Wicked Whitmer


I guess she just doesn't care about people working huh? God bless everyone in Michigan you will never be able to go out.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

I guess she just doesn't care about people working huh? God bless everyone in Michigan you will never be able to go out. Originally Posted by Sienna91

interesting that the Democrats constantly claim Trump and the Republicans are violating the Constitution yet they are the ones actually doing it?
the coronavirus is definitely a threat but the solution to that would be advising people to stay at home if they feel that it is a risk

you don't force people not to work that is ridiculous and I'm surprised that they are letting her do this and for this long
Seems like the legislature is being totally ignored in direct contravention of the checks and balances enshrined in the law.
the coronavirus is definitely a threat but the solution to that would be advising people to stay at home if they feel that it is a risk

you don't force people not to work that is ridiculous and I'm surprised that they are letting her do this and for this long Originally Posted by Sienna91
It goes against the concept of freedom here in America and I'm glad you are bringing this to our attention.
I don't think people understand what the Constitution truly is

there's no way if you understand it you agree with being forced to stay in your home

You can advise a person to do something all day long but as soon as you start laying down mandates you are going against the Constitution

and I would say forcing people to stay inside , threatening them with jail time, and shutting down businesses is pretty extreme

And on top of that they're encouraging tattletale also known as whistleblower behavior to report people who don't want to be kept inside

And that's what chaps my ass the most..if you are okay with your rights getting taken away that is fine but don't force that ideology on me..

Personally I think if you see someone tell on you for being outside you oughta slap the s*** out of them I mean you're going to jail anyway why not go to jail for a real reason ��
I don't think people understand what the Constitution truly is

there's no way if you understand it you agree with being forced to stay in your home

You can advise a person to do something all day long but as soon as you start laying down mandates you are going against the Constitution

and I would say forcing people to stay inside , threatening them with jail time, and shutting down businesses is pretty extreme

And on top of that they're encouraging tattletale also known as whistleblower behavior to report people who don't want to be kept inside

And that's what chaps my ass the most..if you are okay with your rights getting taken away that is fine but don't force that ideology on me..

Personally I think if you see someone tell on you for being outside you oughta slap the s*** out of them I mean you're going to jail anyway why not go to jail for a real reason �� Originally Posted by Sienna91
HedonistForever's Avatar
In Chicago as I recently posted, the Mayor says you must stay in your house and you may not go to another persons house, literally. I think Cuomo has said the same thing.

If you invite a friend into your home, the police can knock on your door and cite you for breaking the stay at home order.

This is America in 2020.
Seems like the legislature is being totally ignored in direct contravention of the checks and balances enshrined in the law. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Like the old saying goes "Freedom is dangerous, slavery is safe". I'll take dangerous freedom over safe slavery any day.
Like the old saying goes "Freedom is dangerous, slavery is safe". I'll take dangerous freedom over safe slavery any day. Originally Posted by Levianon17
In Chicago as I recently posted, the Mayor says you must stay in your house and you may not go to another persons house, literally. I think Cuomo has said the same thing.

If you invite a friend into your home, the police can knock on your door and cite you for breaking the stay at home order.

This is America in 2020. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
didja ever notice that:

the left claims to listen to or believe in science (ok forget when life begins)

but all their decisions are based on just being anti trump

if trump shuts down travel, they call him a racist

if trump talks about keeping distance and not going to large events, they talk about its ok to ride the subway, ok to go to Chinatown new years parades, ok to go to dinner, we have it covered

if trump calls it the wuhan virus, they make up a name covid and like in san antonio, they pass council resolutions claiming racism for others and adopting virtuousness unto themselves, never mind names like mers or german measles or Spanish flu or legionaires desease, or the zika virus, or ebola etc etc etc, and have their little reporters ask insinuating and insulting questions

if trump works his tail off, they praise the communist Chinese for their handling of the virus, lying, arresting truth tellers and sealing poeple in their apartments to die

if trump supplies them ventilators, they rant in front of a fawning press for trump to pick the 26,000 to die, all the while they merely store unneeded ventilators in a secret warehouse and never needed them in the first place

if trump mentions hydroxycholoroquine, then no matter what its banned by leftists

if trump talks about getting the economy going again, they issue drastic orders, extend shut down periods and start arresting people who try to work

if trump says white, they reflexively say black, not a lot of science to their hate
  • oeb11
  • 05-08-2020, 08:07 AM
Agreed- NGIT!
HedonistForever's Avatar
didja ever notice that:

the left claims to listen to or believe in science (ok forget when life begins)

but all their decisions are based on just being anti trump

if trump shuts down travel, they call him a racist

if trump talks about keeping distance and not going to large events, they talk about its ok to ride the subway, ok to go to Chinatown new years parades, ok to go to dinner, we have it covered

if trump calls it the wuhan virus, they make up a name covid and like in san antonio, they pass council resolutions claiming racism for others and adopting virtuousness unto themselves, never mind names like mers or german measles or Spanish flu or legionaires desease, or the zika virus, or ebola etc etc etc, and have their little reporters ask insinuating and insulting questions

if trump works his tail off, they praise the communist Chinese for their handling of the virus, lying, arresting truth tellers and sealing poeple in their apartments to die

if trump supplies them ventilators, they rant in front of a fawning press for trump to pick the 26,000 to die, all the while they merely store unneeded ventilators in a secret warehouse and never needed them in the first place

if trump mentions hydroxycholoroquine, then no matter what its banned by leftists

if trump talks about getting the economy going again, they issue drastic orders, extend shut down periods and start arresting people who try to work

if trump says white, they reflexively say black, not a lot of science to their hate Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Very true. It is stunning in it's simplicity. "No need to explain it, if Trump is for it, I'm against it".

We would have never heard about Hydroxychloroquine if Trump had never mentioned it. I bring up the fact that Gov. Cuomo asked for it in New York and I got crickets.

Trump wants it bad, Cuomo wants it, I have no opinion".

Cuomo is directly responsible for thousands of deaths in New York for his order to allow COVID positive residents back into nursing homes. Do you see anything in the MSM talking about this? What is going on is so very obvious but it is "Trump bad, end of story" for so many people who are smart enough to know better if they could only put their petty hatred for one man aside.
Doesn't apply to the Mayor thou. She was out getting a haircut. She said she takes her hygiene seriously. Now why she needed a haircut - yeah, no clue - nothing is gonna help that woman.

In Chicago as I recently posted, the Mayor says you must stay in your house and you may not go to another persons house, literally. I think Cuomo has said the same thing.

If you invite a friend into your home, the police can knock on your door and cite you for breaking the stay at home order.

This is America in 2020. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Doesn't apply to the Mayor thou. She was out getting a haircut. She said she takes her hygiene seriously. Now why she needed a haircut - yeah, no clue - nothing is gonna help that woman. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Classic do as I say, not as I do...she should pay a fine for breaking the rules, and be publicly censured.