Men Who Dine At The Y.

DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
Surfing through the Texas Coed Threads & stumbled upon a "Ladies What Do You Consider Big" thread in the Houston Coeds. This caught my attention & I wanted to respond in that thread, but I realized it may be a hi-jack situation, so I created this one.

besides what a man may lack between his legs He can make up w his tongue, and size has nothing to do with it. i am a EOLS ( equal opportunity little slut) Originally Posted by subcilla
I consider myself to be a Equal Opportunist when it comes to adult entertainment, but, I do not like men to frequently dine at my Y. However, if you'd like to sample a meal while I sample your cooking, that's acceptable. But, often times, it's hard for me to enjoy it - majority of the men don't know what they're doing & a lot of women will fake her orgasm to get you stop, or wont tell you to do something different because you don't know what you're doing. (waits for all the men to object. fyi: im a female with female friends.) That's the downside for me, your face is interacting with a very sensitive place & I don't always want a man to put his face btwn my legs.. that's what girls & hard cocks are for.

I've had nibblers, biters, labia pullers, suckers.. there's just too much variation when it comes to pleasing a woman, orally. They don't all look the same so guys all assume they don't work the same? Well, in some ways they don't.. but for the most part, they do. (i.e. the left side is the most sensitive side of the clitoris - for most women, small flicks up/down & in small circles right under the clitoris bulb, is pleasurable for most, as well.)

I've had one man in my whole lifetime (during my 3rd & final year of high school, i was 16 & he was 19) want to learn how to roll his tongue, & curve it.. he wanted me to tell him left, right, up, down, circles, swirls, light flicks up & down.. lots of spit.. AND HE DID IT RIGHT, every time. & I screamed like a tea kettle, every time. This, was a GREAT 1 up, because he did only have 5 inches of lean, hard rod, but he WORKED THAT SHIT, to the MAX.
Anyway though, the point of the thread.. I have no idea. Lol. Well, I guess the point was -- I'd rather have your rod than your nod. I love men & women both equally, for all that they contribute to my sexual endeavors.. but if I had to choose, men would only dine at my Y if they knew how to place & when to use each utensil sitting on the table, because I get off, simply by dining on them.


Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-09-2010, 03:35 PM
Since most guys don't have a clue, you could just take it off your menu. If anybody asks why, just tell them it's something you reserve for your private life.
LadiesFan's Avatar
yeah, what Carl said.

Just say "no".

boyracer's Avatar
I love DATY, pretty much always have as long as I can remember. About 10 years ago I was dating an "older" woman (she was 40, I was 28). I think it was the second or third time I was going down on her, she stops me and said "now watch closely, because I going to teach you how to do it correctly." After that "lesson" I was able to make her cum so quickly and easily.

Every woman I've gone down on since then has said I was the absolute best they ever had. Even the bi women said I was better than a woman! About 3 years ago I learned how to massage her G spot while I went down on her and the results have been spectacular.

Now, they may have been blowing smoke to make me feel better. However after the first time I went down on them they always wanted more.

My point is -- it's not that hard to learn how to do it correctly (if that's your thing), and it definitely pays dividends!
in P4P world I rarely to never offer daty,( unless they are paying me) I do it for those who like it and want me to.otherwise, I prefer them focus on me during session.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
You guys are great. Lol.
Especially you RB.
"Focus on the man."

I guess I was just wondering, if you did & if you didn't, in which situations & why.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
I enjoy it. I usually listen to their breathing pattern, and watch for body clues, but verbal confirmation works best. I am always willing to take instructions.
but if I had to choose, men would only dine at my Y if they knew how to place & when to use each utensil sitting on the table, because I get off, simply by dining on them. Originally Posted by DianaDeepthroats
Well, one thing that's important to understand is that they don't teach guys how to eat pussy in high school. There are no government pamphlets on the art of dining at the Y. And as far as I know, there's no classes that a guy can enroll in to hone his craft. Sure, there are probably videos on the subject, but I have found the best way to learn (especially on a subject that is subjective as this) is direct, hands-on instruction.

