Question for the ladies...

fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Is it common for guys to use ECCIE membership only, with no posts or reviews, as a means of verification? Seems kind of shady to me but happened to a friend of mine and when she said no the dude got really rude and obnoxious.

I was thinking about having her send the dude an email directing him to contact some newbie-friendly providers on here, get a couple of references and reviews, then hit her back for an appointment.

But after he threw a tantrum I advised her to have no further contact with the guy...PERIOD. And I doubt if any providers on here want to deal with him, even the newbie-friendly ones.

She's a friend and would like to build a client base, but I have advised her (when consulted) to err on the side of caution.

Did I handle this correctly?
not a day goes by that at least one person tries to set an appointment using nothing but his eccie handle. That might be ok if hes a long time member and has posted some reviews. just post dont count for much. most of these guys get offended when i ask for enough info to be able to screen. by far the worst are the 2/3 month members with 5/10posts, no reviews. I know all you guy are tuff and can take care of yourself, but realize the screening is for your saftey as well as ours. bottom line is help us help you by giving enough info to screen,xoxochelsea
I think u did right , I accept eccie only as long as I the member has reviews posted
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Hang on girls you're not gonna believe this...another guy joined ECCIE just a little while ago and called her for an appointment!!!

No posts, no reviews, member for about an hour...WTF!!!!!

By the way Chelsea you're on my list...congrats you haven't been on here even a month but you are already very savvy...
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Yes, they do this often and more likely than not are disappointed at the outcome, needless to say...poor fellas get so excited that they discovered this playground and before they can properly do the research necessary to figure out how to go about seeing a lady, they get shot down...LOL! Seems most always look at pics and rarely read a ladies screening requirements before contacting her. Phrases such as "Screening is a Must" seem to have no meaning to them or it goes completey over their heads...LOL.

There are ways to get these fellas into the commuity though and although I don't consider myself newbie friendly, if a gentleman suggests he is willing to submit to an alternative, then I will suggest a lunch or drinks where we can meet and leave seperately. If I feel comfortable that he understands most of the basic protocols and if he doesn't ask "stupid" questions that would indicate he is LE or give off red flags of being some kind of stalker/psycho, then I will invite him to contact me again and go from there.
RealBeer285's Avatar
I joined in this playground BECAUSE of the screening requirements. BP and CL, etc. are way to risky for a lot of reasons.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
happened to a friend of mine and when she said no the dude got really rude and obnoxious. Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
nice friends you got there FWOG. kinda sounds like you are phishing btw.

fortwortholdguy's Avatar

nice friends you got there FWOG. kinda sounds like you are phishing btw.

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
Au contrere...she's a well reviewed sweetheart just trying to do things the right way...

She is, however, getting enough calls from P411-verifiable hobbyists to keep her plenty busy...thank you...
mikahranae's Avatar
I agree with the ladies. Only way I will accept an ECCIE handle is if they are well known with at least 2 recent reviews.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
I joined in this playground BECAUSE of the screening requirements. BP and CL, etc. are way to risky for a lot of reasons. Originally Posted by RealBeer285

On top of that, I took several months (both here and aspd) to get the lay of the land, so to speak, and try to figure out what's what. I would recommend other newbies do the same and save themselves, and our lovely ladies, a whole lotta grief. I know, I know, wishful thinking.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I am one of those guys who has an ECCIE handle only... and it took me enough nerve to apply for an ECCIE handle. I don't want to really put my information out there. I am really new to ECCIE (but have been off and on with the hobby for about four years). Basically, I have only been visiting one studio (and even then so infrequently that they don't know who I am). I am branching out a little more... but I digress...

I understand the need for screening for safety reasons and will work with the provider to give them a modest amount of info needed. If the provider is not satisfied I can understand and go my on my way... they are screening us... and we are screening them (using ECCIE).
gptxman's Avatar
I was thinking about having her send the dude an email directing him to contact some newbie-friendly providers on here, get a couple of references and reviews, then hit her back for an appointment. Originally Posted by fortwortholdguy
Since I was not so long ago one of these new ECCIE guys with no reviews you are talking about I can say that I did send lots of PM messages out after getting on the board and finding ladies that I would like to see. Yes I had no reviews and most of the ladies told me the same thing that I either needed to give lots of personal info which I would never give out to anyone or to get P411, Date Check or provider references. Some of the ladies I contacted wanted 2 references and some wanted 3 before they would agree to see me. I like them want to be safe so I totally understand the necessity of the screening process (I do it often by checking these boards.) and sent them a message telling them thanks for the reply and I would be coming back to them when I had the reviews.

Lucky for me I found one provider that agreed to see me with out references and then the next one knew that provider so she agreed to see me. I am still in need of at least one more review to be able to see some providers but with the two I already have I am well on my way in the hobby.