Naughty Nikki Special Not So Special

After contacting NN and agreeing to a mutual time for our appt she informed me that the session would have "limitations". I texted back what would the limitations be and the answer was no fs in $100 appt. Her ad looks the same as all the previous ones with the exception of the price ($100hh) Upon reflection i cancelled not because i couldnt enjoy a non fs session with her: but because i would have been deceptively lured into it. Feel the members here should know this June special isnt quite what it appears to be especially in light that other name providers have offered similar specials without this significant restriction.
MajorHands's Avatar
Haven't seen her ad, but I know I've seen it mentioned in more than a couple places in here that Nikki's hh specials are it's somewhat in the ECCIE public domain...since it's a regular practice she might have taken for granted that folks on here knew the deal...

It doesn't sound like she let you get to her place, then sprung the restriction on you, which I could see being objectionable. It sounds like she let you know the situation early enough for you to make a decision without being too put out.

I think the worst thing you could say is that she posted an ad that was vague enough that potential clients would reach out to her and give her the chance to close the deal directly. Not for nothing, but that's a fairly standard and acceptable business practice anywhere. Frankly, it's pretty sound marketing.

You're entitled to your feelings and I can see being disappointed, but I don't think this rises to the level of an alert.
i made it very clear when you contacted me that was what the special was. i never deceived you by not telling you & letting you make the appt unaware. to post this thread on the warnings is absolutely ridiculous. everybody always wants something for nothing!
one more thing, you never made an actual appt! all you did was send me a txt!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-22-2010, 11:55 AM
I agree with Majorhands. If she would have waited until you got to her place before springing on you that there were restrictions (which, frankly, most retail establishments do) that would be problematic. But it doesn't sound like that's what happened - by your own admission.

Think maybe cooler heads should prevail?
brutusbluto's Avatar
There is no good reason to publicly out a SP when a meeting actually did not take place. Let's use better judgement in the future before we post on similiar subject matter.
I think it is quite apparent that a high end provider like Nikki would have some limitations with running a special like that. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what would spring that type of special. I seen her today and had a wonderful time! She is still by far one of the best providers in Rochester!! If your looking for a budget price for FS, give Lyell Ave a shot cheap skate! She has nothing but great reviews on here.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Eemah68- Name calling will not be tolerated. This will end now.

Forum Guideline #4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention.This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, etc etc etc.
I have to agree that this was more of a misunderstanding and not classified as an "alert". While I have never seen Nikki myself, I have heard and read wonderful things about her and hope to meet her one day. I can't recall seeing anything negative before this.
elghund's Avatar
I think that the providers have every right to set the "rules" of any session, as long as those rules are known in advance, or during the greeting. I always ask what the rules may be every time that I see someone. I don't want any misunderstandings, hurt feelings or worse.

If you found out about non FS, or any other restrictions during the phone call or texting to set the appointment...Nikki is well within her rights to set the guidelines. You need to respect her wishes.

Don't see the problem with Nikki's conduct.....she did what she should have.....set the boundries.

Wow, i had a feeling Naughty Nikki supporters would jump to her defense once i posted something somewhat negative, but i still feel this was a bit of false and deceptive advertising. Major Hands maybe you should look at the actual ad and u would see what i mean, i think theres a quote "who could ask for anything more?" Well i for one dont think its too far out there to expect sex when you pay and see a provider. I scour and read eccie daily and never have seen that NN specials are non-fs. I think your actually commending her for a "bait an switch" approach to her business which is why i didnt go through with the appt in the first place. I acknowledged to NN that at least she told me before i got there but i still maintain that fellow hobbyists have gained insight because other name providers have advertised similar specials (like Auystn) without restrictions. As far as not having an appt NN yur being a bit deceitful there too cause you said 2 oclock was fine but i should know there will be restrictions So if i hadnt cared about no f/s the appt would of been a go. And even $100 means something to most people
jekemo48's Avatar
and you jymie, should invest in a butt stick puller
elghund's Avatar
I'm not sure I'm a "supporter" of the lady, because I've never met her...but she told you the ground rules up front. You had the choice of not seeing her, McL........heck, for a lady THAT pretty, a non FS hh is a bargain at the price she asked!!!!!!

Not deceptive in the least, IMHO.

McL - you are paying for HER time, she texted you what would or would not happen, when you see an ad for a car at $99 per month, there's one on the lot, it's called a "leader ad", to get you to call, the car may be there, it may have been sold, it's not deceptive, it's common business practice, you did the right thing by asking the right question, Mikki did the right thing by giving you the correct answer.
  • Oz
  • 06-22-2010, 01:29 PM
Anyone that has seen Nikki should agree that she is in no way deceptive or misleading or in anyway disingenuous. Suggesting otherwise is wrong unless you have proof in the form of a misrepresentation. There doesn't appear to be any here, to the contrary, she responded honestly to your inquiry - what more can you ask.