If You Rely On The NY Times As Your Paper Of Record - You're An Ignorant Leftie

The NYTs is not the newpapaer it use to be. It's reputation for reliable reporting has been destroyed by mini Schulzberger...........here is just one example of how pathetic the NYTs has become...

NY Times Book Review Likens Tea Party to the Klan

by Keith Koffler on November 29, 2011, 7:51 am

A piece in Sunday’s New York Times book review section compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan.

The review, written for the Times by historian Kevin Boyle, evaluates two new books on the Klan. It opens with an indirect but unmistakable suggestion that the Tea Party is a modern version of the racist white supremacist organization.
Imagine a political movement created in a moment of terrible anxiety, its origins shrouded in a peculiar combination of manipulation and grass-roots mobilization, its ranks dominated by Christian conservatives and self-proclaimed patriots, its agenda driven by its members’ fervent embrace of nationalism, nativism and moral regeneration, with more than a whiff of racism wafting through it.

No, not that movement. The one from the 1920s, with the sheets and the flaming crosses and the ludicrous name meant to evoke a heroic past. The Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, they called it. And for a few years it burned across the nation, a fearsome thing to ­behold.
That a portrayal of the Tea Party as a racist and intolerant movement could get past the editors of the New York Times is perhaps not surprising, given what I think are widely held assumptions about the movement among the Northeast’s liberal ruling class.

What is somewhat shocking is the prevalence of these views given the fervent – even stubborn, in my view – embrace by the Tea Party of Herman Cain. I don’t think any of the GOP candidates has aroused more passion among conservatives this year, including Newt Gingrich.

Beyond probably being racist, the Tea Party is generally thought – in the non-conservative sectors of my city, Washington – to be amply comprised of boneheads and jerks.

For example, you cannot in polite company in Washington say, “You know, those Tea Party people, I think they have some really smart ideas,” without being laughed out of the room or, at best, have people quietly go back to their typing and try to pretend nothing just happened.

I am sure that Tea Party members are viewed in negative terms by the Obama people, most of whom fit quite nicely into mainstream Washington. The upcoming campaign, which will feature corrosive attack rhetoric against Republicans from the president, will no doubt exacerbate the misperceptions and suspicions about the Tea Party.

The Times, which thinks of itself as our nation’s newspaper of record and which at the very least helps shape elite opinion, should be combating dangerous stereotypes, not promoting them.
If you watch fox news you are brain washed
I prefer Bloomberg though I ready the WSJ every day too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2011, 11:11 AM
For example, you cannot in polite company in Washington say, “You know, those Tea Party people, I think they have some really smart ideas,” without being laughed out of the room or, at best, have people quietly go back to their typing and try to pretend nothing just happened.

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What this author fails to mention is that there are elite types in the GOP that read the WSJ....in fact it is full of them too. You can not say that OWS has a good point in their company!

The GOP has done a really good job of saleing to the masses in the party that they are not elite. They are...why do you think they stand as far away from Sara Palin as they possible can?
Actually there are plenty of GOP (inside and outside the beltway) who think OWS has some good ideas...and they say so almost every day - in private and public conversations.

What this author fails to mention is that there are elite types in the GOP that read the WSJ....in fact it is full of them too. You can not say that OWS has a good point in their company!
Originally Posted by WTF
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you listen to any mainstream media without double and triple checking, you could be brainwashed. Assuming you have something to wash, that is.
True; however, there are alot of east coast people who (wrongly) think the NYTs is the paper of record.

If you listen to any mainstream media without double and triple checking, you could be brainwashed. Assuming you have something to wash, that is. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2011, 01:53 PM
Actually there are plenty of GOP (inside and outside the beltway) who think OWS has some good ideas...and they say so almost every day - in private and public conversations. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well that is good to know....I am a liberal elite and I say the Tea Baggers had some good idea's!
TexTushHog's Avatar
What makes you think that the Tea Party is all that different from the Klan, at least in the South. I saw a poll the other day that said something like half of the Republicans in Mississippi thought that interracial marriage ought to be illegal.

Here it is. 46 percent. (Not to mention another 14 percent who were "unsure.")


Explain to me how that's not racist.


Also remember, that actual numbers of people holding racist positions are underestimated by polling because some people are embarrassed to admit to racial bias.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-29-2011, 08:33 PM
As usual... the first to cry RACIST ... usually are!

just sayin...
TexTushHog's Avatar
OK, can you articulate for me a non-racist reason to be against interracial marriage?
  • MrGiz
  • 11-29-2011, 08:44 PM
OK, can you articulate for me a non-racist reason to be against interracial marriage? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Nope! *But you're the one, wanting to re-direct this thread... not me!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nope! *But you're the one, wanting to re-direct this thread... not me! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Nice try.

The point is that book reviews in a newspaper mean nothing as far as the reliability of a printed AP story goes.

You (whirlaway) call factual content into question because of a book review.

You are saying "They must be lying about the tea baggers in those AP stories. They posted a book review I don't like!"

Plus you gotta love somebody telling you to triple check all your info after they use the mail guardian as a source.

  • MrGiz
  • 11-29-2011, 09:25 PM
Are you actually attempting to obfuscate the blatantly obvious left bias of the New York Times? * Are you denying it?

THAT... was pretty much, the OP's point.

Attempting to cover it up with AOL polls taken in Mississippi does not impress anyone! I can make a poll's results say anything I want it to. So what?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What makes you think that the Tea Party is all that different from the Klan, at least in the South. I saw a poll the other day that said something like half of the Republicans in Mississippi thought that interracial marriage ought to be illegal. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Here it is. 46 percent. (Not to mention another 14 percent who were "unsure.")
Explain to me how that's not racist.
Also remember, that actual numbers of people holding racist positions are underestimated by polling because some people are embarrassed to admit to racial bias. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Some feel giving an example of being racist is an attempt at getting a racist reaction out of the closet racists.

As usual... the first to cry RACIST ... usually are!
just sayin... Originally Posted by MrGiz

Looks like it worked again.

OK, can you articulate for me a non-racist reason to be against interracial marriage? Originally Posted by TexTushHog

He'll have you trying every possible combination of words and ideas to get your point across and thus divert you from ever getting an answer out of him.

Nope! *But you're the one, wanting to re-direct this thread... not me! Originally Posted by MrGiz

The "I know you are but what am I?" strategy. He will never directly answer your question or acknowledge you have a valid point.

Cause he's just sayin'.