The Senile Biden Crime Family business dealings are shaping up to be “one of the greatest corruption scandals in the history of Washington”

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That says it all.

Legal scholar Jon Turley believes the Senile Biden Crime Family business dealings are shaping up to be “one of the greatest corruption scandals in the history of Washington” while reacting to Archer’s testimony.

Despite the left’s claims of ‘no evidence of wrongdoing’ by Senile Biden the facts speak for themselves.

1. Devon Archer confirmed Senile Biden was on 20+ calls with Hunter about business.

2. Hunter Biden himself confirmed multiple times on his ‘laptop from hell’ that his father was getting paid for his overseas business deals (10% for the big guy)

3. Senile Biden bragged about getting Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired, the same man Burisma paid Senile Biden $5M to fire according to the FD-1023 form.

Connect the dots. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist.

The only people in America who that don't recognize the crimes committed by Senile Biden would have to be low information partisan leftists who either are too busy kissing Senile Biden's ass or are just not smart enough to understand actual facts to know the truth. Of course, it also doesn't help when you have the corrupt DNC media brainwashing the low information leftists. But thankfully they are in the minority as the latest polls show that 60% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Senile Biden has been part of an illegal cover-up to hide his involvement in his son Hunter’s foreign business deals.
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Just look at this sentence from the NY Times. Even they have been forced to admit the truth after repeating and defending Senile Biden's lies for years now

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Senile Biden faced detailed questioning about his corrupt family business dealings a month before the 2020 election.

How did Senile Biden respond?
Come clean?
Tell the truth?

127 seconds straight of pure unadulterated LIES.

Watch Senile Biden deliver lie after lie after lie:

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It’s Year 5 Of The Biden Crime Family Coverup

A truism that came out of the Watergate scandal is that often the coverup is worse than the crime. But that is not the case in the unraveling Bidengate scandal. The alleged crime here is so bad that it is probably the worst ever committed by an American president.

Yet the coverup should be studied, too. It deserves superlatives for its longevity, inventiveness, and sheer audacity. The strategy has been simple: deny, deflect, destroy. Deny the facts. Deflect with distractions, and when all else fails, work tirelessly to destroy Trump, who was among the first to raise questions about the Biden family’s shady dealings. At Year 5, it may be the most successful coverup in modern history, especially since so many of the facts have been in plain sight for the entire time.

So what exactly is Bidengate? A decade-long influence-peddling scheme that saw Joe Biden, the former vice president, using his son Hunter as a conduit for millions of dollars in payoffs from foreign entities in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere in exchange for favorable treatment. The most famous instance of this scheme was the millions of dollars paid to Hunter Biden for his role as a board member of the corrupt Burisma energy company in Ukraine. Even Hunter acknowledged that his only qualification for being on the board was his last name.

Trading on one’s name to gain employment is not a crime in itself, but using your father’s public office to influence U.S. policy is definitely against the law – especially when the clout is used to protect your corrupt foreign employer.

That’s just what happened in March of 2016 when Vice President Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine if prosecutor general Viktor Shokin were not immediately fired. Biden even bragged about this escapade a few years later when he told the story to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Much more
matchingmole's Avatar
One of the greatest nothingburgers in the history of Washington
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Tucker Carlson gets Devon Archer to drop the dime on Senile Biden

Tucker's Explosive Devon Archer Interview, Admits Joe 'Knew That Business Associates' Were On Call

Tucker begins by asking Archer if he thinks Hunter could have succeeded as well in his business endeavors if he was not the son of the vice president. Archer trod a little carefully at first, reflecting on Hunter's law school background but then admitted:

"The brand of Biden adds a lot of power when your dad's the Vice President."

Archer also confirmed "yes, I can definitely say that" then vice-president Biden knew there were officials in the room when he got on the speakerphone with Hunter Biden - the 20 or so times that Archer recalls

He also said that Hunter's ability to reach out during business meetings to the then-VP was the "pinnacle of power in DC".

"...if you're sitting with a business associate and hear the vice president's voice, that's prize enough...that's pretty impactful stuff," Archer continued, adding that it was "an abuse of soft power."
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"This is the Vice President...He's not allowed to be working on businesses with foreign governments while he's VP...But here he is." - Tucker Carlson highlighting a letter then-VP Joe Biden sent Devon Archer in 2011, Hunter Biden's longtime business partner.

