CNN Thanks the Real Heroes on Veterans Days (Spoiler: It's Not Our Soldiers)

  • oeb11
  • 11-13-2021, 08:29 AM

Source: AP Photo/Ron Harris

Yesterday was Veterans Day. It was a day to honor those who had served in our armed forces. These citizens are the best of us—answering the call and keeping watchtowers manned so we can live comfortably in safety. It's not necessarily a political holiday, but some folks unearthed an old CNN op-ed piece that pretty much captured how the liberal media views themselves. Specifically, it was the last paragraph of the article. It's from 2018, but not much has changed. The piece was by an ethics professor at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business. The title was, "The press isn't the enemy, it's the protector."
We thank soldiers for their service because they devote themselves to protecting our freedoms, and we should. But we should also thank the media for the same reason – especially when the stakes have never been higher.
Oh, please. It's old, but it still elicits the same response. It wasn't a Veterans Day op-ed, but we've seen far too many liberal reporters equating themselves to first responders, and dare I say, even members of the military for peddling the Democratic Party's agenda.

We Must End the Biden Nightmare Matt Vespa

It's the bubble mentality. We all saw it accelerate under Trump. And the sad thing about this old piece is that a good chunk of the establishment press think they are just like the brave men who stormed Normandy. My eyes cannot roll any harder.

Comment - self-absorbed idiots of Xinn - who believe they are 'warriors' - sitting on fat Stalter asses behind keyboards pumping out marxist, racist propaganda and Lies.

When teh Civil War they desire comes - they are in for a very short lived, rude surprise.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I figured it was gonna be Fauci, the high priest of Branch Covidians.