Question for the gentlemen....

I'm curious to see where most of you are located. I check the Mississippi boards maybe once a week but it doesn't seem that active. Wondering which cities hold the most hobbyist as well. Are there just not that many gentlemen hobbying in Mississippi?
Addison, there are a bunch in MS, a lot just lurk or pop on the board occasionally lol.
Gulf Coast and Jackson are infested with the little energizer bunnies!
I believe ms Lily Kat Wood and I are planning a trip!
Lol, I would definitely go for it. I absolutely love the Jackson men, and Biloxi will always be in my heart. You ladies have a blast!
silverstar's Avatar
Well I personally live on the Gulf Coast in Biloxi, and I know a lot of other hobbyists are in this area, as well as Jackson and Hattiesburg.
Jackson, MS area here. Come see us!
I've been wondering this myself. I don't travel but perhaps I should. Seems like most of you don't live here.
I'm in Meridian and usually have to travel to see a lady.
Now up there is your energizer bunny ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
HoundstoothBear's Avatar
I generally prefer to meet gals away from the house, live in the Jackson area. Unfortunately, don't have a good excuse to make it to the coast much where 75% of the action is it seems
HoundstoothBear's Avatar
I've been wondering this myself. I don't travel but perhaps I should. Seems like most of you don't live here. Originally Posted by Sexi Sophia
Hattiesburg might be a good spot to meet some guys halfway so to speak.
I've been wondering this myself. I don't travel but perhaps I should. Seems like most of you don't live here. Originally Posted by Sexi Sophia
Like HoundstoothBear said , Hattiesburg might be a good place for ya to visit !
roll_with_me's Avatar
Lol, I would definitely go for it. I absolutely love the Jackson men, and Biloxi will always be in my heart. You ladies have a blast! Originally Posted by SeasonedMuse
And we love and miss you too! I hope things are going well for you just slightly below the Mason Dixon...
I'm thinking about coming up next week and wasn't sure if I would get any responses. So I guess I need to come fo jackson meridian and Hattiesburg correct?
Sexstarved004's Avatar
Come to Jackson please.