"Right" - Archer

... Too right, mate...

... Surely been revealing this over in the Political forum
in me "award winning" thread.

... You are correct that history will remember the Bidens this way.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Indeed Salty, indeed.

And then there is this out today showing Senile Biden selling out America to China

Text messages given to FBI: Chinese wanted Biden family name to help acquire U.S. energy assets

Text messages provided to the FBI show that a Chinese energy conglomerate that struck a controversial deal in 2017 with Hunter Biden began its pursuit of a relationship with the future first family back in late 2015 when Joe Biden was still vice president, hoping to seize on the name of one of America’s most famous political dynasties to provide cover for its ambitious plan to buy up energy assets inside the United States.
The text messages obtained by Just the News provide fresh evidence that the Biden family name and "influence" were key to foreign clients like CEFC in communist China.

It also corroborates bombshell testimony earlier this week to Congress from another of Hunter Biden's business partners Devon Archer, who claim Hunter Biden and Joe Biden came as a "brand" package to help foreign clients seeking influence.
Over the next two years, the Chinese energy deal would evolve into some of the most infamous moments of the Biden family scandals that were becoming publicly known from the Hunter's abandoned laptop and the reporting of news organizations ranging from The Washington Post to the New York Post. Those include:

* Ye would meet with Hunter Biden and gift him with a 3-carat diamond mto the future first son in February 2017.

* Joe Biden also met with CEFC officials, according to an FBI interview report of Rob Walker made public by IRS whistleblowers in their testimony to Congress

* Emails from Bobulinski would reference a deal involving “the big guy” and a possible 10 percent share of the deal for Joe Biden.

* Hunter Biden would send a stinging message to a CEFC executive demanding payment in summer 2017, even suggesting that his father was standing beside him as he sent the angry message.

* Hunter Biden would set up an office in Washington DC for the venture and ask that keys be made for his father, mother and uncle as well as one of the CEFC “emissaries” from China.
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Crystal clear that Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business

Just in case it wasn’t clear what Hunter Biden was doing when he put his dad, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on the speakerphone during business meetings, even Hunter’s former business partner Devon Archer calls it an “abuse of soft power.”

According to designated Democratic apologist Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), Joe Biden had no idea who was on the speakerphone in Paris or Dubai or Lake Como, or wherever it was that Hunter introduced his father to shady foreigners who were showering him with millions of dollars and lavish gifts like a $50,000 Hublot watch, which Archer says Hunter got from the Ukrainians.

No, the VP would just talk about “the weather” after Hunter introduced him to “Vadym” or “Nikolai” or whoever. He wasn’t talking about balance sheets or where to place the oil rigs, so that makes it quite OK.

Seriously, whom does Goldman think he’s kidding?

Archer was careful choosing his words to the Oversight Committee on Monday and in a subsequent interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Facing a one-year prison sentence over a fraud conviction, Archer has been bombarded with death threats since news broke that he was cooperating with congressional investigators. The father of three has tried to tell the truth while trying to survive at the center of a brutal tug-of-war between Congress and the White House.

But no matter how desperately Democrats and their media handmaidens try to spin Archer’s testimony, he has changed the game.

As he told Carlson, it’s “categorically false” that Joe Biden had no role in his son’s business or knowledge of it: “He was aware of Hunter’s business. He met with Hunter’s business partners.”

Now Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence operation is undeniable, despite his nearly three-year litany of lies.

Even while being scrupulously careful, Archer’s testimony was damning.

He described how Joe was “the brand” of his family “business” and was used to send “signals” of power, access and influence, whether on speakerphone or meeting in person. There were dinners at Café Milano in Washington, DC, with Hunter’s benefactors from Ukraine, Russia and China, breakfasts at the vice presidential residence in DC, handshakes on the sidelines of Beijing meetings. Ultimately, it was this access to VP Biden that sent millions of dollars flowing into Biden family coffers.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Most people work 50 years to save a nest egg the size of what these crooked pieces of shit get handed to them for doing nothing.
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah. The Senile Biden Crime Family has never produced any product or service their entire lives.

But they’ve made a fortune off selling the power and influence of Senile Biden, because Senile Biden is The Brand.