Not Hiring Until Obama Is Gone Is A Symptom Of Broader GOP Ignorance

BigLouie's Avatar
There are occasions that the level of ignorance some people exhibit should cause Americans to be ashamed to live in this country. Republicans have perpetuated a lie that America’s economic malaise is solely the fault of the Obama Administration and their solution is to return to the Bush-Republican policies of deregulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, and allegiance to Wall Street’s financial corporate agenda that sent the economy perilously close to total collapse. One businessman’s ignorance epitomizes why economic pain and suffering caused by Republican policies continues and why it should engender ire in all Americans.

Last Monday, a photo of a sign posted on a Georgia man’s company trucks went viral on the Internet, and it exemplified ignorance, vindictiveness, and contempt typical of Republican economic policies that many Americans support. The sign read, “New Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone.” The company owner, Bill Looman, said his message was not political, but representative of his belief that he cannot hire anyone because of the economy; he blames President Obama. In an interview Looman said, “The way the economy’s running, and the way my business has been hampered by the economy, and the policies of the people in power, I felt that it was necessary to voice my opinion, and predict that I wouldn’t be able to do any hiring.” Apparently, Looman subscribes to Republican rhetoric as a matter-of-course and is ignorant of why the economy is stagnate.

Without going into the stupidity inherent in Republican economic policies and to avoid portraying men like Looman as cognitively deficient conservative sycophants, there are a couple of points to make on why Looman is wrong and why the Obama Administration’s jobs plan would benefit moronic dolts like the Georgia business owner.

Looman’s business is U.S. Cranes, LLC., and he said, “Can’t afford it. I’ve got people that I want to hire now, but I just can’t afford it. And I don’t foresee that I’ll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C.” The President’s jobs plan called for a tiny tax increase on millionaires and billionaires to fund infrastructure improvements that Looman would certainly have benefited from, but Republicans blocked job creation because of their policy of not increasing taxes for the richest 1% of Americans. Looman must suffer from amnesia besides being stupid, because the economic scene was created during the Bush years mainly through deregulation of the financial industry as well as the wealthy’s tax cuts. The economic crash of 2007-2008 was well underway before Obama was elected, and the only recovery since then was the Obama stimulus that saved the auto industry and put millions of Americans back to work.

Republicans claim the economy is not booming because taxes are too high and regulations are burdensome to business, but surveys and polls show that business owners claim it is lack of consumer spending that prevents them from hiring. In fact, taxes are at their lowest rates in sixty years and environmental regulations passed during President Obama’s first two years have not yet went into effect. Looman said unless things change in Washington, he cannot foresee being able to afford to hire new employees. Does he seriously believe that giving the wealthy and corporations more tax cuts will encourage Americans who are losing their jobs, buying power, and their homes to begin spending money they do not have? Either Mr. Looman is a fool, or he has bought into the Republican lies that began during the Reagan administration and have finally borne the fruit conservatives planned thirty years ago.

The changes Republicans have in store if they win the White House and Congress will further enrich the wealthy and remove the last vestiges of the middle class that drive the economy, but the foolish Looman thinks GOP economic plans will drive consumer spending and fill his coffers with untold wealth and treasure. Looman should keep in mind that America has tried the Republican economic disaster for ten years and except for Obama’s stimulus, there has been a steady decline in income and spending for the sector that drives the economy; the middle class. Willard Romney’s grand economic scheme is giving $6.7 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans who have not shown any interest in creating jobs…in America.

The other point is; who is Looman punishing by not hiring new employees? Obviously, he follows the lead of vile Republicans who are hell-bent on sending more Americans into poverty to protect the wealthy and corporations. A change in Washington will finally send the economy into depression that Republicans have worked tirelessly to achieve for the past two-and-a-half years and unless Looman is part of the 1%, he will lose his business to the policies he supports. It is possible that Looman is just an ignorant dolt who regurgitates Republican and Koch brothers’ rhetoric, because he did not articulate how or why President Obama has caused slow economic growth. Whatever Looman’s reasons for blaming the economy on President Obama, they are wrong. It is still unbelievable that a company that operates cranes used in infrastructure projects blames his business’s slowdown on the President who has tried to put Americans to work rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure.

It is impossible to feel anything other than abject contempt for men, like Looman, who blindly follow Republican talking points as if they are the word of god. Reality and economic experts have verified over and over again that the economy is in shambles because of Bush-Republican policies of financial deregulation and tax cuts for the rich. It is unlikely that Looman and his ilk will ever achieve a level of economic understanding of why the economy is making a slow recovery, and it is further proof that many conservative business owners are just as stupid and contemptible as the Republicans who caused the economic disaster in the first place.

Mr. Looman is entitled to his opinion, but he is not entitled to perpetuate lies and misinformation he gleaned from the Heritage Foundation and the RNC. The message Looman is really spreading is that he is a foolish moron without the slightest hint of economic understanding and almost certainly a Republican sycophant. Like nearly all Republicans, instead of thinking or observing for himself, Looman depends on other ignoramuses to do his thinking and it informs why conservatives repeat the same economic errors at their own peril and are the reason economic recovery cannot proceed. If the change he desires comes to pass, Looman’s business will come to a screeching halt and he will have no-one to blame but himself and his inability to think or remember that Republicans crashed the economy between 2001 and 2008; eight years before President Obama took the oath of office.
blue3122's Avatar
Or it could be that companies like mine are so uncertain of our future health care and taxes that until we are unable to make a profitable plan with the current government plans and are waiting until there some more certainty before making any positive changes. My company has been in business for 37 years. We have been through 6 recessions in that time. Even during those we had a reasonable idea what was going on. This political climate has increased our uncertainty (risk) so much we cannot make capital allocations with any reasonable chance of predicting positive outcomes. So we sit on cash.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Big Louie, Where do you find this garbage?
He did not say if he was giving plenty of overtime to the Employees he has now.

