Naughty funnies

Secret Encounters's Avatar


GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
I've never been caught by family (thank God) or friends, but I have been caught by a girlfriend/roommate. I think I was about 20 and we hadn't done anything physical in a while, due to changes in work schedules and what not... so to the internet I went. I thought she was sleeping, but I was wrong.

I hear the bedroom door open and quickly try to close the site window -- I thought I did this successfully, but I did not. I then focused on hiding the raging hard-on with strategic clothes placement and thought I was going to get away with it, but the site window didn't close and I couldn't react fast enough, so she walks up behind me and sees a pretty aggressive BJ unfolding on the screen.

She giggles and says something like, "Watcha watchin"? I notice that she's playing it cool, so I try to follow suit, "Just... some porn... ya know".

She leans over to get a better look and laughs, "Wow... are you into that?"

At this point, the chick on the video is taking deep anal.

I respond with something along the lines of, "Well... I wouldn't turn it down, but its not something I'd ask for unless I knew you were into it."

She was really cool about it and we ended up talking about how I should be more open when I feel sexually frustrated. She's was fine with the idea of me looking at porn -- she was aware that men do that -- she just didn't like the idea that I didn't talk to her first. It was an eye opening convo for me and we ended up having a quicky... no anal though lol.

The other time was with my ex-wife... twice. As I mentioned before, the sex pretty much stopped in that marriage, so even though she'd seen me do it before, she was typically involved during those times.

Anyways, apparently, I started jerking in my sleep while she was laying next to me. I was in that in-between stage, so I was somewhat aware of what was going down, but not really... hard to explain. None the less, she made sure to wake me up, fully (I guess I didn't stop when she first woke up and said something to me) and then explained what went down. She was not happy, but it made me wonder if I'd done that before.

The other time, I fell asleep on the couch, watching something on Skin-A-Max and the wifey walked into the living room to find me asleep on the couch, with my johnson in my hand. Such a sad memory. Once again, she was not happy, as it reminded her of her frigidness and just made things worse.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
lol too funny to act like nothing well since u shared here is my embaressing moment ..

well a friend of mine in high school had taken me to mega plexxx and i was so excited to go bc i was amazed by her leopard print vibrator and wanted one for myself .. so we head off and get one but i was clueless as to what a good vibe was .. well anywho we go in and out and head to her house .. we get in and sneak the bag in my purse and start opening the box.. she has the door locked in case mom n her pops were to come in .. so she starts to say i really like urs and glad u got one .. now we can use it on each other. Well we start to fondle on the outside and next thing u know we hear a knock on the door and were like ohh shit .. well we turn the vibrator off and she throws hers in her side drawer and i throw mine under the bed .. So she gets up quickly and opens the door and moms like whats going on girls .. and making small talk next thing i know i hear bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzz!! and her mom was like whats that ..lmao i said its my PAGER its in my purse .. .. i leaned down and took out the batteries so fast ... lol .. she was like was it ur mom dear .. im like .. ohhh ahem... yea .. ..

well lets here more stories since we shared ..
