Crazy Office Antics

onetyme281's Avatar
For those of us who work in the office what are somethings you do that either piss coworkers off or make you look crazy?

I usually play the Immaculate Collection by Madonna every other day.

I also talk super loud on the phone.

I also enjoy playing trash can basketball after closing a deal.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
nothing from me really but I once had co-workers who were married. The girl I guess not getting attention from her husband just straight up and flat out lied and told him that she and I were fucking. He confronted me and I assured him I wasn't fucking her.... however, I knew that she was fucking some local rapper in Houston but I didn't say shit to him about it. So he threatened to kill me while at work and back then I wasn't strapped so I called up some connects and they came up to the job found him at his desk and scared the living shit outta him in front of the whole office. lol. Yeah I eventually got fired for the stunt but such is life.
Worked downtown in Pennzoil Building for a couple years and had a boss who got insulted by another senior level manager in front of everybody at a Friday meeting. Called my boss a chicken shit. My boss told him to take it back and apologize . would not.

Monday morning came in and there were maintenance guys all over our floor. Seem as if someone snuck two chickens into the highrise over the weekend and locked them up in a-hole's office with food. Note on the door.... 'Who's the chicken shit now?'
Bring assault rifle in, everyone becomes quiet, even the assholes.