Wishes are horses.... The planning of an Epic Session.

LovingKayla's Avatar
In the immortal words of Loki, "I am burdened with glorious purpose."

I have been tasked to create the ultimate epic session. My corner of the hobby is somewhat limited to Massage. I can provide that part of the session. But I know very little about all the fun games that can be played during an hour romp. There has to be more than just blow jobs, and sex. Don't get me wrong, both are wonderful, but I want to come up with something MORE. I have thought about this for about 6 weeks and have decided the incredible experience that lay here in discussions, should be tapped for this. Your skills as sexually festive people are being called upon.

A little back ground on the client... He is 60 with Parkinsons. Not the shaky kind but the kind that causes pain. He does have some ED challenges like most men, so hard core fucking isn't really an option. Perhaps a little but the main focus of this should be to stimulate senses to the maximum possible level. Light domination is a must.

I bring this quest to the members. Let's create the EPIC SESSION of all time, for him. I will also be looking at the various female posters for compatibility. I will choose 2 of you.

Let's begin....

I lead him by the hand as he takes nervous, yet excited foot steps. He is blindfolded, so the sensations he experiences will be surprises as they come. He steps into the inner sanctum of a legendary provider (if she isn't now, she will be by the end of this experience) and is led to a place where his clothes begin to disappear from his body as she carefully removes them. A kiss on each part of his body as his clothes fall.

Still blindfolded, he.......

Take it away guys. Let's make this awesome. He may not have long so let's get to it.
Kayla, you have my admiration for this, but I don't think I would be much help.
...is walked to the bed and sensualized with range of motion exercises that easily cross the line if they were done in a real world medical setting. Bath him on the bed keeping him warm and covered so he doesnt cold untl he is dry. Then soft stroking of extremities with different types of stimuli, depending on the origin of his pain (localized musculoskeletal or neuropathic). Soft, sexy music playing in the background with the physical stimulus keeping time to the rhythm. Does he want to be restained? If so, the restraints must be mild and pain free. Talk to him. tell him what you are doing wither before during or after you do it. See which he responds to best and stick with that. Lots of light massage, 2hand, 4hand or 6hand. Make his body aware of what he can't see. Stoke him, lick him and nibble him into a tizzy. Sit on him lightly everywhere on his body except his Holy Johnson. If he like daty, let him taste all the girls one by one and make him say thank you when they dismount his face then one of the ladies brings out the cover.....

Side note: Keep a bp cuff and stethoscope nearby. An epic session might cause epic results. lol

Also have him take his pain medication before the session unless his concerns of ED side effects override his concerns of pain.

Great idea!!!!! Im stoked for your client that he has such a caring person to go the extra mile for him!!!
Bdubbs41's Avatar
Sounds like an awesome session already. Looks like I need to drive to Dallas!
If it's still this cold, have a nice electric blanket to wrap him up in. If you have a fireplace, light it.

While he's blindfolded have some little surprises:

Put something on your nipple and have him lick and and name it (HONEY? Chocolate syrup?)

Take a sip of ice water; then suck his dick.

Take a sip of hot tea; then suck his dick.

Put ice water in one cheek and hot tea in the other; then put his dick from one side to the other until it's all mixed up.

Go up to his mouth and kiss his a long while ....while your girlfriend silently comes out of hiding and goes down on him at the same time so he will *StArt* when he realizes there are two of you in the room.

Then you will both giggle I'm sure!

He will be super excited to find out who the mystery guest is...but make him wait (just have her laugh/moan/something so he can be sure it's a second WOMAN and not a man LOL!
(just have her laugh/moan/something so he can be sure it's a second WOMAN and not a man LOL! Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Ya that would totally suck. Lol

You got me hott reading that though! Dang!! Honey on the nipples! Yummmmm!!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... Honey on the nipples! Yummmmm!!!! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I think that a little bit of honey dust might do the trick even better!


I'm partial to the honeysuckle one.

