
I've thought of this before but never pursued it. I take mini-vacations fairly often, most times by myself. Sometimes the company of an intelligent, attractive female would be enjoyable, but GF's aren't always available. I've met a few providers whom I presume would make good vacation buddies, but I'm reluctant to ask because of what some providers require monitarily for extended engagements. So the question is: would you, as a provider, be willing to go on a short get-away with a client you know and feel comfortable with for the price of the vacation itself? For the sake of argument, to a beach resort with all expenses paid? And no, I'm not fishing. At least not yet.
Personally I couldn't just take a vacation for free. This is because it wouldn't really be "free." I would have to arrange and pay for a sitter, kennel for the dog, plus the work I would miss while I was gone. This would literally put me back hundreds of dollars for each day I was gone.

Now if you have an absolute favorite provider, and you want to take her on a trip, I would suggest having her put an actual dollar value on those things mentioned above and you could possibly arrive at an agreeable rate.

I would take a trip with a negotiated rate like that with probably only three hobbyists that I can think of off the top of my head because we are THAT good of friends, beside hobbying together. Hope that helps!
Captain Caveman's Avatar
Mr. Mason, I recently traveled out of the country as part of a singles tour group. The issue with the tour... I had trouble clicking with the other singles on the tour.

After I had booked the trip a few women I know said if I had offered to take them they would have went with me. I am not sure how serious to take them... because I don't think their boyfriends would have been too keen on me taking their girlfriends overseas. But I digress...

The idea of taking a provider on a trip is appealing, but it would have to be a provider you know really well, have seen several times and feel really comfortable with. Spending an hour or two with someone is not same as spending several days. You really get to know someone on a trip! But if you can pull it off knowing the pitfalls I say go for it.

Marla also brings up a good point. A lot of providers have responsibilities that they cannot abandon at a moments notice.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I've done it. I had a good time on the trip with the activities that I paid for but I had a semi-miserable time with her. Make sure that you get all of the elements of the trip understood carefully and even get it in writing for what it's
She either pretended to be sick when it came time for BCD activities, so I showed compassion for her, (maybe she was sick), I gave her the benefit of the doubt with the agreement that she would make it up when we got back. Well guess what? She considered the make-up session to be a FREE session and she doesn't do free sessions. In fact she doesn't do anything for anyone, except take up space on the earth.
I still had fun and experienced the fun of the island, but she was a waste.
I can tell you who NOT to take....LOL.
I would do it again, but not with her.