Inventor of mRNA therapeutics has something to say...

texassapper's Avatar
I'm sure all the amateur virologists on here will explain why this guy is wrong...

Ro of 8 means one person infects 8 others on average. A ro of 8 is about the same as chickenpox.

So vaxxed may fare better than unvaxxed, but the vaxxed are spreading Covid Delta more...

He left out one.

What about us that had Covid, and then took the shots?
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2021, 07:46 AM
I'm sure all the amateur virologists on here will explain why this guy is wrong...

Ro of 8 means one person infects 8 others on average. A ro of 8 is about the same as chickenpox.

So vaxxed may fare better than unvaxxed, but the vaxxed are spreading Covid Delta more...

Originally Posted by texassapper
Good. Hopefully you’ll take his advice into account and wear a N95 mask and social distance when appropriate. Ro is an initial measurement of how infectious the virus is, when there are no mitigation efforts (like masks) and no one has been vaccinated. I read a few weeks back that R in the UK where the Delta variant predominated was 1.4. Presumably it will fall below 1 as more people are infected and vaccinated (including booster shots)

Amateur Virologist Tiny
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2021, 07:48 AM
He left out one.

What about us that had Covid, and then took the shots? Originally Posted by Jackie S
You’re better protected than anybody. If I were you I’d still take booster shots when recommended because there’s so little downside.

Amateur Virologist Tiny
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2021, 07:53 AM
Tiny - thank you - reasonable post.

I agree with personal choice in vaccination mask wearing.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Please I beg you read "The Truth about covid " ///I agree about chose but should be based in facts not a Narrative
bambino's Avatar
You’re better protected than anybody. If I were you I’d still take booster shots when recommended because there’s so little downside.

Amateur Virologist Tiny Originally Posted by Tiny
You’re not him. Or anyone else. And have no business suggesting medics advice to anyone.

Or were you being sarcastic?
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2021, 09:58 AM
You’re not him. Or anyone else. And have no business suggesting medics advice to anyone.

Or were you being sarcastic? Originally Posted by bambino
Nope, that was just a fact jack. If you have conflicting medical advice please post it here.
So if I'm reading this right, the vaccinated are the superspreaders and are the danger to the nonvaccinated. At least with the Delta Variant.

The 50-60% efficiency rate is what I'm reading elsewhere. The initial rates were "lab" rates and there's little advertisement of what the current rates are.

Just get a "booster" and keep wearing a mask seems the mantra for the 2020s.
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2021, 11:25 AM
So if I'm reading this right, the vaccinated are the superspreaders and are the danger to the nonvaccinated. At least with the Delta Variant.

The 50-60% efficiency rate is what I'm reading elsewhere. The initial rates were "lab" rates and there's little advertisement of what the current rates are.

Just get a "booster" and keep wearing a mask seems the mantra for the 2020s. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Change "are the" to "are among the" and you're spot on. There are lots of us out there who would be in the hospital if we hadn't gotten the vaccine. Instead we're walking around coughing and sniffling or asymptomatic.

Like I said in the Greg Abbott thread, I honestly hope you don't get too sick when you get it, if you haven't gotten it already.

The 50% to 60% would be how effective the mRNA vaccines are in preventing infection now. They started out at 95%, but that has fallen as time has passed since the injections and as the Delta variant has taken hold. I believe you already know that.
Change "are the" to "are among the" and you're spot on. There are lots of us out there who would be in the hospital if we hadn't gotten the vaccine. Instead we're walking around coughing and sniffling or asymptomatic.

Like I said in the Greg Abbott thread, I honestly hope you don't get too sick when you get it, if you haven't gotten it already.

The 50% to 60% would be how effective the mRNA vaccines are in preventing infection now. They started out at 95%, but that has fallen as time has passed since the injections and as the Delta variant has taken hold. Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm in all likelihood am not getting it. I've been exposed for a year and a half. There's no need for me to expose others to multiple strains of the virus by getting vaccinated and keeping Fauci in power. That's what my understanding of "leaky vaccine" means.
playerplano's Avatar
I have questions about bullet point number 5 ?

I have seen nothing that said vaccinated people have worse symptoms, hospitalizations or deaths ?
Your understanding seems to be off. The vaccine doesn’t cause you to get the disease. In fact it affords some protection from actually getting the disease (let’s call it 50% better than no vaccine at all) and further decreases the chance of major illness and death (let’s call that 90%). What it doesn’t do is stop you from spreading the disease to others in the case you contract the disease.

Compare that to someone without any vaccine, that person can more easily contract the disease, have a higher likelihood of major illness as a result and retains the same opportunity for spreading the disease to others.

Simply put, you and those around you are far better off when you are vaccinated. And if the people you’re around are vaccinated as well all of you are better protected.
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2021, 11:45 AM
I'm in all likelihood am not getting it. I've been exposed for a year and a half. There's no need for me to expose others to multiple strains of the virus by getting vaccinated and keeping Fauci in power. That's what my understanding of "leaky vaccine" means. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Respectfully, getting an antibody test might be worth it if you're not getting the vaccine. At least you'd know. I think Lab Corp will do it without instructions from a doctor.

I've taken the flu vaccine every year for 20 years, which I think you pointed out is way less than 50% effective by the end of the flu season. And I haven't had the flu.
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2021, 11:48 AM
I have questions about bullet point number 5 ?

I have seen nothing that said vaccinated people have worse symptoms, hospitalizations or deaths ? Originally Posted by playerplano
Yeah, he worded that poorly. He intended to write something like "lower" instead of "better".