One Expensive Kicker

Now someone reminder me again? How many millions did that special teams genius cost MSU? Wisconsin ought to be sending a few million brats out that way in gratitude. What an expensive turn of events for one play. Badgers and the Ducks...a great match up.
Holy Cow!!!!! What a game!!!!

I loved the 1st qtr....cussed like a sailor the 2nd....nail biting and ulcer inducing 3/4th qtrs. MSU thought they had a chance at another TD, only to be told...."nope, he was outta bounds baby".....then the fool who tried to mow down our kicker. That'll teach em.

I got an invite to head out to Cali for the game, I'm seriously debating it.

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I have been to 1 NE game at the Rose bowl and have a friend who lives up the street from it so we walked to the game. It was absolutely the worst game experience I have ever had. When you see the Rose bowl on TV and those little holes in the stands thats it for your way to get in. It took over 45 minutes once we went thru the gates to get to our seats, there are only tailgators outside, you park if you can on a golf course, no bars around the stadium and the town of Pasadena does not really want you there. I will never go back. But thats just my opinion.