Illinois. Not that this is not a great sitting. But I'm sure it would be better if I had a little bit more than fifty bucks and or my vehicle. If anyone knows anybody who can help me or is in the area or can refer me to a place to dance or something to get myself back to DFW I would greatly appreciate it please feel free to call me as soon as anybody knows anything. Thank you for your help this is very embarrassing.
ICU 812's Avatar
. If anyone knows anybody who can help me or is in the area or can refer me to a place to dance or something to get myself back to DFW I would greatly appreciate it please feel free to call me as soon as anybody knows anything. Thank you for your help this is very embarrassing. Originally Posted by jamiejo
You mean like a Car-Date?
Well I've done it again! And I'm stranded in Chicago Illinois.... If anyone knows anybody who can help me or is in the area or can refer me to a place to dance or something to get myself back to DFW I would greatly appreciate it please feel free to call me as soon as anybody knows anything. Thank you for your help this is very embarrassing. Originally Posted by jamiejo
I sure hope you were able to dance your way back to Dallas - I've been worried sick about you!!
joesmo888's Avatar
I once was overseas in a 3rd world country and all our flights were cancelled due to a storm that day. there was a French woman crying to the front desk saying that they cancelled her flight and she had no money to stay at the resort for more nights. luckily for her prostitution was legal there so i figured she could have worked something out
jamiejo's Avatar
Thank you so much for everyone's concern. I appreciate it a lot. I have made it out of the water. Thank God for good friends at home in Fort Worth Texas and thank God for ratchet3557 (sp?)