ISO Newyork NY/ NewJersey NJ review boards?

I will be traveling to NY/NJ area regularly for a few months due do work related schedules. How I wish I could be in Dallas!!!

But rather sadly, I will have to be in the NY/NJ area. So what are the review boards for that area? Eccie has practically no info on NY/NJ. Any recommendations or suggestions as to what review boards to use there or what review boards are popular there? I will be going there in about 2 or 3 days. So would really appreciate if I can get some recommendation/advice!! Thanks.
Madame X's Avatar
There is plenty of fun to be had in NY TER is quite lively up here.

~Mme X~
Thanks Madam X for the reply.
Any folks with info for review boards like Eccie over in NY/NJ? If you do not want to post publicly,you can PM me. Thanks.