Best True Book about Providing?

Lollygag's Avatar
I was sitting here, enjoying all the fun (and more disturbing) posts) of both hobbyists and providers, when I started thinking of what it must be like to be a provider. You know, as a female type person in the business full time.

I really did. Well, for about 1 minute,48 seconds. Until i was this cute 38 year old girl trying to make car payments, child care payments, health insurance, rent, health club, etc, and all the other things a regular income takes care of. But i had to do it all by seeing strange guys and never knowing what the week's income would be. The uncertainty scared me to death. And I hadn't even gotten to imagining the scattering of rude, smelly, cretins waiting for me so I could pay the bills. Whew. ya gotta be one tough cookie.

My question is: what do you think is the best book available that explains what it is like to be a provider? The real story. the ups and downs, strange discoveries and (of course) the ins and outs (pun intended).
Surely some nice lady has written a biography or tell all book. Can't wait to ask my library to get it for me!
ANONONE's Avatar
This book, Soiled Doves, by Anne Seagraves is quite fascinating:


I remember reading this book when I was a teen.
Tried to send an image, sorry. Got lost in cyber space. The book is The Happy Hooker by Xaviera Hollander
ANONONE's Avatar
Tried to send an image, sorry. Got lost in cyber space. The book is The Happy Hooker by Xaviera Hollander Originally Posted by Nicolet

There you go, doll.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
If you want to read a good biography about a woman in this business try, "Working" by Dolores French. It's accurate and real.

If you're interested in a book offering specifics with advice and helpful hints, click on the link below. It's the best two "how to" books on the market. Affordable, too. BTW, Amanda Brooks is a member of this site.

Good luck,
Thank you Anonone!
Elisabeth....... OMG thank you! I clicked on your link and it was like a treasure trove! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh and a very big THANK YOU to Lollygag for asking the question! Have I got something for you!
DallasRain's Avatar
solied doves is a great read!!!

I think for me,experience,reading forums on escort boards/blogs, and getting info from other reputable providers has helped me alot!

One day i am going to write a book on the "funnier" side of
{name suggestions???....Green eggs & hooking????.......Chicken Soup for the hookers soul???......A funny thing happened on the way to the bedroom???.....Oops Did you just fart in bed????....etc}
Sorry for rambling,I had a late nite and am going slow steam today!
will_61's Avatar
I remember when the Happy Hooker came out and the graduate for that matter, my how times have changed.
I used to spurn computers, said I would never have one. Look at me now!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this article appeared in Gambit Magazine. I forget who this was, but she lived in New Orleans. I think she came out of retirement.
Lollygag's Avatar
Our library doesn't have Soiled Doves. It does have Segraves' other book, Women Who Charmed the West. I will try inter-library loan. thanks for the suggestion
Lollygag's Avatar
Nicolet, you are getting to be an absolute wiz at this internet and posting stuff. Keep it up!
Lollygag's Avatar
Found Working by Delores French and the Happy Hooker in our state library.

Can you believe EBR library has neither? whatever happened their devotion to scholarly research??? hmmmm? Now I have to learn about sex in the gutter. <G>

Soiled Doves I suppose I'll hafta buy but that's ok.

Many thanks to all for helping my overly curious and very prurient mind learn more about something I was completely ignorant about 2 months ago.

Now I Are A Xprt! but gotta continue my field research .... wheeeeee