Welcome back bjwstw

offshoredrilling's Avatar
been entertaining so far

shhhhhhh I got review post stored, ya want it?
I'm hearing he's wanting a hook to have his babies....
The ultimate fuck and stay....
elghund's Avatar
It's almost like he never left........

FlyboyNY's Avatar
Fuck and Stay. Hahahaha The key is knowing the difference between Fuck and getting fucked. Getting fucked means stay away.
If you want I can write a do's and don'ts chapter for your book.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
Mr fuck and leave just couldn't fuck in leave so I get fucked with for over a yr.. I'm so sick of his shit..
KaylaRyder's Avatar
It's almost like he never left........

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
yup 3 banned handles he has had while bjwstw was banned.... he has a hard time with leaving lol
yup 3 banned handles he has had while bjwstw was banned.... he has a hard time with leaving lol Originally Posted by KaylaRyder

Meh....XY will tell him....you have much to learn young grassfucker!.......

Guest042416's Avatar
Rodeo Iso Peyton manning

That guy
This guy.....


Join Date: Aug 1, 2015
Location: NY
Posts: 628
Reviews: 2

Guest042416's Avatar
Oh xy very good guy
Nice try....
XY would never start a thread like this:

kayla ryder
Guest042416's Avatar
KaylaRyder's Avatar
Oh xy very good guy Originally Posted by bjwstw
XY and taskmaster are great friends of his, from what he says
He idolizes xy for his dramma and task for hooking nicole..
he wants so bad to "nicole me" that even after all this he still is worried about my career and future, like I'm his business..
KaylaRyder's Avatar