President To Sign NDAA

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, so much for his promise to veto this bill. Good-bye, freedom. Hello, police state.

I B Hankering's Avatar
"It's something so radical that it would have been considered crazy had it been pushed by the Bush administration," said Tom Malinowski of Human Rights Watch. "It establishes precisely the kind of system that the United States has consistently urged other countries not to adopt. At a time when the United States is urging Egypt, for example, to scrap its emergency law and military courts, this is not consistent."
Iaintliein's Avatar
Come now, are you surprised that the politician who once opined that we needed a "civilian security force" as well funded as the military would veto his dream bill? This is the same guy who envies the draconian power of the PRC's totalitarian regime, the same one who just in the last few days has said he's willing to bypass congress (hence the Constitution) and has not denied that he feels the nation has somehow "failed" him.

Comparisons to malignant narcissists of the past speak for themselves. . . except he isn't as snappy a dresser.

Where, oh where are the howling masses who couldn't imagine a country where the government could look at the library cards of suspected terrorists? Have they all moved to Canada as some promised?
well you guys need to keep your head down...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They'll come after you, too, Ekim.

What this means, when the President signs the bill, is that there is essentially no Constitution, no rights and no liberty. This gives the President more power than the King of England had in 1776. No due process, only the "suspicion" entirely at the whim of the President, that someone may be connected to terrorism. It means that America can no longer say "We are a free country" or "America is founded on the Rule of Law." We will become East Germany.

It means the War on Terror is over. The terrorists have won.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us." - Pogo
thought it was the Army that was after the terrorists.
I B Hankering's Avatar
thought it was the Army that was after the terrorists. Originally Posted by ekim008
"Ding, ding, ding, ding!!!" You managed to get part of one right! Care for a Sancho Panza cigar?
"Ding, ding, ding, ding!!!" You managed to get part of one right! Care for a Sancho Panza cigar? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Does it hurt to be that stupid?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is the biggest issue in the country, and those clowns at Fox don't even mention it? The rest of the debate is meaningless if the President can incarcerate citizens based on a suspicion not subject to judicial review, for an indefinite period of time. Once the President has that power, there is no freedom left.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This is the biggest issue in the country, and those clowns at Fox don't even mention it? The rest of the debate is meaningless if the President can incarcerate citizens based on a suspicion not subject to judicial review, for an indefinite period of time. Once the President has that power, there is no freedom left. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Gotta believe it will be declared unconstitutional at the first judicial challenge, but it is a shame someone has to go through hell in the mean time.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's appalling that anyone would think to legislate such tyranny. And it was bi-partisan! Both parties showed their true colors on this one. I sure hope the Court doesn't screw this one up.