Why Ladies Screen?

This was borrowed from a thread on the Ohio Board, thought it might be of interest........


from the following thread:
sunfish's Avatar

great find !
Too friggin funny!!!............
Oh my God, I'm laughing my arse off. Brilliant. Yes, that's exactly the way it is....every single conversation portrayed.
jokacz's Avatar
Since you missed that one in the main board you have to see this one too.
oh balls!!!!hahahhaha ...thats gold i tell ya gold!!!
brutusbluto's Avatar
that is funny, "see you later sucker" that is hilarious, there is one born every minute though.
i just about spit my drink out in the screen! that's a good one...still lmao
Thanks, I missed that one TFF!
oklib's Avatar
  • oklib
  • 06-17-2010, 11:46 AM
Was that an old Mr. MaGoo
I need depends
OMG!!!! That's hysterically sooooooooo true!! HAHAHAHA!!! Thank you for the belly laugh!!! I've always said that when and if I write my memoirs that it would be found in the comedy section of Barnes 'n Nobles.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
TFF! I can't believe I haven't seen this before!

~Genesis Nicole~
*Planning Dates for my trip out East. Pittsburg, Upstate NY and D.C are on my mind, give me a week or 2 for the tour schedule*
~Genesis Nicole~ Originally Posted by GenesisNicole
If you give me a big discount, I'll write your first review up here. I swear, it will launch your WNY career and make you a lot of money.
curiousnomore's Avatar
Great find! Not sure what's funnier the clip or the mental image of Nikki spitting her drink at the screen
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 06-20-2010, 08:57 AM
If you give me a big discount, I'll write your first review up here. I swear, it will launch your WNY career and make you a lot of money. Originally Posted by NormalBob