With the Influx of Educated and Financially Stable Women entering...

Not only can other women expect competition from the latter, but now this.

But, I have a feeling the type of men attracted to these women, are a different breed than the others...

The escort scene is no longer considered as taboo... no more than bdsm, see... how the media & culture is riding that trend.

Society is all about trends

What makes me laugh & at the same time disappoints and confounds me...

Some of the so called highly educated women... *ahem* ivy league ...open themselves up to a world of trouble, by pretty much seeing anyone who will pay their high fees.

Smell trouble, anyone??

Is it so much of a surprise, that you learn ...that yes, they do end up being mistreated, abused, etc by the type of weirdos that lurk in these places, looking for opportunities like this. A woman charging say 1k an hour is going to be desperate for clients, and willing to see anyone who can pay it.

Wait.... you attended an ivy league, spent your parents money on that upper level of education ...to end up in that position??

Where oh did where ...did our educational system go wrong?!!

I'm totally confused. It doesn't make any sense to me.

Further, I see these so called gainfully employed women willing to see anyone with dough ....so, you have the freedom to be able to see only those you find attractive, but you choose to let Annyone touch you?

Something's not right with this picture.

Apparently, being educated and actually having intelligence are on the entirely different
ends of the spectrum.

P.s Should we label this don't send your kids to any kind of public education? miseducation...
Yer purdy. Yup.

Love, All the Guys on ECCIE.
Bobave's Avatar
Apparently, being educated and actually having intelligence are on the entirely different ends of the spectrum. Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
^^^^ This ^^^^
Well its a good thing you are hot. You at least have that going for you. You hit it on the head about education and intelligence not necessarily going hand in hand. The problem is, well, you were talking about yourself.

Notice these coherent, connected sentences that I am writing? Sentences, that when taken as a whole, form a complete and comprehensible message? Try that sometime. You might like it.

Your post made no sense whatsoever aside from conveying your disdain for women who are ostensibly educated, charge a high rate - and in your vaunted opinion, lack adequate screening. I am still breathlessly waiting for the "now this" that you hinted at in the first line of your pseudo prose stream of consciousness rant.
I tried really hard to not make any assumptions towards op. And I agree that education does not equate to common sense. Picking up a d!ck is great but to be able to pick up a d!ck and a book is impressive. Let's not blanket all the educated women in this field.
Yer purdy. Yup.

Love, All the Guys on ECCIE. Originally Posted by PDid
And PDid's apparently very sweet.
Well its a good thing you are hot. You at least have that going for you. You hit it on the head about education and intelligence not necessarily going hand in hand. The problem is, well, you were talking about yourself.

Notice these coherent, connected sentences that I am writing? Sentences, that when taken as a whole, form a complete and comprehensible message? Try that sometime. You might like it.

Your post made no sense whatsoever aside from conveying your disdain for women who are ostensibly educated, charge a high rate - and in your vaunted opinion, lack adequate screening. I am still breathlessly waiting for ...... your (next) pseudo prose stream of consciousness rant. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
She does this shit all the time. Dropping some seemingly provocative and long-winded cryptic message that only "intellectuals", like her, can understand. She hardly ever returns to discuss any of her "interesting" topics.... and frankly, she's not all that hot!!

I've lost interest in her long ago but, I'm glad others are seeing what I saw....

Sabrina dear, you're boring.... and not doing yourself or, any of us, any favors by posting here.... go look down your nose somewhere else!!
Wakeup's Avatar
With the Influx of Educated and Financially Stable Women entering... Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Links to show this, please...
OMG lol women can be educated now?! Yippee! Now I can go to court reportin' school and make something of myself. Will I have to raise my rates and stop screening, though? This is really confusing. I'd better go lie down. All this thinking is hurting my pretty little head.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm wondering how she knows who others will and won't see?
chicagoboy's Avatar
This is really confusing. I'd better go lie down. All this thinking is hurting my pretty little head. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
You poor thing! Would you like an anal-gesic?
Well. Excuse you. You may have only meant to insult well educated women, women with high rates, or those doing this for survival, but you did a pretty good job of covering the whole scene. I think I sometimes almost got a point out of it, but... I just couldn't get beyond the overall tone.

At least you're not auctioning off a clients information this time. More discrete diatribes are definitely the way to go, and I didn't even have to go to an Ivy League college to get that...
Why do you think IVY league ladies are dumb enough to not screen. They are smart and would know better. This is a hate post, it makes no sense like we're missing a bit of the puzzle. You might be referring to someone or just rambling, who knows.
I am not even sure where to start with this. My first thought is the OP may be experiencing some feelings of inadequacy. Her (At least I believe it is a her) post seemed to be broadly derogatory. Let me see if I can, without returning aggression, address these concerns.

