Review Still Pending Moderation


I left a review several weeks ago. I originally left it in the "South Texas" area, but it was subsequently moved to the San Antonio area. Here's a link:

The review is still pending moderation. Can you help?
I approved it. When reviews are written in the wrong city, the Review Moderation tends to stay in the queue of that city. In this case, your review Approval stayed in the South Texas Queue.

For everyone else, please make sure that you contact your local moderator if your review has been moved to a different city than the one you originally posted. The local moderator may not see that the review has not been Approved/Rejected, and the moderator where the review was originated, may be waiting for it to be approved by the moderator where the review took place.

In this case, I dropped the ball. Col Z contacted me to let me know that he moved the review. I failed to realize that the review was waiting in South Texas to be approved (out of sight, out of mind).

I apologize for the delay sir.