I look for the next big thing for the Democrats to push is penalizing Companies do have enough work to warrant more employees, but instead of hiring new people, they give their existing Employees considerable overtime.

They could do this by taxing any wage that is over the standard 40 hour week at a substantially higher rate. When the cost of overtime finally was more than the cost of employing someone, business's would hire more workers.

Of course, the men who are now enjoying the benefits of the overtime won't be happy.

The big unreported secret out there is many small businesses are doing just this. We hired one young man this year, a trade school graduate, but at this time it is much more profitable for us to just give our existing employees lots of overtime, we have been on 6 days, 10 hours a day for almost two years. It's a win-win, we don't have to hassle with someone new, we don't have to pay the health insurance of another employee, we don't have to pay the matching social security and other withholdings of another employee, and we don't have to worry about some dead beat just quitting and then we have to pay the matching unemployment benefits. The win for our employees is they get to enjoy a substantially better lifestyle.
Big Louie, Where do you find this garbage? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Remove thine head from thine anus
It is impossible to feel anything other than abject contempt for men, like Looman, who blindly follow Republican talking points as if they are the word of god. Reality and economic experts have verified over and over again that the economy is in shambles because of Bush-Republican policies of financial deregulation and tax cuts for the rich. It is unlikely that Looman and his ilk will ever achieve a level of economic understanding of why the economy is making a slow recovery, and it is further proof that many conservative business owners are just as stupid and contemptible as the Republicans who caused the economic disaster in the first place. Originally Posted by BigLouie
I think a lot of people both Democrats and Republicans do this, they take the information they receive from the media at face value and run with it without doing their own research to back up the claim. If his company is doing fine and he doesn't feel the need to hire more employee's , there is nothing wrong with that. But if he is hurting, don't shoot yourself in the foot and try to put the blame on someone else.

I am tired of politics really, it has morphed from "How can me make things better?" to "Who's to blame for this shit." That is not the way to make progressive and grow as a country.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I am tired of politics really, it has morphed from "How can me make things better?" to "Who's to blame for this shit." That is not the way to make progressive and grow as a country. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Amen! Sister!

It's tiring of hearing that Obama is ok, but everything is Bush's fault, or that Bush was a saint, and now devil Obama is screwing everything up. Hey, it took a team effort to get us here, and the same people who got us here are not going to get us out.

As far as that guy's business goes, it's his business. He should be able to hire whoever he wants whenever he wants.

Iaintliein's Avatar
Nothing new here. A friend of mine in gas well services lost his job because his company's biggest customer announced the would cap all wells being drilled and not drill any more. . . the day after Obummer was elected. Pretty simple, when a politician is openly hostile to your business, you try to minimize your exposure until an adult takes office.
Boltfan's Avatar

Cite your source if you are going to copy and paste.
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  • 11-26-2011, 04:25 PM
Big Louie, Where do you find this garbage? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Right next to where Marshall finds his
Nothing new here. A friend of mine in gas well services lost his job because his company's biggest customer announced the would cap all wells being drilled and not drill any more. . . the day after Obummer was elected. Pretty simple, when a politician is openly hostile to your business, you try to minimize your exposure until an adult takes office. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

Pretty fucking stupid and awfully fishy with no more information than you posted in your feeble attempt to skewer Obama. If they capped all the wells, the producing company would have to answer to a lot of shareholders an/or lease holders if they stopped production on completed wells. That is unless there is far more to the story than you're telling.

Pretty fucking stupid and awfully fishy with no more information than you posted in your feeble attempt to skewer Obama. If they capped all the wells, the producing company would have to answer to a lot of shareholders an/or lease holders if they stopped production on completed wells. That is unless there is far more to the story than you're telling. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Now you can eat your own HORSE SHIT.

BigLouie's Avatar
Big Louie, Where do you find this garbage? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
While hanging with you at the penthouse over at the Palace Inn, while you were busy with Italia, I found it in a damp copy of the Wall Street Journal that Italia had finished using on you. You know when you were going "beat me, hurt me, make me write bad checks."
BigLouie's Avatar
Nothing new here. A friend of mine in gas well services lost his job because his company's biggest customer announced the would cap all wells being drilled and not drill any more. . . the day after Obummer was elected. Pretty simple, when a politician is openly hostile to your business, you try to minimize your exposure until an adult takes office. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

What hostile. You indicated that he lost his job a day after Obama was elected which was way before any policy at all had been put in place. Just like the guy in the post your friend's company was acting stupid and paranoid.
Big Louie, Where do you find this garbage? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
He told me that he found many articles such as this in a drawer in the Penthouse Suite at the Palace Inn. You might want to check with the former tenant and ask where he found it!

While hanging with you at the penthouse over at the Palace Inn, while you were busy with Italia, I found it in a damp copy of the Wall Street Journal that Italia had finished using on you. You know when you were going "beat me, hurt me, make me write bad checks." Originally Posted by BigLouie
Damn, I just read Big Louie's response after I posted mine. Seems to be fairly similar, doesn't it?