Full thrust greek

burkalini's Avatar
I found there are two types of providers that provide greek out there. The put it in slow and easy and move slowly the whole time. I respect this because I am sure it is uncomfortable for them and they want to get used to it. Then there are the ones that you can tell they enjoy it very much. They want all your cock in there ass and they want want it deep and hard. These are the kind I like. The just bang the shit out me type( no pun intended). Ladies if you provide this service what type are you and guys whats your fav.
Willen's Avatar
Frankly, I don't want to play in a way that my partner doesn't enjoy. That said, I've certainly sailed to Greece with ladies who wanted a smooth and relaxed voyage, as well as more tempestuous types.
I like it when they take it in quickly and squeeze your dick with their butt muscles. I have found very few that can or will do this. The ones that will seem to enjoy anal and they squeeze you with thier muscles and also let you thrust it in deep and hard till you cum your rocks off.
Vyvian's Avatar
I LUV going to greece!...but if there's no play w/ my back door 1st(lubed is a must, of course) then I require slow at the beginning and then just start thrusting away deeper & harder til I cum(and oh yeah them ass muscles definitly do sum squeezin)...once I start cumming, it's game on cuz the more punishment my ass gets, the more I cum-I'd like to meet someone sometime that could actually "hang" w/ it(toys count too) cuz apparently I can keep goin...This is the most fun w/ those who LUV going thru the back door cuz its more of a turn on when the other is really turned on & luvin' the pounding of my ass so much that they wanna cum too! ...Mmmmm, thinkin about it got me freakin hot as hell!!!
I LOVE a good HARD pounding!!! mm mm mm
I agree with the OP re the "types" of entry. I've never had the pleasure of experiencing TXKristiKakes, but I have hovered my cockhead on the buttonhole and just let the soon-to-be recipient truly anticipate what's about to happen before pushing my length inside to some very hot squeals and moans of pleasure. I love watcvhing the fingers curling into the bedsheets as I push in without stopping. Other recipients need more gentle prep and a much slower regimen that may take quite a while before there's a hand reaching down to find my balls buried against them and my length hilt-deep.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
while entering initially is about safety. A lady wanting or needing to go slow at the beginning is NOT evidence of her not really enjoying Greek. For example, I am someone who doesn't like FIA, so I am never "open" prior to Greece.

It is incredibly painful to have someone force themselves in when the sphincters have not sufficiently relaxed. I had a client do this once, after I'd said "go slow and wait until I tell you I'm ready for the head" He decided that going in quickly (like ripping off a band-aid) was a good strategy. I almost passed out from the pain. He had no idea how badly he'd hurt me by doing that

That said, once it's all the way in, more aggressive action in that area can be a good thing. I love Greek, even more than the front door. For me, it depends on the size of the guy's equipment. The larger it is the less intense pounding I can take. That's just me.

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I love greek, but when he puts it in he needs to go slow so I can get comfortable, once its in. Bang away as hard and fast as you can, just dont cum before I get to cum and then hang with me while I cum ( might be hour or so) lol.
FishGuy13's Avatar
I had an ex RL-GF who let me try Greek, she did not really like it and it kinda hurt my cock and yes I tried to go slow for her. I'd try again with someone who really wanted it.
As for being on the receiving end, I've had a strap-on from a hot provider & she mostly went slow and easy through out. As for a TS giving it to or receiving it from, perhaps, TSKrystiKakes sure looks hot.
So to answer the OP's ? I'd say I would have to try both before I could answer.