Name that Former Handle Game

Remember the show "Name that Tune"?
Contestants would bid each other down to name that tune in a certain amount of notes....

So.... let's play that game here since so many former handles seem to show up on a regular basis.....
Telltale signs include detailed ROS reviews... but that is only one basis... Location, posting style etc also come into play....

I'll go first. There is a "new" member here:
Registered Member

Join Date: Sep 10, 2015
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 10

I say that "I can name that former handle" in less than 20 posts.

In order to win, I need to identify that former handle before his post count hits 20.

Now... someone else can bid lower than me, and if that lower bidder identifies that former handle before his post count hits the bid, that poster wins.


I have a feeling that someone is going to try and underbid me on this one.....

But this should prove to be a most enjoyable game!!!!!
Tiger.... if this game takes off.... I am giving you the rights to Build, Own and Maintain your very own "Name that Former Handle Repository".
I told you that your hard work would eventually pay off.
Do you guys bid on every new handle?
Do you guys bid on every new handle? Originally Posted by ManningPeyton
Yes I will if I suspect a Rodeo event and my number is 12 and MP you're at 11.
Yes I will if I suspect a Rodeo event and my number is 12 and MP you're at 11. Originally Posted by Perryay
What's a rodeo event? I mean, I know what a rodeo is, but I thought that was for Texas.
Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Ding ding ding ding........
Perryay, you just lost.
Yes I will if I suspect a Rodeo event and my number is 12 and MP you're at 11. Originally Posted by Perryay
What's a rodeo event? I mean, I know what a rodeo is, but I thought that was for Texas. Originally Posted by ManningPeyton
I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. You're just a narcissistic ego maniac that can't help but try to be the center of attention on a smhb. Please go back to Guantanamo and stay there. WTF