Plandemic 2020

This is a video everyone should watch. Put away everything you ever thought about infectious diseases including Covid-19. The following video features an interview of Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD Biomedical Research Scientist with Forty Years experience studying Viruses and other infectious diseases and author of a book titled "Plaque Of Corruption" in her book she details the corruption of the "CDC" and "WHO" and how Dr. Anthony Fauci sabotaged her research to cover up the real causes of Cancer and her work on the AIDS/HIV Virus of the 80's.
In this Video she also goes into Fauci's corrupt role in the covid-19 Pandemic
Redhot1960's Avatar
Let's get the truth out there! one hour and twenty nine minutes
Let's get the truth out there! one hour and twenty nine minutes Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Good Video. These videos we posted as well as others from Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Rashid Buttar Illustrate the real truth to these disease such as SARS, MERS and Covid-19 and how the corruption of Public Heath Officials steer us into disastrous disease outbreaks. As Dr. Mikovits illustrates these people such as Fauci are criminals and should be held accountable. Anyone who views these videos and still thinks they should submit to a Covid-19 Vaccination deserves the outcome.
Redhot1960's Avatar
32 Originally Posted by Redhot1960
The bottom line is Social Distancing and wearing a mask doesn't promote Herd Immunity or flatten the curve instead it promotes susceptibility. All the ridiculous guidelines that are being practiced need to be stopped it hasn't worked.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Never saw a conspiracy he didn’t believe...

Never saw a conspiracy he didn’t believe...

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I don't think we are talking about a Conspiracy here. But from I've noticed about you is, anything that goes against your world view is a conspiracy. You'll go along with what Fauci and all the other criminals say and that's fine, but you only have yourself to blame for the consequences you will encounter.
  • oeb11
  • 05-07-2020, 09:24 AM
YR does worship his chairman Xi and the xinn news!
HedonistForever's Avatar
This is a video everyone should watch. Put away everything you ever thought about infectious diseases including Covid-19. The following video features an interview of Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD Biomedical Research Scientist with Forty Years experience studying Viruses and other infectious diseases and author of a book titled "Plaque Of Corruption" in her book she details the corruption of the "CDC" and "WHO" and how Dr. Anthony Fauci sabotaged her research to cover up the real causes of Cancer and her work on the AIDS/HIV Virus of the 80's.
In this Video she also goes into Fauci's corrupt role in the covid-19 Pandemic Originally Posted by Levianon17

YouTube has removed that video for get this "violating community standards". Is this the beginning of the end of free speech in America? Yeah, yeah, I know, YouTube and Facebook and Twitter, all banning anything that deviates from government orthodoxy, can do it because they are privately owned.

Did you hear about the Mayor of Chicago saying the police are patrolling the internet ( Facebook ) to see if anybody is planning a party and inviting some friends over violating Chicago's stay at home policy. She said that if they find out you are having a party, either by patrolling social media sites or your neighbor drops a dime on you, the Mayor will send the police to your home and shut down your party and if they deem "necessary" will fine you and possible arrest and incarcerate you.

‘We Will Shut You Down’: Lightfoot Warns of Arrests for Party Hosts During Pandemic

Whooping it up during the pandemic isn’t just a party foul.
It could get you arrested, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the city’s new Police Superintendent David Brown warned on Saturday – a balmy, partially sunny day with a high hitting the mid-70s.
“We will shut you down. We will cite you and if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail. Period,” Lightfoot said. “Don’t make us treat you like a criminal, but if you act like a criminal and you violate the law and you refuse to do what is necessary to save lives in this city during a pandemic we will take you to jail, period.”
Don’t be stupid, she said, “we are watching.”
Brown said the Chicago Police Department will “be on the lookout for gatherings large and small.”
Anyone caught congregating will be told to disperse. If they don’t abide, there will be consequences, he said.
Heading into Saturday night, Brown said the CPD was aware of six large parties, mostly through “bold” party promoters who had cast open invitations on social media.
So now the police are patrolling social media to see what you are up to!

So yeah, I would say we have entered a new age of government over reach and whether we ever go back to a day when you can invite other adults into your home being your business and not the governments, is anybodies guess.

Imagine your neighbor sees a scantily clad young lady enter your home for some much needed adult companionship and you find a cop knocking at your door wanting to know the particulars of this young ladies visit. Think it can't happen?

Or how about the Mayor of New Orleans who through an Executive Order, wants every establishment to take down the name address and phone number of anybody entering your business so that information can be used for contact tracing if needed. This includes churches I hear absolutely violating an Americans right to worship without the government mandating that you give your name and address to the person at the door.

I'm just stunned at what we are letting these goons get away with.

New Orleans businesses would keep list of customers under Mayor's reopening plan

It will be a different world when businesses begin to reopen after the stay at home order expires.

The City of New Orleans has released "safe reopening" procedures. That includes guidance for businesses to keep track of everyone who comes into their establishment.

Right now, New Orleans is still under the Stay at Home Order, but once we start to come out of that, Mayor LaToya Cantrell wants every business to keep a record of everyone who enters their establishment. This will help the Louisiana Department of Health track who a sick person may have come into contact with. It's a process called "contact tracing."

we I.D. everyone who comes in, is a scanner. So you show me your I.D., I scan it, there's no phone number, but it gives me when you came in, what the date was and information from your driver's license," White said. "We want to be part of the solution. We don't want to be part of the problem. We're going to play by the rules and do our part."
YouTube has removed that video for get this "violating community standards". Is this the beginning of the end of free speech in America? Yeah, yeah, I know, YouTube and Facebook and Twitter, all banning anything that deviates from government orthodoxy, can do it because they are privately owned.

