Providers and hobbyist how hard is it to stop and could you stop if you had too

Yodamaster's Avatar
Question to all how hard Is it to get out of this hobby? For the hobbyist I know its hard but how about the providers? Have you ever wanted to stop and guys how much money do you think you spent on the hobby? Do you think there is a end in sight or do you just keep chasing the dragon?
Well since I have a RL income as well as an education.. it wouldnt be hard. But i do enjoy meeting new people.. love the passion, intimacy, and being able to broaden my horizons <giggle>.. with NO strings attached!
When i find someone worthy of dating then ill stop.. until then.. THIS IS WAY TOO MUCH FUN !
Hercules's Avatar
Once you find another interest it's a helluva lot easier then ya think.
Guest062512's Avatar
I guess I need to find another interest, then.
Red Tex's Avatar
When my waitress at bucks asked me what I had spent over the last 12 months, and I figured $2500 a month between girls and tabs, I knew u should slowdown.

So I have cut it back over $1000 a month now.
Once you find another interest it's a helluva lot easier then ya think. Originally Posted by Hercules
Indeed. I stop every time I have a solid girlfriend and don't miss it whatsoever. I've come and gone for years at a time too, not just short stints.
Hercules's Avatar
Indeed. I stop every time I have a solid girlfriend and don't miss it whatsoever. I've come and gone for years at a time too, not just short stints. Originally Posted by Vitruvian
Wasn't even another woman (or women). Some things are more tangible and as a smarter person then I once told me...pussy is gone in a flash.
JohnJohn's Avatar
Once you find another interest it's a helluva lot easier then ya think. Originally Posted by Hercules
But...but, this IS my other interest
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Once you find another interest it's a helluva lot easier then ya think. Originally Posted by Hercules
Why are you still here then? I really don't mean that confrontationally. I've come and gone myself over the years. But, I've never had the urge go away. Thus, here I am on a Sunday evening.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I also quit this when I get with a new girlfriend. But I have found relationships don't last near as long and I don't try near as hard to make them work. I have a new found zero tolerance for bullshit. Maybe because I know I will be back before long when it doesn't work out again. But I don't miss the hobby when I'm gone.

If I ever find a lady I can put up with I won't do this anymore.

Maybe I should say if I ever find a lady that can put up with me... that would probably be the honest way to say it.

I avg I would say 1k in hobby a month. And spend twice that in a relationship. But I would say I get 3x more pussy with a girlfriend than I do when I play with providers.
Hercules's Avatar
Why are you still here then? I really don't mean that confrontationally. I've come and gone myself over the years. But, I've never had the urge go away. Thus, here I am on a Sunday evening. Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
Cuz watching a perpetual train wreck is fun.
Red Tex's Avatar
I also quit this when I get with a new girlfriend. But I have found relationships don't last near as long and I don't try near as hard to make them work. I have a new found zero tolerance for bullshit.
One of the greatest benefits of the hobby!

I avg I would say 1k in hobby a month. And spend twice that in a relationship. But I would say I get 3x more pussy with a girlfriend than I do when I play with providers.
But how long do the relationships last? There is always that spike in the beginning!
LovingKayla's Avatar
You never catch the dragon. I like that south park episode too.

If you are new to the hobby and wonder if you will be sucked (no pun) in, my advice is to RUN AWAY as fast as you can and never look back. But if you'd like to stick around, you'll be surprised how much fun it is.

Blubba's Avatar
It is possible to stop. I've taken a break myself and haven't seen a provider in a couple of months now. Of course I'm getting laid on a regular basis in the real world, and have meaningful pursuits to keep myself entertained. If any of that changes, I may be back...
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Of course I could stop - I have a college education and a lot of work experience. But I'd rather not simply because aside from the money, I have a great time