We Don't Need No Fiscal Responsibility

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Neither party seems to want to actually balance the budget, as much as they talk about it. Who here is surprised? Not me.


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Everybody's all over Boxer and some other relatively unimportant threads. But this one, the real serious one, everybody ignores. Typical.

Maybe it's because it shows that Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin, and one side can't be "holier than thou" in this mess. C'mon you partisan hacks! Where's your righteous indignation?
joe bloe's Avatar
We are all frogs in the pot of water that's getting slowly hotter and hotter.

By the time its politically feasible to implement the drastic spending reductions that are necessary, it will be too late. We'll be financing the national debt at ten percent or more instead of two percent; that's GAME OVER.

Politicians are like doctors who write prescriptions for addictive drugs because that's what their patients want.

We have become addicted to deficit spending and there's no one willing to say no.