I agree, any comments...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
waverunner234's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-30-2011, 06:59 PM
Looks Like a Hitler Youth tape!

The Lady announcer sounds like a version of Tokyo Rose!

People that need that kinda of shit for insperation are mindless sheep in search of a shepard!

God Blees their lil ignorant hearts..
I suppose many prefer this......

I B Hankering's Avatar
Looks Like a Hitler Youth tape!

The Lady announcer sounds like a version of Tokyo Rose!

People that need that kinda of shit for insperation are mindless sheep in search of a shepard!

God Blees their lil ignorant hearts.. Originally Posted by WTF
Are you talking about Obama's AmeriCorp recruits?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I love this. It didn't even take one day. I got the response I expected for a couple of the Obama Kool-Aid drinkers. Show them an American eagle and they go nuts, tell them about limited government and they think you're that one who is crazy, talk to them about the constitution and they freakin lose it. Thank you gentlemen for your participation.
Bizarre propaganda from the Obama haters. I hope the GOP candidate throws this kind of insane shit up in the general election as an election strategy. It will convince the vast majority of the American people that you're fucking nuts.
waverunner234's Avatar
What is Kool-Aid?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It makes it look like the loss of liberty started with Obama. We had precious little liberty left when he took office, he is simply the logical conclusion of our slide into tyranny. It didn't start with him, and it won't return just by removing him from office.

Placing all the blame on Obama belies the fact that both Republican and Democrat presidents moved us into a position where Obama would be possible. The loss of liberty goes back to at least 1913, and probably earlier. Who ordered the Patriot Act? Not Obama.

This kind of mindless drivel helps keep Republicans from realizing their complicity in our current situation. I found it offensive and jingoistic. None of the charges against Obama in that video are things not done previously by other presidents from both parties. It's bullshit. Plain and simple.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I love this. It didn't even take one day. I got the response I expected for a couple of the Obama Kool-Aid drinkers. Show them an American eagle and they go nuts, tell them about limited government and they think you're that one who is crazy, talk to them about the constitution and they freakin lose it. Thank you gentlemen for your participation. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We know you love it. You endorse it. Too bad the "it" you love is just the second part of the word shit.

What drives us crazy is watching you feed the eagle DDT, limiting government by eliminating the EPA and the Dept. of Education, and listening to you trying to usurp interpreting the Constitution (which to you is spelled with a small "c". We see how you honor the document and can feel your concern) from the SCOTUS.

You wallow in the arrogance of ignorance and the arrogance born of position makes your head explode. It is because you have worked so long and so hard to achieve the level of ignorance that you wear as a badge of honor.

You are like the Palin supporters who squeal with delight when people express concern because the supporters think the concern is over having a "strong conservative woman" elected president.

They, like you in your posts, miss the point entirely.

Our concern is over electing a moron and a quitter to another office she can quit. No matter what you say.

I explained, how you missed the point, above. No matter what you say.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
This kind of mindless drivel helps keep Republicans from realizing their complicity in our current situation. I found it offensive and jingoistic. None of the charges against Obama in that video are things not done previously by other presidents from both parties. It's bullshit. Plain and simple. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Six times I have tried to write this and six time it has disappeared into the ether. One more time;
Skip the stupid comment about capitalization, you won't understand proper usage.

DDT was banned by order of the EPA. The hearing under Judge Sweeney found that DDT DID NOT have anything to do with bird deaths. http://dwb.unl.edu/Teacher/NSF/C06/C...icals/ddt.html The new head of the EPA over road the findings and banned DDT as a cause celeb. Ruckelhaus was a lawyer that represented Zero Population Growth. They believed that there are too many people on the planet when there were 3 billion less than now. DDT kills the female mosquito that carries malaria. Malaria has killed 12 million people (90% children) in the third world since the ban in the early 70s. The EPA is guilty of genocide. Yes, both Reagan and Nixon put Rucklehaus in office so the problem is with both parties. Ruckelhaus endorsed Barack Obama in 2008.
Some links with some truth; http://www.jpands.org/vol9no3/edwards.pdf http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.co...osquitoes.html
Go forth and learn some facts on the topic.
waverunner234's Avatar
I still don't know what Kool-Aid is
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You may be too young to know about the cult of Jim Jones, WR.

He had a cult following so dedicated to him that they drank the poison laced kool-aid when he told them to because the authorities were about to catch up with him and he had some illusions of going to paradise.

The story was all over the papers in 1978 when it made headlines all over the world.

. . . The phrase "drinking the kool-aid" has now become a metaphor for the mindless support some people have for a charismatic leader.


I still don't know what Kool-Aid is Originally Posted by waverunner234
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Six times I have tried to write this and six time it has disappeared into the ether. One more time;
Skip the stupid comment about capitalization, you won't understand proper usage. Covering your mistake? Stupid comment? I don't understand? There is no proof you do. What a douche bag.

DDT was banned by order of the EPA. The hearing under Judge Sweeney found that DDT DID NOT have anything to do with bird deaths. http://dwb.unl.edu/Teacher/NSF/C06/C...icals/ddt.html The new head of the EPA over road the findings and banned DDT as a cause celeb. Ruckelhaus was a lawyer that represented Zero Population Growth. They believed that there are too many people on the planet when there were 3 billion less than now. DDT kills the female mosquito that carries malaria. Malaria has killed 12 million people (90% children) in the third world since the ban in the early 70s. The EPA is guilty of genocide. Yes, both Reagan and Nixon put Rucklehaus in office so the problem is with both parties. Ruckelhaus endorsed Barack Obama in 2008.
Some links with some truth; http://www.jpands.org/vol9no3/edwards.pdf http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.co...osquitoes.html
Go forth and learn some facts on the topic. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Like I said. You completely miss the point.
DDT weakens eggshells. Eagles were endangered. DDT was banned. Eagles came back.



The EPA being guilty of genocide is far off topic, as well as the people who back your theory and the lack of any evidence or support, and is a poor attempt to shift the discussion at hand.

On top of that, you make continuous errors you chalk up to the inability of others to comprehend your misstated facts, you not comprehending simple explanations, or you assigning your "values" or "logic" to intentionally misrepresent the statements of others.

In other words, a dishonest, quasi-intellectual dumbshit.

Looks like President Bush left you behind.

PS Here is how you eat an elephant.