Not only can other women expect competition from the latter, but now this.

But, I have a feeling the type of men attracted to these women, are a different breed than the others... Yes, Different types of men are attracted to different types of women. Intelligent men that seek intelligent conversation are more likely to prefer a lady that is educated.

The escort scene is no longer considered as taboo... no more than bdsm, see... how the media & culture is riding that trend. You need to re-evaluate your research. BDSM is becoming acceptable to a certain degree, however there is no evidence to support even a hypothesis that escorting is considered any less taboo.

Society is all about trends

What makes me laugh & at the same time disappoints and confounds me...

Some of the so called highly educated women... *ahem* ivy league ...open themselves up to a world of trouble, by pretty much seeing anyone who will pay their high fees.
Again, I implore you to do a little more research. A high donation request does not mean intelligent nor educated and vice versa. Not all claims to educated and intelligent are truthful. I appreciate your concern for these ladies.

Smell trouble, anyone??

Is it so much of a surprise, that you learn ...that yes, they do end up being mistreated, abused, etc by the type of weirdos that lurk in these places, looking for opportunities like this. A woman charging say 1k an hour is going to be desperate for clients, and willing to see anyone who can pay it.
To me this sounds as if you hold a distaste for all providers/escorts as well as their clients. I am sorry you feel this way. You should know that, no matter how careful one screens or how rigorous one is about selecting the clients that are suitable, there is always the possibility of a violent contender slipping in. Much like dating in the real world, or picking up a stranger at the bar, not everyone is who they present themselves to be. You cannot, with confidence and proof, state a lady whom charges 1k an hour is desperate for clients. Assuming she is educated and intelligent, she is likely aware of the location she needs to be in and the places to advertise to acquire the clients she desires. Understand the lady whom charges 200 for the hour loses 6 hours of her day to make the same amount. (more if she is inclined to do more than a 10 minute clean up between)
Wait.... you attended an ivy league, spent your parents money on that upper level of education ...to end up in that position??
Educated or not any women can and may end up in "that position" Be it desperate or with a violent, uncaring, man in her bedroom. This is not limited to escorts.
Where oh did where ...did our educational system go wrong?!!

I'm totally confused. It doesn't make any sense to me.

Further, I see these so called gainfully employed women willing to see anyone with dough ....so, you have the freedom to be able to see only those you find attractive, but you choose to let Annyone touch you?
At this point, I quite hope you are not a provider. This sounds a breath self loathing, if so. Again, a flaw in this statement. You are making broad statements. The only thing I can fathom that is bringing this sort of fallible reasoning is misinformation. If you are making your assessments off of media related programs, such as "cathouse" and the "human trafficking" documentaries, I fear you are being heavily misled. I would recommend, before attempting a theory, you work off your hypothesis and do some direct research. Contact 50 to 500 proven educated and expensive women and convince them to allow you to interview them. You can then form your experiment with control groups of "uneducated and expensive" and "uneducated and inexpensive" I would also toss in "educated an inexpensive" just to round off the experiment. Make sure you use the same amount and span the varying locations to ascertain a more accurate finished product. Once you have completed the broad experiment you can move into theory and wait to see if anyone else wishes to do the experiment. At that point you can move your theory into fact.
Something's not right with this picture.

Apparently, being educated and actually having intelligence are on the entirely different
ends of the spectrum.
I agree. Being educated does not mean being intelligent. It is up to the individuals capabilities and perseverance to be considered intelligent. One can easily pay the money and sit in the class yet learn nothing at all.

P.s Should we label this don't send your kids to any kind of public education? miseducation...
I thought we were discussing college education and providers? Is your concern that general public education causes expensive yet desperate providers? Forgive me I am not seeing the connection. It looks like a broad leap without any factual basis.
Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
My end assessment of this post is that the young lady is either a provider and lacks the confidence she can keep up with the educated and pricier women in the industry or, She has a very misinformed opinion that lacks any factual foundation.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Well its a good thing you are hot. You at least have that going for you. You hit it on the head about education and intelligence not necessarily going hand in hand. The problem is, well, you were talking about yourself.

Notice these coherent, connected sentences that I am writing? Sentences, that when taken as a whole, form a complete and comprehensible message? Try that sometime. You might like it.

Your post made no sense whatsoever aside from conveying your disdain for women who are ostensibly educated, charge a high rate - and in your vaunted opinion, lack adequate screening. I am still breathlessly waiting for the "now this" that you hinted at in the first line of your pseudo prose stream of consciousness rant. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
My words exactly.