Did you hear about the Mayor of Chicago saying the police are patrolling the internet ( Facebook ) to see if anybody is planning a party and inviting some friends over violating Chicago's stay at home policy. She said that if they find out you are having a party, either by patrolling social media sites or your neighbor drops a dime on you, the Mayor will send the police to your home and shut down your party and if they deem "necessary" will fine you and possible arrest and incarcerate you.

‘We Will Shut You Down’: Lightfoot Warns of Arrests for Party Hosts During Pandemic

Whooping it up during the pandemic isn’t just a party foul.
It could get you arrested, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the city’s new Police Superintendent David Brown warned on Saturday – a balmy, partially sunny day with a high hitting the mid-70s.
“We will shut you down. We will cite you and if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail. Period,” Lightfoot said. “Don’t make us treat you like a criminal, but if you act like a criminal and you violate the law and you refuse to do what is necessary to save lives in this city during a pandemic we will take you to jail, period.”
Don’t be stupid, she said, “we are watching.”
Brown said the Chicago Police Department will “be on the lookout for gatherings large and small.”
Anyone caught congregating will be told to disperse. If they don’t abide, there will be consequences, he said.
Heading into Saturday night, Brown said the CPD was aware of six large parties, mostly through “bold” party promoters who had cast open invitations on social media.
So now the police are patrolling social media to see what you are up to!

So yeah, I would say we have entered a new age of government over reach and whether we ever go back to a day when you can invite other adults into your home being your business and not the governments, is anybodies guess.

Imagine your neighbor sees a scantily clad young lady enter your home for some much needed adult companionship and you find a cop knocking at your door wanting to know the particulars of this young ladies visit. Think it can't happen?

Or how about the Mayor of New Orleans who through an Executive Order, wants every establishment to take down the name address and phone number of anybody entering your business so that information can be used for contact tracing if needed. This includes churches I hear absolutely violating an Americans right to worship without the government mandating that you give your name and address to the person at the door.

I'm just stunned at what we are letting these goons get away with.

New Orleans businesses would keep list of customers under Mayor's reopening plan

It will be a different world when businesses begin to reopen after the stay at home order expires.

The City of New Orleans has released "safe reopening" procedures. That includes guidance for businesses to keep track of everyone who comes into their establishment.

Right now, New Orleans is still under the Stay at Home Order, but once we start to come out of that, Mayor LaToya Cantrell wants every business to keep a record of everyone who enters their establishment. This will help the Louisiana Department of Health track who a sick person may have come into contact with. It's a process called "contact tracing."

we I.D. everyone who comes in, is a scanner. So you show me your I.D., I scan it, there's no phone number, but it gives me when you came in, what the date was and information from your driver's license," White said. "We want to be part of the solution. We don't want to be part of the problem. We're going to play by the rules and do our part."
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yeah, There will be a catch to reopening the economy in many large cities. It has nothing to do with your Health.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Anyone recall Professor (Dr.) Neil Ferguson's model that predicted 2.2. MILLION Americans were going to die? Whelp, turns out the code was toxic level garbage.

Sue Denim, a software engineer for 30 years, studied the Dr. Ferguson’s model and concluded it is complete garbage and cannot be scientifically replicated. In her concluding remarks Denim says the Imperial College model “should be retracted immediately.”

Conclusions. All papers based on this code should be retracted immediately. Imperial’s modelling efforts should be reset with a new team that isn’t under Professor Ferguson, and which has a commitment to replicable results with published code from day one.

On a personal level, I’d go further and suggest that all academic epidemiology be defunded. This sort of work is best done by the insurance sector. Insurers employ modellers and data scientists, but also employ managers whose job is to decide whether a model is accurate enough for real world usage and professional software engineers to ensure model software is properly tested, understandable and so on. Academic efforts don’t have these people, and the results speak for themselves.

Seems like we got robbed or something.
  • oeb11
  • 05-07-2020, 12:44 PM
Not all academic epidemiology - Dr. John Ioaniddis published in march that the models were wrong.

He was correct.
I can virtually guarantee that 2.2 Million Americans are gonna die this year. 2.5 million Americans died last year.

We are all going to die. Somehow there is this vocal segment of American society who believe the government can guarantee safety.

They can't. It's time the adults in the room spoke up.
I can virtually guarantee that 2.2 Million Americans are gonna die this year(and all or most will be blamed on Wuhan Virus whether responsible or not). 2.5 million Americans died last year.

We are all going to die. Somehow there is this vocal segment of American society who believe the government can guarantee safety.

They can't. It's time the adults in the room spoke up. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I can virtually guarantee that 2.2 Million Americans are gonna die this year. 2.5 million Americans died last year.

We are all going to die. Somehow there is this vocal segment of American society who believe the government can guarantee safety.

They can't. It's time the adults in the room spoke up. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Well that's what Judy Mikovits is doing. She's alerting to what is really happening. We should try to understand her message. I've had some deep suspicions since this whole pandemic began that the Covid-19 pandemic was initiated through contaminated vaccines just like she said in her interviews. The Event 201 held by the Bill Gates foundation their model was 65 million people would die. That's probable not going to happen because not enough people received the Flu Vaccine in mass from 2015 and 2018. So in order to encourage large scale vaccinations they created this pandemic and generated fear in people so they will be willing to be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccination which will kill many people in the millions world wide. Fear and Control bring about compliance. Doctors such as Judy Mikovits, Andrew Kaufman and Rashid Buttar and others have done videos and interviews outside the realm of mainstream media warning all of us about the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccination program. All should lend an ear to their message. Your health and maybe even your life could depend on it.