Drone advice.

Slitlikr's Avatar
I live in the middle of 25 acres adjacent to a neighborhood. Last Friday a drone appeared hovering about 20 feet above me at my house with a camera on it. I asked my neighbor if his grandkids have a drone. He said hell no!
He said he saw a guy by his house across the drainge ditch flying the drone over his property and asked him to stop. The guy ignored him.
This guy is 1/4 mile away from me.
I am going to shoot it down the next time I see it on my place.

Is there any legal exposure on my part?
flows-with-water's Avatar
I would have my clay pigeon thower in place and just explain the drone just happened to get in the way as you were just honing you shooting skills
skbinks's Avatar
Depending on where you are at and how high he was flying it, the FAA might want to know.
No! No! No! Do NOT use a gun to shoot it down! You will get into severe trouble

Get yourself a drone and 'accidentally' run into it and then sue the guy in small claims court that he knocked your drone down because you stayed in 'your' airspace
Slitlikr's Avatar
No! No! No! Do NOT use a gun to shoot it down! You will get into severe trouble

Get yourself a drone and 'accidentally' run into it and then sue the guy in small claims court that he knocked your drone down because you stayed in 'your' airspace
Originally Posted by instfixer
I'm not spending that kind of money.
Maybe my drones happen to be launched from a 12 Guage and his drone is in the way.

I read something about having to have permission from the landowner but Texas law is a little unclear.
A kamikaze drone will cost anywhere from $300 to $500

A good lawyer runs ~$300 an hour

take your pick
ShysterJon's Avatar
No offense, but I think this is the most stupid thread that's been in the legal forum for quite awhile. Your questions can be answered with a simple google search.
glade55's Avatar
Shoot it down gz thus the reason his flying it over your house cuss you ain't gonna do shit about it !
Shear_wave's Avatar
Resist the urge to shoot it down. 1/4 mile is nothing. I have gone over a mile with mine and maintained live video feed so he is likely watching and recording you shoot it down. You will be responsible for the cost of the drone and any emotional damages he may suffer. It will be brought up that the property is yours...the airspace above is not yours.
skbinks's Avatar
For Reference:

I'm not a lawyer and I have no idea how accurate that article is but drones are considered aircraft and it is illegal to shot at an aircraft (non-updated laws probably). You own the airspace above your property up to 500 feet (some say 300 or 400 so not sure).

I have a thought (this is not advice and just me thinking with my fingers), it is still illegal but might be harder to prove. Get or make a short range radio jammer. The next time it gets close to your house, jam the signal then when it hits the ground.........
Slitlikr's Avatar
No offense, but I think this is the most stupid thread that's been in the legal forum for quite awhile. Your questions can be answered with a simple google search. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Been there, done that Google search. Lots of conflicting opinions as far as Texas is concerned.

The one thing I discovered and would like to believe is that drone pilots can be fined for unauthorized encroachment over private property.

That being said, can I shoot it down legally?

I hope you don't think it's stupid when some asshole hovers a drone over your head at your house. I originally thought the whole notion was absurd until it happened to me.

Now I'm pissed and the next chance I get, that toy will feel a load of 2 shot from my 12 ga.

What would you do?
skbinks's Avatar
Wouldn't it be easier for you to pick up the phone and call the FAA? It sounds like you are going to ignore the reputable sources that say you can't.

1st things first, F looking at Texas law. Unless and until laws change, NO State, which includes Texas the last I looked, has any jurisdiction whatsoever that can allow you to shoot down a drone and can not pass a law that would, period, it is FAA ruled (Federal).

Have you seen ANYTHING on the internet that says it is okay that came from what is probably a reputable source? Quit looking at the sources that are probably NOT reputable. Everything I find, the FAA says it is a federal law that says you can't shoot a drone.


I'm done googling for you, you are welcome. Just do a google search for "faa shooting a drone", then call to get your answer.
1 (866) 835-5322
Federal Aviation Administration, Customer service
Slitlikr's Avatar
Wouldn't it be easier for you to pick up the phone and call the FAA? It sounds like you are going to ignore the reputable sources that say you can't.

1st things first, F looking at Texas law. Unless and until laws change, NO State, which includes Texas the last I looked, has any jurisdiction whatsoever that can allow you to shoot down a drone and can not pass a law that would, period, it is FAA ruled (Federal).

Have you seen ANYTHING on the internet that says it is okay that came from what is probably a reputable source? Quit looking at the sources that are probably NOT reputable. Everything I find, the FAA says it is a federal law that says you can't shoot a drone.


I'm done googling for you, you are welcome. Just do a google search for "faa shooting a drone", then call to get your answer.
1 (866) 835-5322
Federal Aviation Administration, Customer service Originally Posted by skbinks

I'm sure they would be all over this case.
The VA is really on top of things lately.
FAA must be just as responsive.

Stay tuned. I'll let you know what happens after I recover the mangled hardware.
This is kinda like shooting a dog because it wanders in your yard.
skbinks's Avatar

I'm sure they would be all over this case.
The VA is really on top of things lately.
FAA must be just as responsive.

Stay tuned. I'll let you know what happens after I recover the mangled hardware. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
You didn't say you were looking to have LE step in, you were asking if you could legally shoot it down so calling the FAA or LE for a yes no answer isn't that big of a deal.

You any good with a sling shot? You never said how close you were to any other residences or if you were in the city limit where you could be in even more trouble for discharging a firearm within city limits or hurting someone else. Not sure, but you "might" get in less trouble with something besides a fire arm. Of course if you wanted to be totally legal, get a lawyer and let them get a cease and desist order, or whatever it is they do.

BTW, I'd probably use a 22 with a small load round. A lot quieter.