Vodka Tampons

BangOver's Avatar

My kids aren't teenagers any more. So, I had to catch up on the latest stupid crap that current teenagers are doing. Do not try this one at home...

and the boys are putting the vodka soaked tampons in their rectum.. damnnn
Will they pass a breathelizer test by the po po? hmmm
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm glad I'm not young any more!
pyramider's Avatar
Please tell me these are new tampons and not those with flavor added.
Still Looking's Avatar
Gin with two olives! I wonder how they would do that? That would pretty much end the little umbrella thing I think! LOL
pyramider's Avatar
Umbrellas and garnish could still be shoved up an ass. Butt those frozen drincks might need to be reconsidered.
Still Looking's Avatar
Umbrellas and garnish could still be shoved up an ass. Butt those frozen drincks might need to be reconsidered. Originally Posted by pyramider
I don't even want to think about a bolier maker!? LOL
IDK, but I think they can kill you.
IDK, but I think they can kill you. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Depends on how much. Taking a full shot of vodka directly into the bloodstream, will get one drunker, much faster. And as the news report said, the body can't puke up the excess alcohol. They'll likely come down from the high about as fast as normal (or maybe slower, IDK <-- no expertise).

In summary: It's stupid; however, live (or die) and learn.
  • Sami
  • 11-12-2011, 11:08 AM
OMG... I am so glad my girl is grown, things like this come up all I can think is WTF!

It is a danger zone becoming a parent these day's, so much access to complete bullshit that the kids believe.
The kids : I read it on the internet so it must true
No, teenagers are NOT doing this, and in fact anyone who's ever used/handled a tampon would realize that a soaked tampon can't be inserted anywhere. This is just another stupid story made up by stupid adults like the "LSD temporary tattoos" myth which has been going around since the '60s. This one in particular was made up by a stupid cop in Arizona who wanted to get on TV, and spread by badge-licking reporters who imagine that a stupid cop in Arizona somehow knows what kids all over the country are doing (via his super psychic cop powers, no doubt).

Read this: and this:
and, for good measure, this: in the future, y'all, do try to be more skeptical of nonsense spread by the media/cop coalition, the same folks who brought you the Satanic Panic, 10,000 gypsy hookers following sporting events, "the average sex worker is 13" and other such idiotic myths.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Angelok, well said as always!
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm pretty sure tampons come in a hard plastic applicator which allows for them to be soaked in the beverage of your choice and then inserted! But what do I know.... I'm just a Man Whore!
budman33's Avatar
I remember a darwin awards story not too long ago. He used to shove the end of a whisky bottle up his ass and get drunk from the colon flush so to speak. Then one day his wife gave him too much and well... there's a reason it was posted on the Darwin Awards website.

so its doable. dumb but doable, man up and take a fucking shot I say. buncha pussies.
Still Looking's Avatar
I remember a darwin awards story not too long ago. He used to shove the end of a whisky bottle up his ass and get drunk from the colon flush so to speak. Then one day his wife gave him too much and well... there's a reason it was posted on the Darwin Awards website.

so its doable. dumb but doable, man up and take a fucking shot I say. buncha pussies. Originally Posted by budman33
Cheers! LOL