Two Avid Trump Cronies Charged With the Murder of an Unarmed Black Jogger in Georgia

Solemate62's Avatar
So, let the howling start from the Trumptards demanding due process and the presumption of innocence for the two assassins! So, where was the due process for the young black man? Where was the concern for due process when MAGA crackers at rallies in 2016 cheered and ranted “Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up”? So again we have selective hypocrisy from the Trumptards. Look at their mug shots: Bubba White Sr. and son, Bubba White Jr. Are you right wing Trump asslickers going to tell the world that the two above mentioned cretins voted for Hillary? Voted for Stacey Abrams? Nope! The two White Knights are members of that same branch of humanity that gave us Trump and all who support Trump, identified by anthropologists as Homo erectus suidae, translated to mean Human Pigs Walking Upright. Unapologetic, Trumptards, the two murdering scumbags are Trump crackers to their rotten core and disciples of the MAGA branch of the Phylogenetic tree! Rotten from the roots to the crown!
Who do the guys shooting 10-15 of their fellow black men every week in Chicago likely vote for.....not Trump!
matchingmole's Avatar
Who do the guys shooting 10-15 of their fellow black men every week in Chicago likely vote for.....not Trump! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Who do the guys shooting 10-15 of their fellow black men every week in Chicago likely vote for.....not Trump! Originally Posted by friendly fred
He was to busy blowing a trany to post those stats.
You need an attention span of more than 20 minutes to deprogram yourself from the half truths the media are telling us but you really should inform yourselves before passing judgement.

The information contained in this video was obtained through a Georgia freedom of information request. You don't need to conclude anything but I implore everyone to arm yourselves with the facts, not edited 4 second video clips and strange conclusions made without facts.
Now is a great time to be a criminal. Double if you're black. You can break into houses and attack people, and if you get killed, the media will turn you into a martyr.

When the truth comes out, you're gonna be disappointed. You idiots believe these lies over and over again.
Chung Tran's Avatar
honestly, I have seen the video several times, and I don't see enough to assume guilt, let alone for Murder. it is a piece to a puzzle, but that's all. I am bothered by the 3rd party Dude who filmed it.. what the fuck?

people see different things.. the Rodney King vid was ipso facto proof of guilt to many.. I saw a crazed, PCP-fueled Lunatic charging the Cops for a "normal" baton beat down.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Now is a great time to be a criminal. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
When the brownshirts come to arrest you for getting a haircut, just shoot the cops and they’ll let you go.
Now is a great time to be a criminal. Double if you're black. You can break into houses and attack people, and if you get killed, the media will turn you into a martyr.

When the truth comes out, you're gonna be disappointed. You idiots believe these lies over and over again. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
It is worse than that. They don't believe the truth when faced with it. They cling to 4-7 second video clips or worse, opinions from the media.

Regardless if you are on the side of the rule of law or not, it should concern EVERYONE that you can be locked up for being innocent, regardless of the evidence. Are we going to have another L.A. Riot in Atlanta when these guys are cleared? 60 people were killed in the riots because they couldn't hang a charge akin to premeditated murder on the cops. We must have seen 6 seconds of that video hundreds of times over the years. Is anyone even curious why they don't show the whole video? That's what the jury saw.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So, let the howling start from the Trumptards demanding due process and the presumption of innocence for the two assassins! So, where was the due process for the young black man? Where was the concern for due process when MAGA crackers at rallies in 2016 cheered and ranted “Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up”? So again we have selective hypocrisy from the Trumptards. Look at their mug shots: Bubba White Sr. and son, Bubba White Jr. Are you right wing Trump asslickers going to tell the world that the two above mentioned cretins voted for Hillary? Voted for Stacey Abrams? Nope! The two White Knights are members of that same branch of humanity that gave us Trump and all who support Trump, identified by anthropologists as Homo erectus suidae, translated to mean Human Pigs Walking Upright. Unapologetic, Trumptards, the two murdering scumbags are Trump crackers to their rotten core and disciples of the MAGA branch of the Phylogenetic tree! Rotten from the roots to the crown! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Ralph Originally Posted by matchingmole

i understand your situation, i really do. and i sympathize with you. you guys are two tiny islands adrift is a vast conservative sea. now with all of your fellow "Hate Trump for the sake of it" posters on vacation you feel isolated and nervous. you feel compelled to take up the cause for your brethren that's perfectly normal and it will eventually pass. you'll be fine. don't forget to wear those masks out in public!

all the best .. The Political Forum.

matchingmole's Avatar
And then this happened............
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-10-2020, 04:42 PM
I heard they both are demotards
matchingmole's Avatar
Trumptards all over this place
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And then this happened............ Originally Posted by matchingmole

you really are beating that dead horse to death aren't ya? you need new material. as they say on the interwebs you can't go wrong with pussy and pussy memes


And then this happened............
Originally Posted by matchingmole

So, let the howling start from the Trumptards demanding due process and the presumption of innocence for the two assassins! So, where was the due process for the young black man? Where was the concern for due process when MAGA crackers at rallies in 2016 cheered and ranted “Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up”? So again we have selective hypocrisy from the Trumptards. Look at their mug shots: Bubba White Sr. and son, Bubba White Jr. Are you right wing Trump asslickers going to tell the world that the two above mentioned cretins voted for Hillary? Voted for Stacey Abrams? Nope! The two White Knights are members of that same branch of humanity that gave us Trump and all who support Trump, identified by anthropologists as Homo erectus suidae, translated to mean Human Pigs Walking Upright. Unapologetic, Trumptards, the two murdering scumbags are Trump crackers to their rotten core and disciples of the MAGA branch of the Phylogenetic tree! Rotten from the roots to the crown! Originally Posted by Solemate62
You don't give a flying fuck about that black guy. You just want to bitch about Trump and anybody who you think might support him. For all you know those white guys aren't even registered voters. Even if they do support Trump who gives a fuck about their politics if they are guilty of a crime. If you really want to bitch about something bitch about Obama who gave millions to the Chinese to develop this virus strain that has killed over 70,000 Americans and most of the casualties are Black.