What a shock about where this happened!

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  • Old-T
  • 04-15-2015, 02:17 AM
Thumper stupidity strikes again! Looks like someone is quite unqualified for his office. Always disturbing when a politician has no clue about the constitution. Fortunately there seem to be saner heads in both parties.

Did Maddow devote her entire show to it last night? That's her usual MO. Find some very minor Republican politician that proposed something stupid and drone on about it with snarky ridicule for a 12 minute segment. Then she attempts to draw the entire Republican party into it for their lack of involvement or Rachel's imagined involvement. Finally she extrapolates to Progressive Doomsday scenarios if something that doesn't have a chance in hell happens.

That a state representative did something this stupid likely took it to "dedicate whole show" status.

In other news, Obama was unanimously and bi-partisanly rebuked in a Senate Committee hearing concerning an international "treaty" with Iran.
LexusLover's Avatar
In other news, Obama was unanimously and bi-partisanly rebuked in a Senate Committee hearing concerning an international "treaty" with Iran. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Not to mention the Russians selling the "peace-loving" Iranians a ...

.... missile defense system ... while ignoring the arms "embargo"!!!!

That way the Iranians can defend against the "military option" when they DON'T MAKE A DEAL on developing a NUCLEAR WARHEAD to use in DESTROYING ISREAL.

But as Obminable said to the Russians:

He "will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election" in 2012.

The Russians are responsible for the Iranians "having" a bomb. It not only employs their scientists and engineers but adds a $10 or so premium to every barrel of Russian crude.

When the Iranians finally get the bomb I hope they give the Chechnyans a suitcase to use against Moscow. It'll serve them right.

Hey, Obama was referring to the 2012 elections, not the 2014! He'll have even MORE flexibility after the 2016 elections...being able to call and write any one he wants without the ol' ball and chain around....Michelle, not Congress.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-15-2015, 07:29 AM
Ah! It took one post to divert the thread from a Thumper wanting to make TN a theocracy to Iran. Good hijack.
LexusLover's Avatar
Ah! It took one post to divert the thread from a Thumper wanting to make TN a theocracy to Iran. Good hijack. Originally Posted by Old-T
It's not really a "hijack" ... it's putting the narrow-minded liberalist in perspective.

Sort of like worrying about the demise of the world in 1,000,000 years or more due to "global warming" while allowing terrorists to create nuclear warheads and protecting "their right" to have them with a "missile defense" system.

This is child's play now: Japan and the atomic bombs.

Besides I could have sworn you were referencing Obaminable when you posted:

"Looks like someone is quite unqualified for his office."
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  • Old-T
  • 04-15-2015, 09:12 AM
It's not really a "hijack" ... it's putting the narrow-minded liberalist in perspective.

Sort of like worrying about the demise of the world in 1,000,000 years or more due to "global warming" while allowing terrorists to create nuclear warheads and protecting "their right" to have them with a "missile defense" system.

This is child's play now: Japan and the atomic bombs.

Besides I could have sworn you were referencing Obaminable when you posted:

"Looks like someone is quite unqualified for his office." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Come now--I expect hijacking and turing EVERY thread into a derogatory comment about the current or previous president, but at least be honest. Of course you knew the topic wasn't Obama.
Not to mention the Russians selling the "peace-loving" Iranians a ...

.... missile defense system ... while ignoring the arms "embargo"!!!!

That way the Iranians can defend against the "military option" when they DON'T MAKE A DEAL on developing a NUCLEAR WARHEAD to use in DESTROYING ISREAL.

But as Obminable said to the Russians:

He "will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election" in 2012.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/...82P0JI20120326 Originally Posted by LexusLover
But Bush looked into Putin's soul I thought?
LexusLover's Avatar
Come now--I expect hijacking and turing EVERY thread into a derogatory comment about the current or previous president, but at least be honest. Of course you knew the topic wasn't Obama. Originally Posted by Old-T
Perhaps I should say ..... then .... "pot meet kettle"! ... Or ... "It's Bush's fault."

Would that be consistent with the Liberal Talking Points....?
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  • Old-T
  • 04-15-2015, 04:50 PM
That would be just as stupid a reply.

Back to the original post: what is your thought about the bible as the official state book, and when will people start seeing the Wacko Thumpers as a bunch of religious zealots (note: I am far from including all conservatives, most of them are not WTs)
Thumper stupidity strikes again! Looks like someone is quite unqualified for his office. Always disturbing when a politician has no clue about the constitution. Fortunately there seem to be saner heads in both parties.

http://start.new.toshiba.com/news/re...ible_offici-ap Originally Posted by Old-T
It's not really a "hijack" ... it's putting the narrow-minded liberalist in perspective.

Besides I could have sworn you were referencing Obaminable when you posted:

"Looks like someone is quite unqualified for his office." Originally Posted by LexusLover
I thought Old-Troll referenced Obama with " Always disturbing when a politician has no clue about the constitution. "

Come now--I expect hijacking and turing EVERY thread into a derogatory comment about the current or previous president, but at least be honest. Of course you knew the topic wasn't Obama. Originally Posted by Old-T
You put out a Troll thread about an inconsequential politician putting forth an inconsequential bill. This is one of BigKotex's "trap" thread where Bigkotex only traps himself. I'm actually embarrassed for you Old-T.

That would be just as stupid a reply.

Back to the original post: what is your thought about the bible as the official state book, and when will people start seeing the Wacko Thumpers as a bunch of religious zealots (note: I am far from including all conservatives, most of them are not WTs) Originally Posted by Old-T
Doubling down on stupid Old-T? Struggling to extricate yourself from you own troll trap thread? Racing to pick up the WTF "poor reading comprehension and inability to draw logical conclusions" mantle. It's Progressive bluster about nothing.
I thought this thread was about stupidity (and under qualified) while in office...so of course Obama will be the headliner............Kumar is a Rhodes Scholar compared to Obama's stupidity the past 7 years.

Like ISIS is a JV Team, or Yemen is a success in the war on terror......or Benghazi was about an anti-Mohammad video.

I am willing to admit to Kumar's stupidity...are you willing to admit to Obama's ?

And if so, who do you think is doing more harm, Kumar or Obama?
I thought this thread was about stupidity (and under qualified) while in office...so of course Obama will be the headliner............Kumar is a Rhodes Scholar compared to Obama's stupidity the past 7 years.

Like ISIS is a JV Team, or Yemen is a success in the war on terror......or Benghazi was about an anti-Mohammad video.

I am willing to admit to Kumar's stupidity...are you willing to admit to Obama's ?

And if so, who do you think is doing more harm, Kumar or Obama? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Or like you have something intelligent and constructive to add to any discussion you're a part of...
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Or like you have something intelligent and constructive to add to any discussion you're a part of... Originally Posted by WombRaider
It can seem unintelligent and nonconstructive when repeating the God-Awful things YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE has said and done (or not done) while he has been on the government tit in OUR WHITE HOUSE.

But this thread emphasizes the tactic of the liberal-apologists, including the media, of attempting to refocus attention onto minor insignificant bullshit others are doing ..... like ...

.. "counting the toothpicks while the logs roll by"!

And to devote a thread to such petty crap. Excellent example of it.
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  • Old-T
  • 04-16-2015, 04:13 PM
OK, as I suspected: since Obama has done a poor job for the past six years (an opinion I agree with), then there are a lot of folks here who see nothing wrong with a theocracy in the US. Wonder what the reaction would be if it was a different religious book that was proposed (which I would equally disagree with)? The howls would be long and numerous--and most of you know that even if you will disavow it.