If I was hired as a consultant to a studio or agency...

TinMan's Avatar
Here would be my advice, no matter the situation:

If you're having an issue with a customer or employee, deal directly with them, don't bring it to the board.

If the person with whom you have an issue decides to go public and you feel it deserves a response, type it up and save it to "Drafts". Then wait 24 hours.

At the conclusion of the 24-hour "stand down", check the thread. Has it moved off the first page? Good. No one cares about any thread on page 2. Move on to your next managerial crisis (there are bound to be several given the career you've chosen).

If the thread still appears to be an active grass fire, reread your draft (you found some things you want to change, didn't you?). Edit then post as a reply to the original complaint. THIS SHOULD BE YOUR ONLY RESPONSE TO THE OFFENDING POST. Stick to facts. Be professional, and most important...DON'T TRY TO BULLSHIT A GROUP OF BORN BULLSHITTERS. Be assured that if you do you will have your ass handed to you before the day is done.

Don't let anyone speak for you. If you have something to say, say it yourself. If it's not in the public domain, don't worry about it. Maybe a dozen people see those other threads...unless you say or do something to cause those threads to come back to life. Then it's all anyone wants to talk about for the next week.

There IS such a thing as bad publicity, particularly if you own a studio or agency. The more threads (other than reviews) that get created about you, the more amped up the drama factor. Continuous attempts at damage control will only exacerbate the situation. People start thinking "where there's smoke, there's fire". Your critics will make sure to chime in on every one, but those that may have at least some favorable opinion (but no real vested interest) will finally tire of it and will stop trying to defend you. This means the floor will be left to the critics.

You're welcome in advance for this invaluable advice. I expect repayment in the form of deep discounts when I come visit.
Prime Time's Avatar
Excellent advice TinMan. I'm sure you're definitely overqualified to be a whorehouse consultant.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Very good advice Tinman. I would say this advice can be taken by providers too.
TinMan's Avatar
Excellent advice TinMan. I'm sure you're definitely overqualified to be a whorehouse consultant. Originally Posted by Prime Time
Given the choice, I would rather be the piano player
You're hired.
Nice. As a consultant/manager of an agency/studio I would also:

Make sure there is ample soap, shampoo, toilet paper and clean, fresh towels and washcloths in the bathroom(s). Check on this every day.

Make sure the fridge is stocked with drinks: sodas including diet, beer, water, paper towels. Hopefully the fridge you have comes with a good ice maker. A little hard liquor with mixers is a bonus.

Have TONS of clean bed sheets, pillow cases and change them after each and every session. Have ONE HELL of a powerful washer/dryer combo.

Have a wide and varied assortment of condoms available, plus lube. In case the dumbass forgets his.

Check the security cameras every day. Have fun with the girls watching them during after hours.

(Just kidding on that last one. )
TrailBlazer's Avatar
TrailBlazer's Avatar
Nice. As a consultant/manager of an agency/studio I would also:

Make sure there is ample soap, shampoo, toilet paper and clean, fresh towels and washcloths in the bathroom(s). Check on this every day.

Make sure the fridge is stocked with drinks: sodas including diet, beer, water, paper towels. Hopefully the fridge you have comes with a good ice maker. A little hard liquor with mixers is a bonus.

Have TONS of clean bed sheets, pillow cases and change them after each and every session. Have ONE HELL of a powerful washer/dryer combo.

Have a wide and varied assortment of condoms available, plus lube. In case the dumbass forgets his.

Check the security cameras every day. Have fun with the girls watching them during after hours.

(Just kidding on that last one. ) Originally Posted by Prolongus
Suuuuure you were just kidding.
This is excellent advice for independent providers as well. Good advice for any issue brought to the board. You will always find something you wish you didn't say or that you wish you did say after you answer things in the heat of the moment. I am definitely guilty of this!
that's common sense for anyone in business. The ones who break that rule show their newbieness*

*new word I invented, anyone else uses it and they owe me.
Boltfan's Avatar
Be professional, and most important...DON'T TRY TO BULLSHIT A GROUP OF BORN BULLSHITTERS. Be assured that if you do you will have your ass handed to you before the day is done. Originally Posted by TinMan
Never in the history of SHMB has there been more sage advice.
Great advice to every PROVIDER, STUDIO and AMP!

Another tip, CUSTOMER SERVICE should be the number 1, 2 and 3 priorities.

A smart person recognizes the the money will come in time. The key to major success is making regular customers (ATF's)!

Great Thread! My vote for THREAD OF THE YEAR!