People to avoid

pretty sure this one is real, gave her the benefit of the doubt when I shouldn't have. def don't trust her on an outcall and i'm sure not in person as well.


, but only to distract you long enough for her friend to break in your vehicle and rob ya blind.


just a little public service announcement

The more ya know... ��
We need more posts like this.
What happened with the first one she has been on my radar for awhile.
which one phat
The slut me out Saturday chick. The Aquafina she sometimes goes by.
This one. Did you have an encounter. I have had this one on my radar for awhile.
promised an outcall, asked for gas money. semi trusted her cause i've been trying to see her for a minute, so have been talking, but just never got schedules lined up. so i was pretty sure she is real, but definitely reposted her ad as soon as she got the gas #. i immediately switched numbers and she said she wasn't busy and told me to come to her hotel. so she's not too smart either. I decided i might get myself in trouble if i went there all pissed off. maybe she real and decent, I just don't much trust blatant thieves and like i say she stupid cause she cross the wrong one and give her address 2 mins later, just a matter of time til karma catches up