So this crossed my mind

I was originally going to post this in the men's room but felt a better discussion, or at least greater notice of the topic/issue would happen here.

I've noticed a few ladies do twitter, which is something I wanted to get your guys thoughts on and maybe bring your attention to. I've seen locals and well reviewed traveling ladies both using this, so I'm not looking at anybody in particular here.

My thoughts are wary and overall negative on this. Twitter has been known to hand over user info if requested, it's also a rather insecure forum for something most of us would never want known. This brings me to my other point which I am going to stress very clearly:

If you are thinking of "following" and escort on twitter...either do it from a very fake account or don't do it at all.

Social media asks for you to willingly provide private information and share it. In this hobby that is something you should never do. In five minutes I got pictures of several possible clients from several ladies twitter streams, all because their twitter account was their personal account and they had a face pic as their avatar. As an added bonus, I didn't even have to signin or create an account to do it. The last thing anyone wants is less plausible deniability and more circumstancial evidence of a connection for LE...or the news, to use.

Stay safe everybody. And remember, social media is never, ever, your friend.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Lets also remember that these various social networks are chock full of kids.
Lets also remember that these various social networks are chock full of kids. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Solid point Chica.