What is the correct way to contact a lady?

Title: Appointment request
Hi, my name is X, age, ethnicity. I would like to see you for one hour. Can you arrange the time so we can meet? Thank you! I am available everyday after 8

I have messaged like this multiple ladies but none replies me. Could somebody tell me what's wrong?
KellyKiss's Avatar
If you messaged them on here they may not be active. Try reaching out via text or their preferred contact method.
I tried reaching through the platform as well as text message. I reached out nearly 10 and and none replied. Could it be my race?
If you're that desperate to see a particular provider and she's not responding, offer to pay her more than her normal rates.

If you provided a service, and every time you advertised that service you got more requests than you'd be able to fulfill, you'd have to pick and choose somehow. Offering more money is an easy way to get yourself to the top of the list.
Arcane's Avatar
I'd say succinct but apparently they want all the information upfront to be overwhelmed and ghost you
Arcane's Avatar
I tried reaching through the platform as well as text message. I reached out nearly 10 and and none replied. Could it be my race? Originally Posted by Bruce01
I don't think so. Ultimately, some dabble and don't care to respond, some run it like a business and get back to you, others have to get back to you to survive. You never know.
There is no correct way. I usually contact through PM first on eccie or OurHome2. Then, I text when I'm ready to visit them and when they are available. Unfortunately, the color of your skin will be denied by 60% of the women. Many of them simply do not respond at all, or someone could have put you on a blacklist. It doesn't matter what you do. Any of the women could go ape shit wild like the great Oozaru apes from Dragon Ball.

When I'm prepared to meet a new woman, the day usually goes like this: I sit in a parking lot near the atm, I text and call 6 to 8 different women. Two hours have gone by and I'm still in the parking lot. Eventually, I contact one of my reliable regulars and I go to them. First one I contact that day rarely answers text messages or phone calls. The fourth and fifth options for the new women usually end up being bad experiences like DestinyJay.

70% of the women don't answer, they ghost and disappear, they're disappointing, or they simply refuse to see someone. That's how it is. Dallas is a terrible place for this business. It's mostly dead. Meeting someone new is a gamble and luck. Look for the ones who have lots of good reviews. Look for the women have been established here for decades now. That's all you can do.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Title: Appointment request
Hi, my name is X, age, ethnicity. I would like to see you for one hour. Can you arrange the time so we can meet? Thank you! I am available everyday after 8

I have messaged like this multiple ladies but none replies me. Could somebody tell me what's wrong? Originally Posted by Bruce01
It depends, if its well known provider, she will usually have well established process such as PM, P411 and/or references. So i add all the required information in my first few messages so that basics are out of way. I do make sure my messages are professional, a bit fun and with emojis because sometimes things can be interpreted incorrectly.

If its a newbie, i send basic information like you have, via Text/PM, along with references. I do couple of more follow up and then leave it to be. Either she is too busy or still learning the ropes.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There is no correct way. I usually contact through PM first on eccie or OurHome2. Then, I text when I'm ready to visit them and when they are available. Unfortunately, the color of your skin will be denied by 60% of the women. Many of them simply do not respond at all, or someone could have put you on a blacklist. It doesn't matter what you do. Any of the women could go ape shit wild like the great Oozaru apes from Dragon Ball.

When I'm prepared to meet a new woman, the day usually goes like this: I sit in a parking lot near the atm, I text and call 6 to 8 different women. Two hours have gone by and I'm still in the parking lot. Eventually, I contact one of my reliable regulars and I go to them. First one I contact that day rarely answers text messages or phone calls. The fourth and fifth options for the new women usually end up being bad experiences like DestinyJay.

70% of the women don't answer, they ghost and disappear, they're disappointing, or they simply refuse to see someone. That's how it is. Dallas is a terrible place for this business. It's mostly dead. Meeting someone new is a gamble and luck. Look for the ones who have lots of good reviews. Look for the women have been established here for decades now. That's all you can do. Originally Posted by dormGE
You are correct about many things. The blacklist thing being one, a provider being ape shit (those two usually go hand in hand). There was a discussion thread about this very topic on the main page and I inserted that it is always good to verify info before you just believe it and not only did a couple of providers insult me (per usual), but also a mod gave me points for a thread hijack, his reasoning was a thread hijack, but his real reason was my opinion was not wanted as I am sure one of those providers who insulted me RTMed. What is funny about that is a provider from another part of the country had agreed with me and cited a first hand example, then not a word from anyone after that!

Like you, I have a handful or so or ladies I see regularly and rarely do I visit a new one for the very reasons you described and a few more as well.

When it comes to the correct way to contact a provider goes, see what her preferred method of contact is, especially if you have never contacted her before. They usually will also tell you what to say in your first contact. To be forewarned tho, there are multiple providers who, once you pass their screening, will get agitated or worse if you let her know what you like in a session you pay for and will more than likely blacklist you as hard to please. Instead of the provider going along with whatever you say to get you to set the appointment, nowadays, it is the opposite, you must go along to get along, do not expect anything other than the fact you get to meet her in person one on one and just hope for the best.
Searching for a companion is kinda like the old man fishing on the pier. He puts out about 6-8 lines hoping for a bite. Understand that the highly reviewed provider here has many suitors and regulars. You’re not going to have the success you desire. When I get the itch, I have 2-3 that I want to see, and 4 that I can contact and have a good success rate. I’m generally able to connect with ladies on listcrawler fairly easy.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
I do agree there is NO universal correct way to contact,
Usually on the ads , they would state how they want to prefer to contact just follow the instruction and they will take you in
I do agree there is NO universal correct way to contact,
Usually on the ads , they would state how they want to prefer to contact just follow the instruction and they will take you in Originally Posted by jp26lilac
This is how it should be but you can do everything by the book and still get crickets

Even if you follow how they say to contact them many times it’s crickets

Too much work and BS anymore just sticking to my ATF
This is how it should be but you can do everything by the book and still get crickets

Even if you follow how they say to contact them many times it’s crickets

Too much work and BS anymore just sticking to my ATF Originally Posted by sweet_k47
Yep no doubt
That's weird when the providers post the ad almost everyday not once in a while thing which I can understand
adav8s28's Avatar
Title: Appointment request
Hi, my name is X, age, ethnicity. I would like to see you for one hour. Can you arrange the time so we can meet? Thank you! I am available everyday after 8

I have messaged like this multiple ladies but none replies me. Could somebody tell me what's wrong? Originally Posted by Bruce01
Are you giving at least two references? Most girls want the reference to have an account on OH2, ECCIE, P411 or TER. Most girls screen and most want references unless they are newbie friendly. The screening process is different if you don't have references or an account on one of the aforementioned sites. If a lady has any sort of policy or no list, it is usually listed in the ad. Also, perhaps you could specify a time you want to meet. If you pass screening and the time is not good for her she will counter with a different time. Good luck.