What Forums Do You Read?

JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Question for both the ladies and the gentlemen. There are a lot of forums on ECCIE, There are the general ones and the specific ones for cities and states. Which ones do you read and why?

Personally, I only spend time on the MS and TN forums. I just don't have enough interest in any of the general ones. I want to know what's going on where I used to live and where I now live.

So, what do you read?

Let's see...I read the Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Carolinas and Staff boards. That's enough.
biomed1's Avatar
I run thru the Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma and South Texas Forums myself.

I also read thru the Staff Forums and a couple of Private Forums.

Anyone else?
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
RL and Biomed, you guys HAVE to do those, and I used to. What I want to know is about the forums people WANT to read. I may be missing some stuff that's really great.

biomed1's Avatar
You may find some titillation in the "Diamonds and Tuxedos" and the "Another Realm" Forums found on the National Page.
I just stick to the MS forum Jag . It's enough for me .
I enjoy reading The Political Forum in the National section. Lay a comment down in there and the wolves are coming after ya.
I mainly read the FL Panhandle, MS and AL forums since those are local to me.

I also sometimes read the New Orleans forums whan I'm going to be in that neck of the woods.

Lately I've been perusing the Dallas forums too just because of the sheer number and variety of providers in that market. I really need to find an excuse to make the trim to the big D, because damn!! It looks like Disneyland for horny guys over there!!!
Penthouse? No that cant be correct.

I do 99% of my hobbying on the coast and in new orleans so those are the ones I peruse daily. I also get over to AL and FL from time to time so those get checked periodically when time permits. Now when I get the feeling to see how the hobby elite are living or I just want to be depressed about how dead comparatively our area is. Well then I go to Houston and Dallas and fantasize about how nice it must be to have so many choices and such low rates.

I will also get sucked down the rabbit hole on occasion by catching a hot girls pic in the showcases at the top of the page when you sign on. A Girl from Seattle popped up last week that had me spending a good hour looking through all the Seattle showcases. What I have learned is that no matter where you go there are some seriously hot women willing to rent it out. Thank god for women with questionable morals and the internet for making it so easy to find them.
I stick to ms and occasionally check out new orleans cause I go there sometimes
Moonchild's Avatar
i regularly frequent the states that i play and these are ms, al, fl panhandle and Louisiana.

I’ll sometimes check one of the other states, just for the hell of it at times.
I stick to the MS forum. Under it I enjoy the coed, sandbox, Independent reviews and the alerts. I've been lurking for a while and have not had the pleasure of meeting any of the ladies yet. However, I hope to soon.
Cravinhead69's Avatar
I mainly view the MS forums, Anything that is posted new. I check the showcases here, Al, and Pensacola,
any topics that interests me. Mainly learning and gathering intel on the providers to know which ones are good, bad or excellent that aren't 3 bills or more. I don't prerusethe nationals or far off much. I did check out a provider from Dallas, because she was wearing a Dallas cowgirl cheerleader outfit, she was Asain, looked ok, but I think she was $300 an hr.
I do wish the showcases were sorted by city so it would be easier to find locals instead of having to search each showcase for the whole state.