So that begs the question, if you're not going to teach a man how to use his tongue to make you squeal like a banshee, how is he supposed to learn? Assuming that you don't think guys are unteachable, I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we're eager to learn Because if we suck at it (no pun intended), there's really no way for us to know unless you tell us.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
When it comes to P4P, I don't have time to teach everyone how to please. However, I used to do Teach Me Dates with couples.. maybe I'll start that back up again.

My time is spent getting to know you, talking, catching up, you know.. I'm not really thinking I'm going to have to show someone how to do something. & 9/10, anyway, my date doesn't really care to learn, which isn't a problem for me, I like being submissively dominate. Submissive because, I want to do whatever you like to do, within limits of my comfort. Dominate because, when I want to do everything you want to do, in my own special way, I'm somewhat in control of the situation, but you're controlling me.

Now, if youre my BF, hell yes.. but I rarely, if ever, have boyfriends, these days.

But, I learned how to eat pussy, on my own, & can bring any female ANY FEMALE to orgasm. Men too, Especially men who "can't get off with a bj only" have gotten off with me. Not to toot my own horn,
I just feel like if you really want to please the sex you happen to be engaging with, you should know your techniques (&they should work) beforehand.

Lots of my male friends said they use porn. However, I wouldn't recommend using porn as a way to brush up on your cunnilingus skills.

On the contrary though, WorknMan, there are books (specifically for men), classes, seminars, therapy, yea ... sexual education 101 is EVERYWHERE. I learned how to please & be please in a variety of ways but, I don't re-call one of them being a government pamphlet with "Deep Throating - How to swallow The Stick AND The Balls, without Dying or Throwing Up" on the front. lol.
in P4P world I rarely to never offer daty,( unless they are paying me) I do it for those who like it and want me to.otherwise, I prefer them focus on me during session. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
You know, I'm pretty good, but my handle isn't tongueforhire...
Well, I'll admit it my boat isn't the biggest in the harbor and it sinks quickly. So, I've made it a point for her to have hers before I have mine. I'll give up my secret because I'm tired of guys messing this up for you gals. I learned from the master. Mr Sam Kinison! He said, "Lick the alphabet" and I add "Don't give up!". Oh, and "Shave dammit!" Sooner or later, you're gonna hit the right letters. M and N are usual hits, but often O, P, Q, and R are winners. How's that Diana? Is it a good sign when they call the Lord?
On the contrary though, WorknMan, there are books (specifically for men), classes, seminars, therapy, yea ... sexual education 101 is EVERYWHERE. Originally Posted by DianaDeepthroats
Ha... I was referring to a type of class where you could go down on a lady and get constructive feedback in real-time

Still though, DATY just doesn't seem that complicated to me. I've never had any complaints before and like texasjohn1965, I generally watch/listen for feedback from the lady.

I learned from the master. Mr Sam Kinison! He said, "Lick the alphabet" and I add "Don't give up!". Oh, and "Shave dammit!" Sooner or later, you're gonna hit the right letters. M and N are usual hits, but often O, P, Q, and R are winners. How's that Diana? Is it a good sign when they call the Lord? Originally Posted by fun_guy1000
LMAO, and don't forget capital T... they really love that I was actually looking for that bit on Youtube, but I couldn't find it. Sam said, "Most guys just act like they're painting a fence, and the girl's like, 'HEY... am I being licked or weatherproofed here!?!?'"
  • robtx
  • 08-09-2010, 08:54 PM
I enjoy daty and partake when I can. Not all ladies like the same action down there. I've had some let me dine beacause "I know how to do it". I know others that are harder to get an O out of. Comunication is the key. If you don't want it, take it off the menu.....
richcran's Avatar
she stops me and said "now watch closely, because I going to teach you how to do it correctly." After that "lesson" I was able to make her cum so quickly and easily. Originally Posted by boyracer

I wanna know the lesson SHE gave you.........