When is your ATF too close

I tend to find a provider and when all of the chemistry lines up, location, comfort factors, price and really good sex combine into an ATF. you are agreeable for each other, there no extra baggage for either of you and you don't have to worry about LE. sounds like a ATF to me. there is a problem however and thats when either of you end up too close. how did you handle it and still be friends?
Peanut's Avatar
I currently have an ATF and have been seeing her for a little over 2 years. She is married, has kids, I am married, have kids and we both know where to draw the line and not cross over it. We chat online or in txt msgs almost daily. It is a friendship on both parts now, like a FWB.
we both have too much to lose in crossing the line.

several years ago I was seeing a provider regularly and started to feel the line being crossed on my part, so I stopped seeing her but did tell her why I was stopping.
warlock's Avatar
how did you handle it and still be friends?
Too many factors, too many variables. Like any relationship, each one is different.
Major thing, communication. She probably wouldn't be your ATF if something didn't "click" in the first place. That most likely means that the two of you have good communication. Don't hold it in, communicate. Chances are she's probably picked up on the way you're thinking already.
Be willing to walk away, and don't burn any bridges in the process. Who knows, after a cooling off period, things may start up again only under a new set of circumstances, and be better than before.
You just have to stay in touch with reality.

I have an ATF who is married and some day, when we are both available, we will probably run away together but until then, we enjoy our BCD time, movies, lunches, emails, chats, ALL that stuff.

It takes a level of maturity and an understanding of reality. Just have fun while you can and know where to draw that line.
geezerdude2's Avatar
I wanna be an ATF when I grow up!
you already are darlin'!