Good luck with your scenario, Kayla. Sounds fun.

pyramider's Avatar
Without taints photos it never happened.
pmdelites's Avatar
...While he's blindfolded have some little surprises:

Put ice water in one cheek and hot tea in the other; then put his dick from one side to the other until it's all mixed up. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
how the heck do you accomplish that???
maybe i'll find out one day... or one morning...
Not to be difficult .. but 60 with PD and still that level of function . . . definitely doesn't mean "he may not have long". Sounds more like a bargaining chip?
LovingKayla's Avatar
Mooneyflyer, you aren't being difficult, you are making assumptions. There are other issues I've elected not to mention, mostly having to do with his heart. If you don't have something wonderful to add here (on what very well might be the last incredible session this man will ever have) I'd ask you to not post and just move on to a thread that you can contribute positively too.

I understand the discussion part of this board has gone to the dogs in negativity. Please try to keep it off this thread.

Now, for you girls, this sounds simply wonderful. The honey is a fantastic idea. Ill be back to copy paste an incredible PM I received, for some feedback.

I'm loving it so far.
OldGrump's Avatar
I think a group of the 4 ladies who have posted so far would take his experience to another world.

The blindfold is a nice touch. I have not experienced it, but it would seem the anticipation of what you can hear but not feel until the touch occurred would be very sensual.

With ED, the sensuality and touch will satisfy so much more than raw hard sex (which can actually be a turn-off because of the inability to keep up). I recently had a session with my ATF that was the best I've experienced in the hobby and still did not ejaculate.

Elizabeth has, yet again, given a useful link. I found the Liberator pillow, thanks to her & now the honey. What a lady!!!

Kayla, I just re-read that this may be his final session. It is wonderful of you to plan one that will give him memories to take with him. Your caring will be so much a part of his experience, it can't be bottled. The tenderness you have planned seems like a perfect experience.
I too applaud you Kayla. While I will admit I have had a couple of manhattans, here's what I would include:

Light brushing of the breasts over his body.

Ball massage, with LOTS of lube/lotion.

Do not underestimate the joy a man gets from a sensual handjob, (hard or not). I admit I am preaching to the choir on this one.


Teasing face sitting. Just brushing your genetalia across his mouth

Best wishes for this event. I must admit I look at you in a different light now. I know we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but I salute your humanity.

Let us know how it goes.

LovingKayla's Avatar
I was mulling over the above suggestions and the one post by moneyflyer. It needs to be understood from the beginning that this is not charity. He will pay the full rate of both participants plus traveling expenses for either of them that must drive. He is not going to drop dead on anyone. The restrictions on his health are important to mention because some providers dislike the idea of health problems of any kind and also to make adjustments to their approach of this unique session. (It's a provider thing.) Because he doesn't do this often at all, the reality that this really could be IT, must also be understood.

I apologize in advance that I will be absent from this thread for a couple of days. It was unforeseen, but I will have something to present and be tweaked by the membership shortly.

I really can't tell you guys how much I appreciate your help with this. I know it's going to be one for the books!!

The below was sent via PM from an extremely gentle man that wishes to remain anonymous.

#6 strikes me as unbelievably hot.

(1) Speak softly in his ear as you undress him.
(2) use your soft and strong hands to massage his butt and kiss his hands. Place his thumb in your mouth and gently suck followed by a kiss up his arms. Lots of kisses everywhere. Kiss his face, eyelids, ears, and speak softly to him all the while.
(3) Help him lay down and gently brush your fingers through his hair. Tell him you are going to take sweet care of him. Kiss his neck. kiss his nipples. Kiss his mouth with total soft commitment (tongue in ). Speak and caress and rub gently your legs against him.
(4) make sure your toes touch his softly. Tell him you like being with him to his ear.
(5) masturbate yourself,, let him hear your pleasure. If he can help,, allow him,, if not let him smell your sex on your fingers as you touch his face. Again let him know that being with him turns you on. You could not hold back.
(6) show him your wetness, place his hand on your love box and thrust against him.
(7) Now you must play it by ear. If he is hard help him and you need know instruction here. You are the best.
(8) sometimes forbidden fruit seems sweeter. Tell him you would like clean gentle finger in the back door as you masturbate to climax. He can feel you cum that way. It can be ver exciting to really feel a woman cum.
firelips's Avatar
Make sure with all his health problems that he's signed up thru the affordable care act first , then proceed with the "epicness"