NCNS Review by JohnJo...The Truth

[ame=""]The NCNS Review[/ame]

JohnJo, your NCNS review of me was mostly and I both know that had it not been for you being extremely late, I never would have fallen asleep. I had already agreed to see you past my normal working hours and you didn't have the decency to show up on time.
I'm not obligated to go to dinner with you or do anything else for you, because you can't seem to arrive at an appointment on time ( or even just a little a late would have been fine). If I had been the one that were late, you would have hastily posted a review, but since I can't review you, this will have to do.
Not only were you late, but you spent 2 days before hand constantly instant messaging me until I started ignoring you and eventually had to sign out of gmail on my phone so the im's wouldn't keep interrupting my lunch. Then, when I wouldn't respond, you sent me emails through P411 requesting an appointment you already had booked. You even made powerpoint presentations of my pics.

Our appointment was Friday, you waited until Monday to post the NCNS, yet you had time to respond to everyone on the board's posts. If it really was NCNS, why did you wait so long to write the review? You had to come up with a story, right?

I've since found out that you lied to me about your age via your own admission in your "Birthday" post.

JohnJo, say what you want. I apologized to you the next morning and offered you an hour for 175 to make up for falling asleep. That's more than enough "to make up for" what happened, especially since you were the one that was late. Since, this wasn't enough for you and you also wanted to go on a "real" date, I chose not to see you at all. And now I'm glad I did! After reading everything on the board you've posted and hearing some not so good things from some of the other ladies, I won't ever be seeing you.
berkleigh's Avatar
Damn, he must have been boring!

He did the same to me with all the IM's! (who has time for that?)

He just sent me an apology, but really? Not buying it!

Sorry Mia!
Berkleigh, I don't know about you, but I don't mind a couple emails before an appointment with a new client to kind of get the feel of each other, but constant IMs, texts, and emails?? It's just too much, we have lives, too.
Guest021210-2's Avatar
Honey, like I said, you can say what you want. You said you would be 5 minutes late, not an hour. And I told you I'm not from Dallas, directions are up to you and no one else had any trouble finding me. I also told you that I usually work 11am-11pm with the last appt. at 10pm, but I would make an exception, since you said you couldn't make it any earlier. And last time I checked, Ft.Worth is 36 miles from Dallas, not 2 hours, especially not when your doing 75mph while simultaneously texting me every 90 seconds.

You had more than enough time to get there by at least 11:15 and you didn't. I fell asleep waiting, I didn't just tell you "Okay" and then turn my phone off. I had contact with you after you told me you were going to be "no more than 5 minutes late" and then chose to stop responding to your texts so you wouldn't kill yourself texting while driving and decided to wait for the phone call to say you were there. I fell asleep, I'm not ashamed to admit that.

And about Dinner...well, I told you no and then put an end to our communications...I maintain my professionalism and I don't cross the line by complicating things with "real" dates...I have a life and a family to protect and the last thing I need is some crazy obsessed guy ruining my life because he got the wrong impression from our "date".

About Preferred411, I have the email you sent through P411, so I beg to differ. Unless you've given your P411 info to someone else, then I can only assume you sent it.

And you forgot to address why you lied about your age...Are you 42 or in your early 20s?
Because your "Birthday" post says the latter.

Have fun with all of the Beautiful Dallas Ladies...and there are some lovely ones, I'm just not so sure you'll be meeting them.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Better than daytime TV.
Better than daytime TV. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW

Can we call it the Trials and Tribulations of ECCIE???
berkleigh's Avatar
Berkleigh, I don't know about you, but I don't mind a couple emails before an appointment with a new client to kind of get the feel of each other, but constant IMs, texts, and emails?? It's just too much, we have lives, too. Originally Posted by MsMiaMaxwell
He did send me IM's after I posted in his thread.

I told him I was busy and I am not into the whole IMing thing.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Mia sweetie, please check your PM's
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-10-2010, 07:30 PM
Better than daytime TV. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW
Nah, it's no contest.

Well done, Mia.

When I saw his obviously bogus review my first thought was, "What the fuck is this shit!?" And the sonofabitch lied about his age, too??

Anyway, I'm so glad that I didn't post the first profane thought that entered my brain (as I am prone to do)! You handled this with humor and class and came off looking great.

Well done.
caroline!'s Avatar
Good Girl Mia.

That's what I'm talking about ladies... don't these guys intimidate you. WRITE a rebuttal if it calls for one. Never let anyone in this biz INTIMIDATE or threatened to hurt your biz. F! that shit, I'll make someone eat their balls before I'll ever submit to that.
berkleigh's Avatar
Good Girl Mia.

Never let anyone in this biz INTIMIDATE or threatened to hurt your biz. F! that shit, I'll make someone eat their balls before I'll ever submit to that. Originally Posted by caroline!
. I want to see that
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 02-11-2010, 07:48 AM
Anyway, I'm so glad that I didn't post the first profane thought that entered my brain... Originally Posted by jfred
...F! that shit, I'll make someone eat their balls before I'll ever submit to that. Originally Posted by caroline!
.I want to see that Originally Posted by berkleigh
LOL @ jfred!
snowking2010's Avatar
I just stumbled on this post. i dont know anyone in it or anything about it. but my name has gotten confused before with the other person. Just making sure everyone knows , my screen name is Johnjojo, (2) jo's . like i said i dont know anything about this or anyone involved, i dont have a side either way. if my name keeps getting confused i will talk to Mods about changing. Everyone stay safe and have a good day.