I know this must be an over site on the part on the ever vigilant Democrats in Washington...the most important thing now is undocumented claims not documented ones!!
I thought I would post this because SC started a thread about the subjugation of women and how furious he is about it...please weigh in SC...
I B Hankering's Avatar
I know this must be an over site on the part on the ever vigilant Democrats in Washington...the most important thing now is undocumented claims not documented ones!!
I thought I would post this because SC started a thread about the subjugation of women and how furious he is about it...please weigh in SC... Originally Posted by bb1961
The 911 calls documenting the abuse are also public, now.

(Front Page)
The outrage by the crowd in Washington is unbelievable.
I see the media is ALL over this story...LOL!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I hear it again ...
I hear it again ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your phone ringing...DNC calling for another donation!!
txdot-guy's Avatar
Maybe the difference is
One is elected and one is appointed.
One has term limits and one is for a lifetime.
They both need to be investigated.
Maybe the difference is
One is elected and one is appointed.
One has term limits and one is for a lifetime.
They both need to be investigated. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
So this is the reason the media isn't covering this??
Gotcha...just need convoluted clarification.
I guess the media see the need for investigation differently
than we do...Thank you sir.
txdot-guy's Avatar
So this is the reason the media isn't covering this??
Gotcha...just need convoluted clarification.
I guess the media see the need for investigation differently
than we do...Thank you sir. Originally Posted by bb1961

The Media is covering it. Do a quick google search for keith ellison and the three top links are to fox news, pioneer press, and the star tribune all within the last day.

The difference here is that Keith Ellison can be removed from office. If Kavanaugh is confirmed to the supreme court he could be there for the next 50 years.

I want a full investigation to clear him before that happens. Why don't you?
Hotrod511's Avatar
The Media is covering it. Do a quick google search for keith ellison and the three top links are to fox news, pioneer press, and the star tribune all within the last day.

The difference here is that Keith Ellison can be removed from office. If Kavanaugh is confirmed to the supreme court he could be there for the next 50 years.

I want a full investigation to clear him before that happens. Why don't you? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
So in your eyes he is guilty, I find that to be bias, just what are we going to clear him of, there has been no crime committed, when was he arrested, when did it happen, according to what's been said its all hear say which is not admissible in a court of law, this is nothing but a political stunt by the demorats to stall the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh period
txdot-guy's Avatar
I want a supreme court justice confirmed that's free from controversy, I want a supreme court justice that can pass with a full 60 votes. I find there is a credible accusation against him and I wan't it disproved before the confirmation goes forward. That's what I think most voters want. Mitch McConnell doesn't want to compromise. He just wants to win and he doesn't care who he pisses off to do it.
The outrage by the crowd in Washington is unbelievable.
I see the media is ALL over this story...LOL!! Originally Posted by bb1961

They are too busy still licking their chops at the prospect of torpedoing Kavenaugh to even give this the time of day.

Maybe the difference is
One is elected and one is appointed.
One has term limits and one is for a lifetime.
They both need to be investigated. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

That is true, one is elected, one is apponted. BUT the difference I See is that Kavenaugh's accuser has no evidence. WHERE AS the one against ellison DOES!.

The Media is covering it. Do a quick google search for keith ellison and the three top links are to fox news, pioneer press, and the star tribune all within the last day. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

And what's the key there. ALL 3 are conservative news groups. What BB is on about is "WHY IS NO OTHER media besides conservative ones, covering it"

The difference here is that Keith Ellison can be removed from office. If Kavanaugh is confirmed to the supreme court he could be there for the next 50 years. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

You do realize there IS a process for removal of a Sitting Scotus judge, similar to the one for impeaching the President..

I want a supreme court justice confirmed that's free from controversy, Originally Posted by txdot-guy

IF Trump nominates anyone, the left's going to do SOMETHING< to make 'controversy' swirl around them.
The Media is covering it. Do a quick google search for keith ellison and the three top links are to fox news, pioneer press, and the star tribune all within the last day.

The difference here is that Keith Ellison can be removed from office. If Kavanaugh is confirmed to the supreme court he could be there for the next 50 years.

I want a full investigation to clear him before that happens. Why don't you? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
What is your idea of a full seem that now some democrats are calling this face for what it is.
Since you are doing searches...look it up!!
So the Ellison investigation by the media on the same level as the Moore investigation in Alabama was...since they are both elected positions??IJS
I want a supreme court justice confirmed that's free from controversy, I want a supreme court justice that can pass with a full 60 votes. I find there is a credible accusation against him and I wan't it disproved before the confirmation goes forward. That's what I think most voters want. Mitch McConnell doesn't want to compromise. He just wants to win and he doesn't care who he pisses off to do it. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Credible...please attach links to credible accusation!!!
OMG...nothing could be farther from the truth.
The accuser has to prove their case not to other way around.SMFH
In America that is jurisprudence.